path: root/js/lib/html-renderer.js
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2014-10-18 16:16:49 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2014-10-18 16:39:33 -0700
commitfb143fbc1705bb4d59b5d4ebbb5454866cf1b76c (patch)
tree1becd79cad3a3554197b2b66b5bdcd0b7b49952f /js/lib/html-renderer.js
parent3bd95fb5113d5e805556a124a3a4e84c43882adb (diff)
Use browserify to make js code more modular.
* Moved js library code to `js/lib`. * `js/stmd.js` is now generated from these files using browserify. * Factored out `html5-entities.js` and `from-code-point.js` from main js parsing code (which is now `index.js`). * Moved `js/markdown` to `js/bin`.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/lib/html-renderer.js')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/lib/html-renderer.js b/js/lib/html-renderer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a6063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/lib/html-renderer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags.
+var inTags = function(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing) {
+ var result = '<' + tag;
+ if (attribs) {
+ var i = 0;
+ var attrib;
+ while ((attrib = attribs[i]) !== undefined) {
+ result = result.concat(' ', attrib[0], '="', attrib[1], '"');
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contents) {
+ result = result.concat('>', contents, '</', tag, '>');
+ } else if (selfclosing) {
+ result = result + ' />';
+ } else {
+ result = result.concat('></', tag, '>');
+ }
+ return result;
+// Render an inline element as HTML.
+var renderInline = function(inline) {
+ var attrs;
+ switch (inline.t) {
+ case 'Str':
+ return this.escape(inline.c);
+ case 'Softbreak':
+ return this.softbreak;
+ case 'Hardbreak':
+ return inTags('br',[],"",true) + '\n';
+ case 'Emph':
+ return inTags('em', [], this.renderInlines(inline.c));
+ case 'Strong':
+ return inTags('strong', [], this.renderInlines(inline.c));
+ case 'Html':
+ return inline.c;
+ case 'Link':
+ attrs = [['href', this.escape(inline.destination, true)]];
+ if (inline.title) {
+ attrs.push(['title', this.escape(inline.title, true)]);
+ }
+ return inTags('a', attrs, this.renderInlines(inline.label));
+ case 'Image':
+ attrs = [['src', this.escape(inline.destination, true)],
+ ['alt', this.escape(this.renderInlines(inline.label))]];
+ if (inline.title) {
+ attrs.push(['title', this.escape(inline.title, true)]);
+ }
+ return inTags('img', attrs, "", true);
+ case 'Code':
+ return inTags('code', [], this.escape(inline.c));
+ default:
+ console.log("Unknown inline type " + inline.t);
+ return "";
+ }
+// Render a list of inlines.
+var renderInlines = function(inlines) {
+ var result = '';
+ for (var i=0; i < inlines.length; i++) {
+ result = result + this.renderInline(inlines[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Render a single block element.
+var renderBlock = function(block, in_tight_list) {
+ var tag;
+ var attr;
+ var info_words;
+ switch (block.t) {
+ case 'Document':
+ var whole_doc = this.renderBlocks(block.children);
+ return (whole_doc === '' ? '' : whole_doc + '\n');
+ case 'Paragraph':
+ if (in_tight_list) {
+ return this.renderInlines(block.inline_content);
+ } else {
+ return inTags('p', [], this.renderInlines(block.inline_content));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'BlockQuote':
+ var filling = this.renderBlocks(block.children);
+ return inTags('blockquote', [], filling === '' ? this.innersep :
+ this.innersep + filling + this.innersep);
+ case 'ListItem':
+ return inTags('li', [], this.renderBlocks(block.children, in_tight_list).trim());
+ case 'List':
+ tag = block.list_data.type == 'Bullet' ? 'ul' : 'ol';
+ attr = (!block.list_data.start || block.list_data.start == 1) ?
+ [] : [['start', block.list_data.start.toString()]];
+ return inTags(tag, attr, this.innersep +
+ this.renderBlocks(block.children, block.tight) +
+ this.innersep);
+ case 'ATXHeader':
+ case 'SetextHeader':
+ tag = 'h' + block.level;
+ return inTags(tag, [], this.renderInlines(block.inline_content));
+ case 'IndentedCode':
+ return inTags('pre', [],
+ inTags('code', [], this.escape(block.string_content)));
+ case 'FencedCode':
+ info_words = block.info.split(/ +/);
+ attr = info_words.length === 0 || info_words[0].length === 0 ?
+ [] : [['class','language-' +
+ this.escape(info_words[0],true)]];
+ return inTags('pre', [],
+ inTags('code', attr, this.escape(block.string_content)));
+ case 'HtmlBlock':
+ return block.string_content;
+ case 'ReferenceDef':
+ return "";
+ case 'HorizontalRule':
+ return inTags('hr',[],"",true);
+ default:
+ console.log("Unknown block type " + block.t);
+ return "";
+ }
+// Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep.
+var renderBlocks = function(blocks, in_tight_list) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i=0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
+ if (blocks[i].t !== 'ReferenceDef') {
+ result.push(this.renderBlock(blocks[i], in_tight_list));
+ }
+ }
+ return result.join(this.blocksep);
+// The HtmlRenderer object.
+function HtmlRenderer(){
+ return {
+ // default options:
+ blocksep: '\n', // space between blocks
+ innersep: '\n', // space between block container tag and contents
+ softbreak: '\n', // by default, soft breaks are rendered as newlines in HTML
+ // set to "<br />" to make them hard breaks
+ // set to " " if you want to ignore line wrapping in source
+ escape: function(s, preserve_entities) {
+ if (preserve_entities) {
+ return s.replace(/[&](?![#](x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8});|[a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31};)/gi,'&amp;')
+ .replace(/[<]/g,'&lt;')
+ .replace(/[>]/g,'&gt;')
+ .replace(/["]/g,'&quot;');
+ } else {
+ return s.replace(/[&]/g,'&amp;')
+ .replace(/[<]/g,'&lt;')
+ .replace(/[>]/g,'&gt;')
+ .replace(/["]/g,'&quot;');
+ }
+ },
+ renderInline: renderInline,
+ renderInlines: renderInlines,
+ renderBlock: renderBlock,
+ renderBlocks: renderBlocks,
+ render: renderBlock
+ };
+module.exports = HtmlRenderer;