path: root/localvideowebencode
blob: 630b58ca856960dbf8b05d8f6be1b69aefd0e564 (plain)
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # Origins:
  3. #
  4. #
  5. #
  6. # Possible flashplayers:
  7. #
  8. # TODO: offer to skip rendering again if an output file exist already
  9. # TODO: support --width and --height (resolving the other part from input/forced aspect ratio)
  10. # TODO: support --formats (comma-separated, to allow e.g. excluding webm even if supported)
  11. # TODO: add --speech option, using mono, lower audio rate, and (when solved how) speex
  12. set -e
  13. PRG=$(basename "$0")
  14. showhelp() {
  15. cat <<EOF
  16. Usage: $PRG [OPTION...] [--] [ARG=VALUE...] INPUTFILE... [ARG=VALUE...]
  17. Encode video file in multiple web-optimized formats, and provide sample
  18. html favoring open formats with optional non-JavaScript Flash fallback.
  19. -s, --size Output size (ffmpeg): WIDTHxHEIGHT vga qcif etc.
  20. (default: use input size)
  21. -a, --aspect Display Aspect Ratio in melt format e.g. @16/9
  22. (default: no aspect hinting)
  23. -b, --bitrate Bitrate in bytes, optionally ISO appreviated
  24. (default: 768k)
  25. -p, --profile Video format (melt): square_ntsc qcif_15 etc.
  26. (default: none - reuse input format)
  27. --h264profile MPEG-4 AVC target profile (baseline medium)
  28. (default: baseline)
  29. --stem Stem of output filenames, optionally with path
  30. (default: basename of last input file)
  31. -t, --title Title used in html fallback graphics
  32. (default: stem)
  33. -h, --help This help text
  34. Examples:
  35. $PRG -s qvga -t "Funny guy" intro.dv myvideo.dv
  36. $PRG -p sdi_486i_5994 --stem funny -t "Funny guy" myvideo.dv
  37. Options before input files are passed to melt producer, and after to
  38. melt avformat consumer.
  39. Defaults are optimized for 320x240 (qvga). For better quality use this:
  40. size: 640x480 (use lower numbers for widescreen!)
  41. bitrate: 1120k
  42. h264profile: baseline
  43. More info: <>
  44. <>
  45. <>
  46. EOF
  47. }
  48. exit1() {
  49. response="${1:+Error: }${1:-Internal error!}"
  50. echo >&2 "$response"
  51. exit 1
  52. }
  53. # defaults
  54. bitrate=768k
  55. h264profile=baseline
  56. # parse cmdline options
  57. TEMP="`getopt -s sh -o hs:a:b:p:t: -l help,size:,aspect:,bitrate:,profile:,h264profile:,stem:,title: -n "$PRG" -- "$@"`" || exit1 "Internal getopt error."
  58. eval set -- "$TEMP"
  59. while true ; do
  60. case "$1" in
  61. -h|--help) showhelp; exit;;
  62. -s|--size) size="$2"; shift 2;;
  63. -a|--aspect) aspect="$2"; shift 2;;
  64. -b|--bitrate) bitrate="$2"; shift 2;;
  65. -p|--profile) profile="$2"; shift 2;;
  66. --h264profile) h264profile="$2"; shift 2;;
  67. --stem) stem="$2"; shift 2;;
  68. -t|--title) title="$2"; shift 2;;
  69. --) shift; break;;
  70. *) exit1 "Internal error resolving options.";;
  71. esac
  72. done
  73. while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
  74. case "$1" in
  75. *=*) args_in="${args_in:+$args_in }$1"; shift;;
  76. *) break;;
  77. esac
  78. done
  79. while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
  80. case "$1" in
  81. *=*) args_out="${args_out:+$args_out }$1"; shift;;
  82. *) infiles="${infiles:+$infiles }$1"; shift;;
  83. esac
  84. done
  85. if [ -z "$infiles" ]; then
  86. showhelp
  87. exit1 "Too few parameters!"
  88. fi
  89. # input filename (mandatory)
  90. infile=$(perl -e 'print pop @ARGV' $infiles)
  91. [ -e "$infile" ] || exit1 "Input file missing!"
  92. # resolve stem and title (if not explicitly set)
  93. stem=${stem:-$(basename "$infile" | perl -pe 's/\.[^.]*//')}
  94. title=${title:-$stem}
  95. # TODO: Check and fail if all needed tools are not available
  96. # TODO: When verified beneficial, add option real_time=-2
  97. args_in="${profile:+-profile $profile}${args_in:+ $args_in}"
  98. args=" ${bitrate:+b=${bitrate}} ${size:+s=$size} ${aspect:+aspect=$aspect}"
  99. args_audio="ac=2 ar=44100 ab=96k"
  100. ## Theora/Vorbis/Ogg
  101. melt -group $args_in $infiles -group -consumer avformat:"$stem.ogg" f=ogg vcodec=libtheora $args acodec=libvorbis aq=25 $args_audio $args_out
  102. ## H.264/AAC/MP4
  103. melt -group $args_in $infiles -group -consumer avformat:/dev/null f=mp4 properties=x264-medium-$h264profile $args pass=1 an=1 fastfirstpass=1 $args_out
  104. melt -group $args_in $infiles -group -consumer avformat:"$stem.mp4" properties=x264-medium-$h264profile $args pass=2 acodec=libvo_aacenc $args_audio $args_out
  105. mv "$stem.mp4" "$stem.mp4"~
  106. qt-faststart "$stem.mp4"~ "$stem.mp4"
  107. [ -f "$stem.mp4" ] && rm "$stem.mp4"~ || exit1 "failed to optimize with qt-faststart."
  108. ## VP8/Vorbis/WebM
  109. # TODO: use two-pass when supported by melt
  110. melt -group $args_in $infiles -group -consumer avformat:"$stem.webm" properties=webm $args $args_audio $args_out
  111. ## JPEG preview
  112. ffmpegthumbnailer -s0 -i "$stem.mp4" -o "$stem.jpg"
  113. # resolve width and height from preview image
  114. size=$(jpeginfo "$stem.jpg" | perl -ane 'print "$F[1]x$F[3]"')
  115. width=$(echo "$size" | perl -Fx -ane 'print $F[0]')
  116. height=$(echo "$size" | perl -Fx -ane 'print $F[1]')
  117. heightplus=${height:+$(($height+4))}
  118. # TODO: resolve flash player to use
  119. [ -z "$flashplayer" ] || flash=yes
  120. cat >"$stem.html" <<EOF
  121. <!-- Video for Everybody, Kroc Camen of Camen Design -->
  122. <video width="$width" height="$height" preload controls>
  123. <source src="$stem.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
  124. <source src="$stem.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"' />
  125. <source src="$stem.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />
  126. ${flash:+<object width="$width" height="$heightplus" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="$flashplayer.swf">
  127. <param name="movie" value="$flashplayer.swf" />
  128. <param name="flashvars" value="image=$stem.jpg&amp;file=$stem.mp4" />
  129. }<img src="$stem.jpg" width="$width" height="$height" alt="$title"
  130. title="No video playback capabilities, please download the video below" />
  131. ${flash:+</object>
  132. }</video>
  133. <p><strong>Download Video:</strong>
  134. open format <a href="$stem.ogg">Ogg</a>,
  135. open format <a href="$stem.webm">WebM</a>,
  136. closed Format <a href="$stem.mp4">MP4</a>.
  137. </p>
  138. EOF