path: root/js/lib/inlines.js
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2015-01-08 10:21:30 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-01-09 10:15:23 -0800
commite564e0af5c2f7b9732e89707655068e507579a89 (patch)
treea9908e1340ce4cf3f1bfd73d85db844151966423 /js/lib/inlines.js
parent6b8f1433347557076140afb35ef4d9f036a658f9 (diff)
Use linked list instead of arrays for AST.
Use the same doubly linked node structure that cmark uses. The primary advantages of this change are (a) simplified code, especially in the renderers, and (b) elimination of the need for recursion, so we can render deeply-nested structures without a stack overflow. A node walker has also been added, for easy AST traversal. * Added js/lib/node.js for nodes. Includes a node walker. * All modules updated to use node structures. * Regularized position information into pos property. * Performance is slightly worse than before, but only marginally, and no doubt there are more optimizations that can be done.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/lib/inlines.js')
1 files changed, 121 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/js/lib/inlines.js b/js/lib/inlines.js
index ef7a00f..23b2b1e 100644
--- a/js/lib/inlines.js
+++ b/js/lib/inlines.js
@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ var normalizeReference = function(s) {
+var text = function(s) {
+ var node = new Node('Text');
+ node.c = s;
+ return node;
// These are methods of an InlineParser object, defined below.
@@ -123,9 +129,9 @@ var spnl = function() {
// in the subject. If they succeed in matching anything, they
// return the inline matched, advancing the subject.
-// Attempt to parse backticks, returning either a backtick code span or a
+// Attempt to parse backticks, adding either a backtick code span or a
// literal sequence of backticks.
-var parseBackticks = function(inlines) {
+var parseBackticks = function(block) {
var ticks = this.match(/^`+/);
if (!ticks) {
return 0;
@@ -133,37 +139,42 @@ var parseBackticks = function(inlines) {
var afterOpenTicks = this.pos;
var foundCode = false;
var matched;
+ var node;
while (!foundCode && (matched = this.match(/`+/m))) {
if (matched === ticks) {
- inlines.push({ t: 'Code', c: this.subject.slice(afterOpenTicks,
- this.pos - ticks.length)
- .replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ')
- .trim() });
+ node = new Node('Code');
+ node.c = this.subject.slice(afterOpenTicks,
+ this.pos - ticks.length)
+ .replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ')
+ .trim();
+ block.appendChild(node);
return true;
// If we got here, we didn't match a closing backtick sequence.
this.pos = afterOpenTicks;
- inlines.push({ t: 'Text', c: ticks });
+ block.appendChild(text(ticks));
return true;
// Parse a backslash-escaped special character, adding either the escaped
// character, a hard line break (if the backslash is followed by a newline),
-// or a literal backslash to the 'inlines' list.
-var parseBackslash = function(inlines) {
+// or a literal backslash to the block's children.
+var parseBackslash = function(block) {
var subj = this.subject,
pos = this.pos;
+ var node;
if (subj.charCodeAt(pos) === C_BACKSLASH) {
if (subj.charAt(pos + 1) === '\n') {
this.pos = this.pos + 2;
- inlines.push({ t: 'Hardbreak' });
+ node = new Node('Hardbreak');
+ block.appendChild(node);
} else if (reEscapable.test(subj.charAt(pos + 1))) {
this.pos = this.pos + 2;
- inlines.push({ t: 'Text', c: subj.charAt(pos + 1) });
+ block.appendChild(text(subj.charAt(pos + 1)));
} else {
- inlines.push({t: 'Text', c: '\\'});
+ block.appendChild(text('\\'));
return true;
} else {
@@ -172,22 +183,23 @@ var parseBackslash = function(inlines) {
// Attempt to parse an autolink (URL or email in pointy brackets).
-var parseAutolink = function(inlines) {
+var parseAutolink = function(block) {
var m;
var dest;
+ var node;
if ((m = this.match(/^<([a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*)>/))) { // email autolink
dest = m.slice(1, -1);
- inlines.push(
- {t: 'Link',
- children: [{ t: 'Text', c: dest }],
- destination: 'mailto:' + encodeURI(unescape(dest)) });
+ node = new Node('Link');
+ node.destination = 'mailto:' + encodeURI(unescape(dest));
+ node.appendChild(text(dest));
+ block.appendChild(node);
return true;
} else if ((m = this.match(/^<(?:coap|doi|javascript|aaa|aaas|about|acap|cap|cid|crid|data|dav|dict|dns|file|ftp|geo|go|gopher|h323|http|https|iax|icap|im|imap|info|ipp|iris|iris.beep|iris.xpc|iris.xpcs|iris.lwz|ldap|mailto|mid|msrp|msrps|mtqp|mupdate|news|nfs|ni|nih|nntp|opaquelocktoken|pop|pres|rtsp|service|session|shttp|sieve|sip|sips|sms|snmp|soap.beep|soap.beeps|tag|tel|telnet|tftp|thismessage|tn3270|tip|tv|urn|vemmi|ws|wss|xcon|xcon-userid|xmlrpc.beep|xmlrpc.beeps|xmpp|z39.50r|z39.50s|adiumxtra|afp|afs|aim|apt|attachment|aw|beshare|bitcoin|bolo|callto|chrome|chrome-extension|com-eventbrite-attendee|content|cvs|dlna-playsingle|dlna-playcontainer|dtn|dvb|ed2k|facetime|feed|finger|fish|gg|git|gizmoproject|gtalk|hcp|icon|ipn|irc|irc6|ircs|itms|jar|jms|keyparc|lastfm|ldaps|magnet|maps|market|message|mms|ms-help|msnim|mumble|mvn|notes|oid|palm|paparazzi|platform|proxy|psyc|query|res|resource|rmi|rsync|rtmp|secondlife|sftp|sgn|skype|smb|soldat|spotify|ssh|steam|svn|teamspeak|things|udp|unreal|ut2004|ventrilo|view-source|webcal|wtai|wyciwyg|xfire|xri|ymsgr):[^<>\x00-\x20]*>/i))) {
dest = m.slice(1, -1);
- inlines.push({
- t: 'Link',
- children: [{ t: 'Text', c: dest }],
- destination: encodeURI(unescape(dest)) });
+ node = new Node('Link');
+ node.destination = encodeURI(unescape(dest));
+ node.appendChild(text(dest));
+ block.appendChild(node);
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -195,10 +207,13 @@ var parseAutolink = function(inlines) {
// Attempt to parse a raw HTML tag.
-var parseHtmlTag = function(inlines) {
+var parseHtmlTag = function(block) {
var m = this.match(reHtmlTag);
+ var node;
if (m) {
- inlines.push({ t: 'Html', c: m });
+ node = new Node('Html');
+ node.c = m;
+ block.appendChild(node);
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -247,20 +262,8 @@ var scanDelims = function(cc) {
can_close: can_close };
-var Emph = function(ils) {
- return {t: 'Emph', children: ils};
-var Strong = function(ils) {
- return {t: 'Strong', children: ils};
-var Str = function(s) {
- return {t: 'Text', c: s};
// Attempt to parse emphasis or strong emphasis.
-var parseEmphasis = function(cc, inlines) {
+var parseEmphasis = function(cc, block) {
var res = this.scanDelims(cc);
var numdelims = res.numdelims;
@@ -271,12 +274,13 @@ var parseEmphasis = function(cc, inlines) {
this.pos += numdelims;
- inlines.push(Str(this.subject.slice(startpos, this.pos)));
+ var node = text(this.subject.slice(startpos, this.pos));
+ block.appendChild(node);
// Add entry to stack for this opener
this.delimiters = { cc: cc,
numdelims: numdelims,
- pos: inlines.length - 1,
+ node: node,
previous: this.delimiters,
next: null,
can_open: res.can_open,
@@ -302,28 +306,14 @@ var removeDelimiter = function(delim) {
-var removeGaps = function(inlines) {
- // remove gaps from inlines
- var i, j;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0 ; i < inlines.length; i++) {
- if (inlines[i] !== null) {
- inlines[j] = inlines[i];
- j++;
- }
- }
- inlines.splice(j);
-var processEmphasis = function(inlines, stack_bottom) {
+var processEmphasis = function(block, stack_bottom) {
"use strict";
var opener, closer;
var opener_inl, closer_inl;
var nextstack, tempstack;
var use_delims;
var contents;
- var emph;
- var i;
+ var tmp, next;
// find first closer above stack_bottom:
closer = this.delimiters;
@@ -350,8 +340,8 @@ var processEmphasis = function(inlines, stack_bottom) {
use_delims = closer.numdelims % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1;
- opener_inl = inlines[opener.pos];
- closer_inl = inlines[closer.pos];
+ opener_inl = opener.node;
+ closer_inl = closer.node;
// remove used delimiters from stack elts and inlines
opener.numdelims -= use_delims;
@@ -360,17 +350,18 @@ var processEmphasis = function(inlines, stack_bottom) {
closer_inl.c = closer_inl.c.slice(0, closer_inl.c.length - use_delims);
// build contents for new emph element
- contents = inlines.slice(opener.pos + 1, closer.pos);
- removeGaps(contents);
- emph = use_delims === 1 ? Emph(contents) : Strong(contents);
- // insert into list of inlines
- inlines[opener.pos + 1] = emph;
- for (i = opener.pos + 2; i < closer.pos; i++) {
- inlines[i] = null;
+ var emph = new Node(use_delims === 1 ? 'Emph' : 'Strong');
+ tmp = opener_inl.next;
+ while (tmp && tmp !== closer_inl) {
+ next = tmp.next;
+ tmp.unlink();
+ emph.appendChild(tmp);
+ tmp = next;
+ opener_inl.insertAfter(emph);
// remove elts btw opener and closer in delimiters stack
tempstack = closer.previous;
while (tempstack !== null && tempstack !== opener) {
@@ -381,18 +372,17 @@ var processEmphasis = function(inlines, stack_bottom) {
// if opener has 0 delims, remove it and the inline
if (opener.numdelims === 0) {
- inlines[opener.pos] = null;
+ opener_inl.unlink();
if (closer.numdelims === 0) {
- inlines[closer.pos] = null;
+ closer_inl.unlink();
tempstack = closer.next;
closer = tempstack;
} else {
closer = closer.next;
@@ -403,8 +393,6 @@ var processEmphasis = function(inlines, stack_bottom) {
- removeGaps(inlines);
// remove all delimiters
while (this.delimiters !== stack_bottom) {
@@ -445,18 +433,19 @@ var parseLinkLabel = function() {
return m === null ? 0 : m.length;
-// Add open bracket to delimiter stack and add a Str to inlines.
-var parseOpenBracket = function(inlines) {
+// Add open bracket to delimiter stack and add a text node to block's children.
+var parseOpenBracket = function(block) {
var startpos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
- inlines.push(Str("["));
+ var node = text('[');
+ block.appendChild(node);
// Add entry to stack for this opener
this.delimiters = { cc: C_OPEN_BRACKET,
numdelims: 1,
- pos: inlines.length - 1,
+ node: node,
previous: this.delimiters,
next: null,
can_open: true,
@@ -472,19 +461,21 @@ var parseOpenBracket = function(inlines) {
// IF next character is [, and ! delimiter to delimiter stack and
-// add a Str to inlines. Otherwise just add a Str.
-var parseBang = function(inlines) {
+// add a text node to block's children. Otherwise just add a text node.
+var parseBang = function(block) {
var startpos = this.pos;
this.pos += 1;
if (this.peek() === C_OPEN_BRACKET) {
this.pos += 1;
- inlines.push(Str("!["));
+ var node = text('![');
+ block.appendChild(node);
// Add entry to stack for this opener
this.delimiters = { cc: C_BANG,
numdelims: 1,
- pos: inlines.length - 1,
+ node: node,
previous: this.delimiters,
next: null,
can_open: true,
@@ -495,22 +486,21 @@ var parseBang = function(inlines) {
this.delimiters.previous.next = this.delimiters;
} else {
- inlines.push(Str("!"));
+ block.appendChild(text('!'));
return true;
// Try to match close bracket against an opening in the delimiter
// stack. Add either a link or image, or a plain [ character,
-// to the inlines stack. If there is a matching delimiter,
+// to block's children. If there is a matching delimiter,
// remove it from the delimiter stack.
-var parseCloseBracket = function(inlines) {
+var parseCloseBracket = function(block) {
var startpos;
var is_image;
var dest;
var title;
var matched = false;
- var link_text;
var i;
var reflabel;
var opener;
@@ -530,13 +520,13 @@ var parseCloseBracket = function(inlines) {
if (opener === null) {
// no matched opener, just return a literal
- inlines.push(Str("]"));
+ block.appendChild(text(']'));
return true;
if (!opener.active) {
// no matched opener, just return a literal
- inlines.push(Str("]"));
+ block.appendChild(text(']'));
// take opener off emphasis stack
return true;
@@ -544,15 +534,6 @@ var parseCloseBracket = function(inlines) {
// If we got here, open is a potential opener
is_image = opener.cc === C_BANG;
- // instead of copying a slice, we null out the
- // parts of inlines that don't correspond to link_text;
- // later, we'll collapse them. This is awkward, and could
- // be simplified if we made inlines a linked list rather than
- // an array:
- link_text = inlines.slice(0);
- for (i = 0; i < opener.pos + 1; i++) {
- link_text[i] = null;
- }
// Check to see if we have a link/image
@@ -597,13 +578,22 @@ var parseCloseBracket = function(inlines) {
if (matched) {
- this.processEmphasis(link_text, opener.previous);
- // remove the part of inlines that became link_text.
- // see note above on why we need to do this instead of splice:
- for (i = opener.pos; i < inlines.length; i++) {
- inlines[i] = null;
+ var node = new Node(is_image ? 'Image' : 'Link');
+ node.destination = dest;
+ node.title = title;
+ var tmp, next;
+ tmp = opener.node.next;
+ while (tmp) {
+ next = tmp.next;
+ tmp.unlink();
+ node.appendChild(tmp);
+ tmp = next;
+ block.appendChild(node);
+ this.processEmphasis(node, opener.previous);
+ opener.node.unlink();
// processEmphasis will remove this and later delimiters.
// Now, for a link, we also deactivate earlier link openers.
@@ -618,27 +608,23 @@ var parseCloseBracket = function(inlines) {
- inlines.push({t: is_image ? 'Image' : 'Link',
- destination: dest,
- title: title,
- children: link_text});
return true;
} else { // no match
this.removeDelimiter(opener); // remove this opener from stack
this.pos = startpos;
- inlines.push(Str("]"));
+ block.appendChild(text(']'));
return true;
// Attempt to parse an entity, return Entity object if successful.
-var parseEntity = function(inlines) {
+var parseEntity = function(block) {
var m;
if ((m = this.match(reEntityHere))) {
- inlines.push({ t: 'Text', c: entityToChar(m) });
+ block.appendChild(text(entityToChar(m)));
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -646,11 +632,11 @@ var parseEntity = function(inlines) {
// Parse a run of ordinary characters, or a single character with
-// a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string, adding to inlines.
-var parseString = function(inlines) {
+// a special meaning in markdown, as a plain string.
+var parseString = function(block) {
var m;
if ((m = this.match(reMain))) {
- inlines.push({ t: 'Text', c: m });
+ block.appendChild(text(m));
return true;
} else {
return false;
@@ -659,17 +645,15 @@ var parseString = function(inlines) {
// Parse a newline. If it was preceded by two spaces, return a hard
// line break; otherwise a soft line break.
-var parseNewline = function(inlines) {
+var parseNewline = function(block) {
var m = this.match(/^ *\n/);
if (m) {
- if (m.length > 2) {
- inlines.push({ t: 'Hardbreak' });
- } else if (m.length > 0) {
- inlines.push({ t: 'Softbreak' });
- }
+ var node = new Node(m.length > 2 ? 'Hardbreak' : 'Softbreak');
+ block.appendChild(node);
return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
- return false;
// Attempt to parse a link reference, modifying refmap.
@@ -731,9 +715,9 @@ var parseReference = function(s, refmap) {
// Parse the next inline element in subject, advancing subject position.
-// On success, add the result to the inlines list, and return true.
+// On success, add the result to block's children and return true.
// On failure, return false.
-var parseInline = function(inlines) {
+var parseInline = function(block) {
"use strict";
var c = this.peek();
if (c === -1) {
@@ -743,56 +727,57 @@ var parseInline = function(inlines) {
switch(c) {
case C_SPACE:
- res = this.parseNewline(inlines);
+ res = this.parseNewline(block);
- res = this.parseBackslash(inlines);
+ res = this.parseBackslash(block);
- res = this.parseBackticks(inlines);
+ res = this.parseBackticks(block);
- res = this.parseEmphasis(c, inlines);
+ res = this.parseEmphasis(c, block);
- res = this.parseOpenBracket(inlines);
+ res = this.parseOpenBracket(block);
case C_BANG:
- res = this.parseBang(inlines);
+ res = this.parseBang(block);
- res = this.parseCloseBracket(inlines);
+ res = this.parseCloseBracket(block);
- res = this.parseAutolink(inlines) || this.parseHtmlTag(inlines);
+ res = this.parseAutolink(block) || this.parseHtmlTag(block);
- res = this.parseEntity(inlines);
+ res = this.parseEntity(block);
- res = this.parseString(inlines);
+ res = this.parseString(block);
if (!res) {
this.pos += 1;
- inlines.push({t: 'Text', c: fromCodePoint(c)});
+ var textnode = new Node('Text');
+ textnode.c = fromCodePoint(c);
+ block.appendChild(textnode);
return true;
-// Parse s as a list of inlines, using refmap to resolve references.
-var parseInlines = function(s, refmap) {
- this.subject = s;
+// Parse string_content in block into inline children,
+// using refmap to resolve references.
+var parseInlines = function(block, refmap) {
+ this.subject = block.string_content.trim();
this.pos = 0;
this.refmap = refmap || {};
this.delimiters = null;
- var inlines = [];
- while (this.parseInline(inlines)) {
+ while (this.parseInline(block)) {
- this.processEmphasis(inlines, null);
- return inlines;
+ this.processEmphasis(block, null);
// The InlineParser object.