path: root/TODO
blob: a45b43b48ab0f949f2a5e6bddeeefa97987acd93 (plain)
  1. Input (last checked 2014-12-26 09:01):
  2. * Fix ambiguous use of blockquote.
  3. Example: several lists marked as blockquote either lack bibliography
  4. or is not quotes (e.g. page 22).
  5. * Extend credits to include authorship and licensing of layout.
  6. Processing:
  7. * use Header (not latex RawBlock) as header markup in section filter.
  8. * Refine bibliography regarding web sources and timestamp markup.
  9. <>
  10. * Add quote filter to adjust custom *"foreign"* and "*title*" markup.
  11. * Cap over-long titles in headers.
  12. * Consistently place page numbers at bottom.
  13. Content modelling:
  14. * Consider use typographic enhancement tunings:
  15. + icomma - avoid automagic space after comma (e.g. money amount).
  16. + ellipsis - ensure balanced space around ellipsis.
  17. + csquote (with explicit british: class ignored with polyglossia).
  18. Styling:
  19. * Curly quotes.
  20. * Use standardized layout for bibliography.
  21. * no quoting around origin link string.