path: root/js/lib/inlines.js
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-01-15 20:05:35 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-01-15 21:40:59 -0800
commit067cab4cdc5f4d2aa268adffb7d111c3a04e46f0 (patch)
tree1f30a079634abfc1d1e327ddde5af99afd5239a0 /js/lib/inlines.js
parentaedb6ca8cffca7270700aaddcf82bf616030893c (diff)
Provide getters and setters for public properties of Node.
Everything else gets a name starting with an underscore and will be considered private. This will allow us to keep the API stable while changing the underlying data structure. And it will avoid exposing properties that have only an instrumental value in parsing.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/lib/inlines.js')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/js/lib/inlines.js b/js/lib/inlines.js
index f12e297..b9bf805 100644
--- a/js/lib/inlines.js
+++ b/js/lib/inlines.js
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ var reMain = /^[^\n`\[\]\\!<&*_]+/m;
var text = function(s) {
var node = new Node('Text');
- node.literal = s;
+ node._literal = s;
return node;
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ var parseBackticks = function(block) {
while (!foundCode && (matched = this.match(reTicks))) {
if (matched === ticks) {
node = new Node('Code');
- node.literal = this.subject.slice(afterOpenTicks,
+ node._literal = this.subject.slice(afterOpenTicks,
this.pos - ticks.length)
.trim().replace(reWhitespace, ' ');
@@ -198,16 +198,16 @@ var parseAutolink = function(block) {
if ((m = this.match(reEmailAutolink))) {
dest = m.slice(1, -1);
node = new Node('Link');
- node.destination = normalizeURI('mailto:' + dest);
- node.title = '';
+ node._destination = normalizeURI('mailto:' + dest);
+ node._title = '';
return true;
} else if ((m = this.match(reAutolink))) {
dest = m.slice(1, -1);
node = new Node('Link');
- node.destination = normalizeURI(dest);
- node.title = '';
+ node._destination = normalizeURI(dest);
+ node._title = '';
return true;
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ var parseHtmlTag = function(block) {
var node;
if (m) {
node = new Node('Html');
- node.literal = m;
+ node._literal = m;
return true;
} else {
@@ -353,19 +353,19 @@ var processEmphasis = function(block, stack_bottom) {
// remove used delimiters from stack elts and inlines
opener.numdelims -= use_delims;
closer.numdelims -= use_delims;
- opener_inl.literal =
- opener_inl.literal.slice(0,
- opener_inl.literal.length - use_delims);
- closer_inl.literal =
- closer_inl.literal.slice(0,
- closer_inl.literal.length - use_delims);
+ opener_inl._literal =
+ opener_inl._literal.slice(0,
+ opener_inl._literal.length - use_delims);
+ closer_inl._literal =
+ closer_inl._literal.slice(0,
+ closer_inl._literal.length - use_delims);
// build contents for new emph element
var emph = new Node(use_delims === 1 ? 'Emph' : 'Strong');
- tmp = opener_inl.next;
+ tmp = opener_inl._next;
while (tmp && tmp !== closer_inl) {
- next = tmp.next;
+ next = tmp._next;
tmp = next;
@@ -588,13 +588,13 @@ var parseCloseBracket = function(block) {
if (matched) {
var node = new Node(is_image ? 'Image' : 'Link');
- node.destination = dest;
- node.title = title || '';
+ node._destination = dest;
+ node._title = title || '';
var tmp, next;
- tmp = opener.node.next;
+ tmp = opener.node._next;
while (tmp) {
- next = tmp.next;
+ next = tmp._next;
tmp = next;
@@ -657,11 +657,11 @@ var parseString = function(block) {
var parseNewline = function(block) {
this.pos += 1; // assume we're at a \n
// check previous node for trailing spaces
- var lastc = block.lastChild;
- if (lastc && lastc.type() === 'Text') {
- var sps = reFinalSpace.exec(lastc.literal)[0].length;
+ var lastc = block._lastChild;
+ if (lastc && lastc.type === 'Text') {
+ var sps = reFinalSpace.exec(lastc._literal)[0].length;
if (sps > 0) {
- lastc.literal = lastc.literal.replace(reFinalSpace, '');
+ lastc._literal = lastc._literal.replace(reFinalSpace, '');
block.appendChild(new Node(sps >= 2 ? 'Hardbreak' : 'Softbreak'));
} else {
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ var parseReference = function(s, refmap) {
// On success, add the result to block's children and return true.
// On failure, return false.
var parseInline = function(block) {
- var res;
+ var res = false;
var c = this.peek();
if (c === -1) {
return false;
@@ -774,17 +774,17 @@ var parseInline = function(block) {
if (!res) {
this.pos += 1;
var textnode = new Node('Text');
- textnode.literal = fromCodePoint(c);
+ textnode._literal = fromCodePoint(c);
return true;
-// Parse string_content in block into inline children,
+// Parse string content in block into inline children,
// using refmap to resolve references.
var parseInlines = function(block, refmap) {
- this.subject = block.string_content.trim();
+ this.subject = block._string_content.trim();
this.pos = 0;
this.refmap = refmap || {};
this.delimiters = null;