- #ifndef CMARK_AST_H
- #define CMARK_AST_H
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "config.h"
- #include "node.h"
- #include "buffer.h"
- #include "chunk.h"
- #include "cmark.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #define REFMAP_SIZE 16
- #define MAX_LINK_LABEL_LENGTH 1000
- struct cmark_reference {
- struct cmark_reference *next;
- unsigned char *label;
- unsigned char *url;
- unsigned char *title;
- unsigned int hash;
- };
- typedef struct cmark_reference cmark_reference;
- struct cmark_reference_map {
- cmark_reference *table[REFMAP_SIZE];
- };
- typedef struct cmark_reference_map cmark_reference_map;
- struct cmark_doc_parser {
- struct cmark_reference_map *refmap;
- struct cmark_node* root;
- struct cmark_node* current;
- int line_number;
- cmark_strbuf *curline;
- };
- unsigned char *cmark_clean_autolink(chunk *url, int is_email);
- static inline cmark_node *cmark_make_link(cmark_node *label, unsigned char *url, unsigned char *title)
- {
- cmark_node* e = (cmark_node *)calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
- if(e != NULL) {
- e->type = CMARK_NODE_LINK;
- e->as.link.label = label;
- e->as.link.url = url;
- e->as.link.title = title;
- e->next = NULL;
- }
- return e;
- }
- static inline cmark_node* cmark_make_autolink(cmark_node* label, cmark_chunk url, int is_email)
- {
- return cmark_make_link(label, cmark_clean_autolink(&url, is_email), NULL);
- }
- static inline cmark_node* cmark_make_inlines(cmark_node_type t, cmark_node* contents)
- {
- cmark_node * e = (cmark_node *)calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
- if(e != NULL) {
- e->type = t;
- e->first_child = contents;
- e->next = NULL;
- }
- return e;
- }
- // Create an inline with a literal string value.
- static inline cmark_node* cmark_make_literal(cmark_node_type t, cmark_chunk s)
- {
- cmark_node * e = (cmark_node *)calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
- if(e != NULL) {
- e->type = t;
- e->as.literal = s;
- e->next = NULL;
- }
- return e;
- }
- // Create an inline with no value.
- static inline cmark_node* cmark_make_simple(cmark_node_type t)
- {
- cmark_node* e = (cmark_node *)calloc(1, sizeof(*e));
- if(e != NULL) {
- e->type = t;
- e->next = NULL;
- }
- return e;
- }
- // Macros for creating various kinds of simple.
- #define cmark_make_str(s) cmark_make_literal(CMARK_NODE_STRING, s)
- #define cmark_make_code(s) cmark_make_literal(CMARK_NODE_INLINE_CODE, s)
- #define cmark_make_raw_html(s) cmark_make_literal(CMARK_NODE_INLINE_HTML, s)
- #define cmark_make_linebreak() cmark_make_simple(CMARK_NODE_LINEBREAK)
- #define cmark_make_softbreak() cmark_make_simple(CMARK_NODE_SOFTBREAK)
- #define cmark_make_emph(contents) cmark_make_inlines(CMARK_NODE_EMPH, contents)
- #define cmark_make_strong(contents) cmark_make_inlines(CMARK_NODE_STRONG, contents)
- #define make_link cmark_make_link
- #define make_autolink cmark_make_autolink
- #define make_str cmark_make_str
- #define make_code cmark_make_code
- #define make_raw_html cmark_make_raw_html
- #define make_linebreak cmark_make_linebreak
- #define make_softbreak cmark_make_softbreak
- #define make_emph cmark_make_emph
- #define make_strong cmark_make_strong
- #define make_simple cmark_make_simple
- #define make_literal cmark_make_literal
- #define make_inlines cmark_make_inlines
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif