path: root/js/lib/html-renderer.js
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2015-01-08 10:21:30 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-01-09 10:15:23 -0800
commite564e0af5c2f7b9732e89707655068e507579a89 (patch)
treea9908e1340ce4cf3f1bfd73d85db844151966423 /js/lib/html-renderer.js
parent6b8f1433347557076140afb35ef4d9f036a658f9 (diff)
Use linked list instead of arrays for AST.
Use the same doubly linked node structure that cmark uses. The primary advantages of this change are (a) simplified code, especially in the renderers, and (b) elimination of the need for recursion, so we can render deeply-nested structures without a stack overflow. A node walker has also been added, for easy AST traversal. * Added js/lib/node.js for nodes. Includes a node walker. * All modules updated to use node structures. * Regularized position information into pos property. * Performance is slightly worse than before, but only marginally, and no doubt there are more optimizations that can be done.
Diffstat (limited to 'js/lib/html-renderer.js')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/js/lib/html-renderer.js b/js/lib/html-renderer.js
index f6efe32..e7953cf 100644
--- a/js/lib/html-renderer.js
+++ b/js/lib/html-renderer.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// Helper function to produce content in a pair of HTML tags.
-var inTags = function(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing) {
- var result = '<' + tag;
+// Helper function to produce an HTML tag.
+var tag = function(name, attribs, selfclosing) {
+ var result = '<' + name;
if (attribs) {
var i = 0;
var attrib;
@@ -9,132 +9,207 @@ var inTags = function(tag, attribs, contents, selfclosing) {
- if (contents) {
- result = result.concat('>', contents, '</', tag, '>');
- } else if (selfclosing) {
- result = result + ' />';
- } else {
- result = result.concat('></', tag, '>');
- }
- return result;
-// Render an inline element as HTML.
-var renderInline = function(inline) {
- var attrs;
- switch (inline.t) {
- case 'Text':
- return this.escape(inline.c);
- case 'Softbreak':
- return this.softbreak;
- case 'Hardbreak':
- return inTags('br', [], "", true) + '\n';
- case 'Emph':
- return inTags('em', [], this.renderInlines(inline.children));
- case 'Strong':
- return inTags('strong', [], this.renderInlines(inline.children));
- case 'Html':
- return inline.c;
- case 'Link':
- attrs = [['href', this.escape(inline.destination, true)]];
- if (inline.title) {
- attrs.push(['title', this.escape(inline.title, true)]);
- }
- return inTags('a', attrs, this.renderInlines(inline.children));
- case 'Image':
- attrs = [['src', this.escape(inline.destination, true)],
- ['alt', this.renderInlines(inline.children).
- replace(/\<[^>]*alt="([^"]*)"[^>]*\>/g, '$1').
- replace(/\<[^>]*\>/g, '')]];
- if (inline.title) {
- attrs.push(['title', this.escape(inline.title, true)]);
- }
- return inTags('img', attrs, "", true);
- case 'Code':
- return inTags('code', [], this.escape(inline.c));
- default:
- console.log("Unknown inline type " + inline.t);
- return "";
- }
+ if (selfclosing)
+ result += ' /';
-// Render a list of inlines.
-var renderInlines = function(inlines) {
- var result = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < inlines.length; i++) {
- result = result + this.renderInline(inlines[i]);
- }
+ result += '>';
return result;
-// Render a single block element.
-var renderBlock = function(block, in_tight_list) {
- var tag;
- var attr;
+var renderNodes = function(block) {
+ var attrs;
var info_words;
- switch (block.t) {
- case 'Document':
- var whole_doc = this.renderBlocks(block.children);
- return (whole_doc === '' ? '' : whole_doc + '\n');
- case 'Paragraph':
- if (in_tight_list) {
- return this.renderInlines(block.children);
+ var tagname;
+ var walker = block.walker();
+ var event, node, entering;
+ var buffer = [];
+ var disableTags = 0;
+ var grandparent;
+ var out = function(s) {
+ if (disableTags > 0) {
+ buffer.push(s.replace(/\<[^>]*\>/g, ''));
} else {
- return inTags('p', [], this.renderInlines(block.children));
- }
- break;
- case 'BlockQuote':
- var filling = this.renderBlocks(block.children);
- return inTags('blockquote', [], filling === '' ? this.innersep :
- this.innersep + filling + this.innersep);
- case 'ListItem':
- var contents = this.renderBlocks(block.children, in_tight_list);
- if (/^[<]/.test(contents)) {
- contents = '\n' + contents;
+ buffer.push(s);
- if (/[>]$/.test(contents)) {
- contents = contents + '\n';
+ }
+ var esc = this.escape;
+ var cr = function() {
+ if (buffer.length > 0 && buffer[buffer.length - 1] !== '\n') {
+ out('\n');
- return inTags('li', [], contents, false).trim();
- case 'List':
- tag = block.list_data.type === 'Bullet' ? 'ul' : 'ol';
- attr = (!block.list_data.start || block.list_data.start === 1) ?
- [] : [['start', block.list_data.start.toString()]];
- return inTags(tag, attr, this.innersep +
- this.renderBlocks(block.children, block.tight) +
- this.innersep);
- case 'Header':
- tag = 'h' + block.level;
- return inTags(tag, [], this.renderInlines(block.children));
- case 'CodeBlock':
- info_words = block.info ? block.info.split(/ +/) : [];
- attr = (info_words.length === 0 || info_words[0].length === 0) ?
- [] : [['class', 'language-' + this.escape(info_words[0], true)]];
- return inTags('pre', [],
- inTags('code', attr, this.escape(block.string_content)));
- case 'HtmlBlock':
- return block.string_content;
- case 'ReferenceDef':
- return "";
- case 'HorizontalRule':
- return inTags('hr', [], "", true);
- default:
- console.log("Unknown block type " + block.t);
- return "";
-// Render a list of block elements, separated by this.blocksep.
-var renderBlocks = function(blocks, in_tight_list) {
- var result = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
- if (blocks[i].t !== 'ReferenceDef') {
- result.push(this.renderBlock(blocks[i], in_tight_list));
+ while (event = walker.next()) {
+ entering = event.entering;
+ node = event.node;
+ switch (node.t) {
+ case 'Text':
+ out(esc(node.c));
+ break;
+ case 'Softbreak':
+ out(this.softbreak);
+ break;
+ case 'Hardbreak':
+ out(tag('br', [], true));
+ cr();
+ break;
+ case 'Emph':
+ out(tag(entering ? 'em' : '/em'));
+ break;
+ case 'Strong':
+ out(tag(entering ? 'strong' : '/strong'));
+ break;
+ case 'Emph':
+ out(tag(entering ? 'strong' : '/strong'));
+ break;
+ case 'Html':
+ out(node.c);
+ break;
+ case 'Link':
+ if (entering) {
+ attrs = [['href', esc(node.destination, true)]];
+ if (node.title) {
+ attrs.push(['title', esc(node.title, true)]);
+ }
+ out(tag('a', attrs));
+ } else {
+ out(tag('/a'));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Image':
+ if (entering) {
+ if (disableTags == 0) {
+ out('<img src="' + esc(node.destination, true) +
+ '" alt="');
+ }
+ disableTags += 1;
+ } else {
+ disableTags -= 1;
+ if (disableTags == 0) {
+ if (node.title) {
+ out('" title="' + esc(node.title, true));
+ }
+ out('" />');
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Code':
+ out(tag('code') + esc(node.c) + tag('/code'));
+ break;
+ case 'Document':
+ break;
+ case 'Paragraph':
+ grandparent = node.parent.parent;
+ if (grandparent !== null &&
+ grandparent.t === 'List') {
+ if (grandparent.tight)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (entering) {
+ cr();
+ out(tag('p'));
+ } else {
+ out(tag('/p'));
+ cr();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'BlockQuote':
+ if (entering) {
+ cr();
+ out(tag('blockquote'));
+ cr();
+ } else {
+ cr();
+ out(tag('/blockquote'));
+ cr();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ListItem':
+ if (entering) {
+ out(tag('li'));
+ } else {
+ out(tag('/li'));
+ cr();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'List':
+ tagname = node.list_data.type === 'Bullet' ? 'ul' : 'ol';
+ if (entering) {
+ attr = (!node.list_data.start || node.list_data.start === 1) ?
+ [] : [['start', node.list_data.start.toString()]];
+ cr();
+ out(tag(tagname, attr));
+ cr();
+ } else {
+ cr();
+ out(tag('/' + tagname));
+ cr();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Header':
+ tagname = 'h' + node.level;
+ if (entering) {
+ cr();
+ out(tag(tagname));
+ } else {
+ out(tag('/' + tagname));
+ cr();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'CodeBlock':
+ info_words = node.info ? node.info.split(/ +/) : [];
+ attr = (info_words.length === 0 || info_words[0].length === 0)
+ ? [] : [['class', 'language-' + esc(info_words[0], true)]];
+ cr();
+ out(tag('pre') + tag('code', attr));
+ out(this.escape(node.string_content));
+ out(tag('/code') + tag('/pre'));
+ cr();
+ break;
+ case 'HtmlBlock':
+ cr();
+ out(node.string_content);
+ cr();
+ break;
+ case 'HorizontalRule':
+ cr();
+ out(tag('hr', [], true));
+ cr();
+ break;
+ case 'ReferenceDef':
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log("Unknown node type " + node.t);
- return result.join(this.blocksep);
+ return buffer.join('');
// The HtmlRenderer object.
function HtmlRenderer(){
return {
@@ -157,11 +232,7 @@ function HtmlRenderer(){
.replace(/["]/g, '&quot;');
- renderInline: renderInline,
- renderInlines: renderInlines,
- renderBlock: renderBlock,
- renderBlocks: renderBlocks,
- render: renderBlock
+ render: renderNodes