- #!/bin/sh
- # Written by Francois Gouget, fgouget@free.fr
- # With many thanks to Daniel Martin and Falk Hueffner for their help
- # How to transfer cookies for root. See the sux_cookie_transfer variable
- # for options. Note that use-xauthority may not work if home directories
- # are on NFS. In such a case, change the default to copy-cookies.
- sux_root_cookie_transfer="c"
- usage()
- {
- echo "usage: `basename $0` [-m|-p|--preserve-environment]" >&2
- echo " [--display display]" >&2
- echo " [--no-cookies|--copy-cookies|--use-xauthority]" >&2
- echo " [--untrusted] [--timeout x]" >&2
- echo " [-] [username [command]]" >&2
- exit 2
- }
- ##
- # Process the sux options
- sux_su_opts=""
- sux_preserve=""
- sux_got_minus=0
- # "" -> default, n -> no-cookies, c -> copy-cookies, x -> use-xauthority
- sux_cookie_transfer=""
- sux_username=""
- sux_untrusted=""
- sux_timeout=""
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- do
- if [ "$sux_got_minus" = "1" ]
- then
- # Username follows "-"
- sux_username="$1"
- sux_su_opts="$sux_su_opts $1"
- shift
- # The remainder is the command to be executed
- break
- elif [ "$1" = "-" ]
- then
- # Last option before the username
- sux_su_opts="$sux_su_opts $1"
- sux_got_minus=1
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "-m" -o "$1" = "-p" -o "$1" = "--preserve-environment" ]
- then
- sux_preserve="1"
- sux_su_opts="$sux_su_opts $1"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "--display" ]
- then
- if [ $# -lt 2 ]
- then
- echo "--display takes a display name as an argument" >&2
- usage # exits
- fi
- export DISPLAY="$2"
- shift 2
- elif [ "$1" = "--no-cookies" ]
- then
- if [ -n "$sux_cookie_transfer" -a "$sux_cookie_transfer" != "n" ]
- then
- echo "--no-cookies is incompatible with --copy-cookies and --use-xauthority" >&2
- usage # exits
- fi
- sux_cookie_transfer="n"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "--copy-cookies" ]
- then
- if [ -n "$sux_cookie_transfer" -a "$sux_cookie_transfer" != "c" ]
- then
- echo "--copy-cookies is incompatible with --no-cookies and --use-xauthority" >&2
- usage # exits
- fi
- sux_cookie_transfer="c"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "--use-xauthority" ]
- then
- if [ -n "$sux_cookie_transfer" -a "$sux_cookie_transfer" != "x" ]
- then
- echo "--use-xauthority is incompatible with --no-cookies and --copy-cookies" >&2
- usage # exits
- fi
- sux_cookie_transfer="x"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "--untrusted" ]
- then
- sux_untrusted="untrusted"
- shift
- elif [ "$1" = "--timeout" ]
- then
- if [ $# -lt 2 ]
- then
- echo "--timeout takes a timeout in seconds" >&2
- usage # exits
- fi
- sux_timeout="timeout $2"
- shift 2
- elif [ "$1" = "-?" ]
- then
- usage # exits
- else
- # First non-option is the username
- sux_username="$1"
- sux_su_opts="$sux_su_opts $1"
- shift
- # The remainder is the command to be executed
- break
- fi
- done
- ##
- # Get rid of the simple case
- if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]
- then
- # If DISPLAY is not set we can take a shortcut...
- if [ -n "$sux_untrusted" -o -n "$sux_timeout" ]
- then
- echo "--untrusted and --timeout are only supported if DISPLAY is set" >&2
- usage #exits
- fi
- exec su $sux_su_opts "$@"
- fi
- ##
- # Do some option checking
- if [ -z "$sux_username" ]
- then
- sux_username="root"
- fi
- if [ -z "$sux_cookie_transfer" ]
- then
- if [ "$sux_username" = "root" ]
- then
- sux_cookie_transfer="$sux_root_cookie_transfer"
- else
- sux_cookie_transfer="c"
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$sux_cookie_transfer" = "x" -a "$sux_username" != "root" ]
- then
- echo "Only root can use --use-xauthority" >&2
- usage # exits
- fi
- ##
- # Create new cookies / retrieve the existing ones if necessary
- if [ -n "$sux_untrusted" -o -n "$sux_timeout" ]
- then
- if [ "$sux_cookie_transfer" != "c" ]
- then
- echo "--no-cookies/--use-xauthority are incompatible with --untrusted/--timeout" >&2
- usage #exits
- fi
- # Yeah, tempfile is a debian-specific command. Workarounds exist for
- # other machines. If you do use a workaround, be certain that said
- # workaround actually creates the new file, (via touch or similar) or
- # xauth (below) will produce a pointless warning message.
- sux_tmpfile=`tempfile -p sux`
- xauth -q -f $sux_tmpfile generate $DISPLAY . $sux_untrusted $sux_timeout
- sux_xauth_data=`xauth -f $sux_tmpfile nlist $DISPLAY`
- rm -f $sux_tmpfile
- fi
- ##
- # Build the command to restore the cookies in the su
- if [ "$sux_cookie_transfer" = "c" ]
- then
- # --copy-cookies case. We copy the cookie(s) using the xauth command.
- # If display is of the form "host:x.y" we may also need to get the
- # cookies for "host/unix:x.y".
- sux_unix_display=`echo $DISPLAY | sed -e 's#^\([a-zA-Z_.][a-zA-Z_.]*\):#\1/unix:#'`
- if [ "$DISPLAY" = "$sux_unix_display" ]
- then
- sux_unix_display=""
- fi
- # Get the cookies if we don't have them already
- if [ -z "$sux_xauth_data" ]
- then
- # Get the cookies. Note that we may need to
- sux_xauth_data=`xauth -q nlist $DISPLAY`
- if [ -n "$sux_unix_display" ]
- then
- sux_xauth_data="$sux_xauth_data `xauth -q nlist $sux_unix_display`"
- fi
- fi
- # We highjack the TERM environment variable to transfer the cookies to the
- # other user. We do this so that they never appear on any command line, and
- # because TERM appears to be the only environment variable that is not
- # reset by su. Then, as long as 'echo' is a shell builtin, these cookies
- # will never appear as command line arguments which means noone will be
- # able to intercept them (assuming they were safe in the first place).
- sux_term="TERM='$TERM'"
- # now we can store the script that will restore the cookies on the other
- # side of the su, in TERM!
- # Remove the old cookies. They may cause trouble if we transfer only one
- # cookie, e.g. an MIT cookie, and there's still a stale XDM cookie hanging
- # around.
- export TERM="xauth -q remove $DISPLAY 2>/dev/null;"
- if [ -n "$sux_unix_display" ]
- then
- TERM="$TERM xauth -q remove $sux_unix_display;"
- fi
- # Note that there may be more than one cookie to transfer, hence
- # this loop
- sux_i=0
- for sux_str in $sux_xauth_data
- do
- if [ $sux_i -eq 0 ]
- then
- TERM="$TERM echo $sux_str"
- else
- TERM="$TERM $sux_str"
- fi
- sux_i=`expr $sux_i + 1`
- if [ $sux_i -eq 9 ]
- then
- TERM="$TERM | xauth nmerge - ;"
- sux_i=0
- fi
- done
- sux_xauth_cmd="eval \$TERM;"
- sux_xauthority=""
- elif [ "$sux_cookie_transfer" = "x" ]
- then
- # --use-xauthority case. For root we can simplify things and simply
- # access the original user's .Xauthority file.
- sux_term=""
- sux_xauth_cmd=""
- if [ -n "$XAUTHORITY" ]
- then
- sux_xauthority="XAUTHORITY='$XAUTHORITY'"
- else
- sux_xauthority="XAUTHORITY='$HOME/.Xauthority'"
- fi
- else
- # --no-cookies case. We just transfer $DISPLAY and assume the
- # target user already has the necessary cookies
- sux_term=""
- sux_xauth_cmd=""
- sux_xauthority=""
- fi
- ##
- # Marshall the specified command in an effort to support parameters that
- # contain spaces. This should be enough to get commands like
- # 'xterm -title "My XTerm"' to work.
- sux_cmd=""
- if [ $# -gt 0 ]
- then
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- do
- sux_cmd="$sux_cmd \"$1\""
- shift
- done
- elif [ "`basename $0`" = "suxterm" ]
- then
- # Start an xterm, useful for temporary cookies
- sux_cmd="xterm"
- else
- # If no command is specified, start a shell
- if [ $# -eq 0 ]
- then
- if [ "$sux_got_minus" = "1" ]
- then
- sux_cmd="sh -c \"exec -l \$SHELL\""
- else
- sux_cmd="\$SHELL"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ##
- # We would not want the other user to try and use our XAUTHORITY file. He
- # wouldn't have the proper access rights anyway...
- ##
- # --preserve-environment special case
- if [ -n "$sux_preserve" -a -n "$sux_xauth_cmd" ]
- then
- sux_home=`egrep "^$sux_username:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6`
- if [ -z "$sux_home" ]
- then
- echo "WARNING: --preserve-environment has been set, but no good value was found for XAUTHORITY, expect trouble" >&2
- else
- export XAUTHORITY="$sux_home/.Xauthority"
- fi
- fi
- ##
- # Execute su
- exec su $sux_su_opts -c "$sux_xauth_cmd \
- exec env $sux_xauthority $sux_term DISPLAY='$DISPLAY' $sux_cmd;"