- #!/bin/sh
- # Copyright © 2010-2014 Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>
- # Description: Recode a video into web-optimized format(s)
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- #
- # Depends: libav-tools melt mediainfo
- #
- # TODO:
- # * Offer to skip rendering again if an output file exist already.
- # * Support --width and --height, resolving the other part from input
- # or forced aspect ratio.
- # * Drop $melt_recent flag when melt 0.9.2 is stable.
- # * Check and fail if all needed tools are not available.
- # * Test if beneficial to apply real_time=-2.
- # * Normalize each infile separately when xml fed as infile keeps sync.
- # Maybe as workaround re-feed audio separately from xml, as done at
- # <http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/74-ubuntu/214-ubuntu-stabilize-video-melt>.
- # * Resolve flash player to use.
- set -e
- PRG=$(basename "$0")
- showhelp() {
- cat <<EOF
- Usage: $PRG [OPTION...] [--] [ARG=VALUE...] INPUTFILE... [ARG=VALUE...]
- Encode video file in multiple web-optimized formats, and provide sample
- html favoring open formats with optional non-JavaScript Flash fallback.
- --video Video style:
- ref-bpp
- talkinghead 0.1
- action 0.15
- (default: none)
- -p, --profile Video frame size and optional rate, delimited by @
- except "p" labels: e.g. 848x480@25 480p25 wvga@25
- -s, --size Set video frame size:
- [modulus 16]
- 320x240 qvga
- 640x480 vga 480p 848x480 wvga
- 576p 1024x576 wsvga
- 1024x768 xga hd 720p 1280x720 wxga
- [modulus 8]
- 240p 424x240 wqvga
- 480x360 hvga nhd 360p 640x360
- 800x600 svga
- (default: use input size)
- -a, --aspect Display Aspect Ratio in melt format: e.g. @16/9
- (default: no aspect hinting)
- -r, --rate Video framerate: e.g. 25 1001/30000
- (default: use input framerate)
- --refbpp Reference bits-per-pixel relative to 360p30, for
- computing average bitrate when not fixed
- (default: 0.12)
- -b, --bitrate Fixed video bitrate in bytes: e.g. 768k 1M
- (default: none - use variable bitrate)
- --formats Containers and codecs to use, comma-separated:
- [container] [video codec] [audio codec]
- theora ogg Ogg Theora Vorbis
- vp8 webm WebM VP8 Vorbis
- vp9 WebM VP9 Opus
- h264 mp4 MPEG-4 H.264 AAC
- (default: webm,vp9,mp4)
- --audio Audio style:
- [channels] [limit] [Vorbis] [Opus] [AAC]
- music max 2 64k 64k audio 96k
- hqspeech 1 48k 32k voip 64k
- speech 1 X 48k 32k voip 64k
- silence 0
- (default: none - use channel count of first input)
- --audioprefilter Add audio filter before loudness
- --loudness Add EBU R128 loudness filter
- --loudness-data Add loudness filter, with precomputed results
- (default: none - compute results on-the-fly)
- --filter Add filter
- --stem Stem of output filenames, optionally with path
- (default: basename of first input)
- -t, --title Title used in html fallback graphics
- (default: stem)
- --sample Create only a 150 frames long sample
- --sample-start Create sample, starting at a specific frame
- (default: start at first frame)
- --sample-length Create sample of specified length, in frames
- (default: 150 frames i.e. approx. 5s)
- -h, --help This help text
- Examples:
- $PRG -s qvga -t "Funny guy" intro.dv myvideo.dv
- $PRG -p 480p15 --filter "grain noise=20" myvideo.dv
- Recommendations for best results:
- * Use square pixels, modulus 16, max. 480 width (qvga vga 480p 720p).
- * Try lower --ref-bpp while visually acceptable, or raise to max. 0.2.
- * Expand and compress noisy speech with ladspa.1075 and ladspa.1916.
- More info:
- <http://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody>
- <http://www.streaminglearningcenter.com/articles/configuring-your-streaming-video-(for-newbies).html>
- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_video>
- <http://www.penguinproducer.com/2012/01/ladspa-noise-removal/>
- <http://theproaudiofiles.com/mixing-vocals-dynamics-compression-limiting>
- <http://www.internetmarketingnotes.com/2010/07/free-embeddable-flash-video-flv-players-for-commercial-use/>
- }
- exit1() {
- response="${1:+Error: }${1:-Internal error!}"
- echo >&2 "$response"
- exit 1
- }
- # defaults
- formats=webm,vp9,mp4
- samplestart=0
- samplelength=150
- bitrate_variable=yes
- # parse cmdline options
- TEMP="`getopt -s sh -o hp:s:a:r:b:t: -l help,profile:,size:,aspect:,rate:,video:,refbpp:,bitrate:,formats:,audio:,audioprefilter:,loudness,loudness-data:,filter:,stem:,title:,sample,sample-start:,sample-length: -n "$PRG" -- "$@"`" || exit1 "Internal getopt error."
- eval set -- "$TEMP"
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -h|--help) showhelp; exit;;
- -p|--profile) profile="$2"; shift 2;;
- -s|--size) size="$2"; shift 2;;
- -a|--aspect) aspect="$2"; shift 2;;
- -r|--rate) framerate="$2"; shift 2;;
- --video) video="$2"; shift 2;;
- --refbpp) refbpp="$2"; shift 2;;
- -b|--bitrate) bitrate="$2"; bitrate_fixed=yes; bitrate_variable=; shift 2;;
- --formats) formats="$2"; shift 2;;
- --audio) audio="$2"; shift 2;;
- --audioprefilter) audioprefilters="${audioprefilters:+$audioprefilters }-filter $2"; shift 2;;
- --loudness) loudness=yes; shift;;
- --loudness-data) loudness=yes; loudness_data="$2"; shift 2;;
- --filter) filters="${filters:+$filters }-filter $2"; shift 2;;
- --stem) stem="$2"; shift 2;;
- -t|--title) title="$2"; shift 2;;
- --sample) sample=yes; shift;;
- --sample-start) sample=yes; samplestart="$2"; shift 2;;
- --sample-length) sample=yes; samplelength="$2"; shift 2;;
- --) shift; break;;
- *) exit1 "Internal error resolving options.";;
- esac
- done
- # Resolve if melt is version 0.9.2 or newer
- melt_recent=$(melt -query filter=loudness | grep -qi R128 && echo yes)
- # sanitize infiles
- infiles=$*
- infile_first=$(perl -e 'print pop @ARGV' $infiles)
- [ -e "$infile_first" ] || exit1 "Cannot read first input file \"$infile_first\"!"
- # resolve stem and title (if not explicitly set)
- stem=${stem:-$(basename "$infile_first" | perl -pe 's/\.[^.]*//')}
- title=${title:-$stem}
- # parse/resolve size and framerate
- case "$profile" in
- '') :;;
- *@*)
- while read s r foo; do
- profilesize="${size:-$s}"
- framerate="${framerate:-$r}"
- done << EOF
- $(echo "$profile" | perl -F@ -anE 'say join " ", @F')
- ;;
- *p*)
- while read s r foo; do
- profilesize="${size:-${s}p}"
- framerate="${framerate:-$r}"
- done << EOF
- $(echo "$profile" | perl -Fp -anE 'say join " ", @F')
- ;;
- *)
- profilesize="$profile"
- ;;
- esac
- size=${size:-$profilesize}
- case "$size" in
- qvga) size=320x240;;
- hvga) size=480x360;;
- vga) size=640x480;;
- svga) size=800x600;;
- xga) size=1024x768;;
- 240p|wqvga) size=424x240;;
- 360p|nhd) size=640x360;;
- 480p|wvga) size=848x480;;
- 576p|wsvga) size=1024x576;;
- 720p|wxga|hd) size=1280x720;;
- esac
- if [ -n "$size" ]; then
- while read w h foo; do
- width="${width:-$w}"
- height="${height:-$h}"
- done << EOF
- $(echo "$size" | perl -Fx -anE 'say join " ", @F')
- if [ -z "$width" ] || [ -z "$height" ]; then
- exit1 "Failed to parse size \"$size\"."
- fi
- fi
- case "$framerate" in
- */*)
- while read d n foo; do
- framerate_den="${framerate_den:-$d}"
- framerate_num="${framerate_num:-$n}"
- done << EOF
- $(echo "$framerate" | perl -Fx -anE 'say join " ", @F')
- ;;
- ?*)
- framerate_den=1
- framerate_num="$framerate"
- ;;
- esac
- # resolve input size and framerate (needed for computing bitrate)
- while read w h r foo; do
- width_in="${width_in:-$w}"
- height_in="${height_in:-$h}"
- framerate_in="${framerate_in:-$r}"
- done << EOF
- $(mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Width% %Height% %FrameRate%" "$infile_first")
- case "$video" in
- talkinghead)
- refbpp="${refbpp:-0.1}"
- x264tune=film
- ;;
- action)
- refbpp="${refbpp:-0.15}"
- x264tune=film
- ;;
- '')
- refbpp="${refbpp:-0.12}"
- ;;
- *) exit1 "Unknown video style \"$video\".";;
- esac
- for format in $(echo "$formats" | sed -e 's/,/ /g'); do
- case $format in
- theora|ogg) ogg=yes;;
- h264|mp4) mp4=yes;;
- vp8|webm) webm=yes;;
- vp9) vp9=yes;;
- *) exit1 "Unknown format \"$format\".";;
- esac
- done
- _width="${width:-$width_in}"
- _height="${height:-$height_in}"
- if [ -n "$_width" ] && [ -n "$_height" ]; then
- _pixels="$(($_width*$_height))"
- fi
- _frames="${framerate:-$framerate_in}"
- webmpreset=360p
- if [ -n "$_pixels" ] && [ $_pixels -ge $((1024*768)) ]; then
- webmpreset=720p
- if [ -n "$_frames" ] && [ $_frames -gt 40 ]; then
- webmpreset=720p50_60
- fi
- fi
- # compute average bitrate from reference data and "power of .75" rule
- bitrate_vp9="$bitrate"
- if [ -z "$bitrate" ] && [ -n "$_pixels" ] && [ -n "$_frames" ]; then
- bitrate=$(perl -E '$refsize=640*360;' \
- -E "say int( +(($_pixels/\$refsize)**0.75*\$refsize*$_frames*$refbpp) )")
- bitrate_vp9=$(perl -E "say int( $bitrate/2 )") #"
- fi
- # default per-codec-channel bitrates
- bitrate_vorbis=64
- bitrate_opus=64
- bitrate_aac=96
- channels=-1
- maxchannels=2
- case "$audio" in
- music)
- opusapp=audio
- ;;
- hqspeech)
- channels=1
- bitrate_vorbis=48
- bitrate_opus=32
- bitrate_aac=64
- opusapp=voip
- ;;
- speech)
- channels=1
- bitrate_vorbis=48
- bitrate_opus=32
- bitrate_aac=64
- compress=yes
- [ -z "$melt_recent" ] || _melt_loudness="$loudness_data"
- limit=yes
- opusapp=voip
- ;;
- silence)
- channels=0
- ;;
- '')
- :
- ;;
- *) exit1 "Unknown audio style \"$audio\".";;
- esac
- [ $channels -ge 0 ] || channels=$(avprobe -v warning -show_streams "$infile_first" | perl -ne 's/channels=// and print $_' || echo -1)
- [ $channels -le $maxchannels ] || channels=$maxchannels
- [ $channels -gt 0 ] || channels=
- melt="melt -progress"
- _melt_sample="$infile_first ${sample:+in=${samplestart:-0} out=$((${samplestart:-0} + samplelength))}"
- _melt_video="progressive=1${framerate:+ frame_rate_den="$framerate_den" frame_rate_num="$framerate_num"}${size:+ s=${width:+$width}x${height:+$height}}${aspect:+ aspect=$aspect}"
- _melt_ogg="$_melt_video f=ogg vcodec=libtheora${bitrate:+ vb=$bitrate}${bitrate_variable:+ qscale=5}"
- _melt_h264="$_melt_video f=mp4 vcodec=libx264 vpreset=medium vprofile=baseline${x264tune:+ tune=$x264tune}${bitrate_fixed:+ vb=$bitrate} threads=0 movflags=+faststart${bitrate_variable:+ crf=23}"
- _melt_webm="$_melt_video f=webm vcodec=libvpx vpreset=libvpx-$webmpreset${bitrate:+ vb=$bitrate}${bitrate_fixed:+ minrate=$bitrate maxrate=$bitrate}${bitrate_variable:+ crf=10} cpu-used=3"
- _melt_img="$_melt_video f=image2"
- # CRF ignored with libvpx 1.3
- _melt_vp9="$_melt_video f=webm vcodec=libvpx-vp9 vpreset=libvpx-$webmpreset${bitrate_vp9:+ vb=$bitrate_vp9}${bitrate_fixed:+ minrate=$bitrate_vp9 maxrate=$bitrate_vp9}${bitrate_variable:+ crf=10} cpu-used=5"
- _melt_audio="${channels:+ac=$channels}"
- # limit (i.e. avoid peaks "clipping")
- _melt_postfilters_audio="${limit:+-filter ladspa.1077}"
- _melt_vorbis="$_melt_audio acodec=libvorbis${channels:+ ab=$(($channels*$bitrate_vorbis))k}"
- _melt_opus="$_melt_audio acodec=libopus${channels:+ ab=$(($channels*$bitrate_opus))k}${bitrate_fixed:+ vbr=constrained}${opusapp:+ application=$opusapp}"
- _melt_aac="$_melt_audio acodec=aac${channels:+ ab=$(($channels*$bitrate_aac))k}"
- avconv="avconv -threads auto -y -v warning"
- _avconv_vp8="-c:v libvpx -pre:v libvpx-$webmpreset${bitrate:+ -b:v $bitrate}${bitrate_fixed:+ -minrate $bitrate -maxrate $bitrate}${bitrate_variable:+ -crf 10} -cpu-used 3"
- _avconv_vp9="-c:v libvpx-vp9 -pre:v libvpx-$webmpreset${bitrate_vp9:+ -b:v $bitrate_vp9}${bitrate_fixed:+ -minrate $bitrate_vp9 -maxrate $bitrate_vp9}${bitrate_variable:+ -crf 10} -cpu-used 5"
- # resolve EBU R128 audio normalizing
- if [ -n "$loudness" ] && [ -z "$_melt_loudness" ]; then
- echo "Analyzing loudness data..."
- $melt ${_melt_sample:-$infiles} $audioprefilters -filter loudness -consumer xml:$stem.xml $_melt_audio video_off=1 all=1
- _melt_loudness="$(perl -ne 'm!<property name="results">([^<]+)</property>! and print $1' $stem.xml)"
- echo "Loudness data: $_melt_loudness"
- fi
- if [ -n "$mp4" ] && [ -n "$bitrate_fixed" ]; then
- echo "Analyzing complexity for MPEG-4..."
- $melt ${_melt_sample:-$infiles} $filters \
- -consumer avformat:/dev/null pass=1 fastfirstpass=1 an=1 audio_off=1 $_melt_h264
- fi
- if [ -n "$webm$vp9" ]; then
- echo "Analyzing complexity for WebM..."
- $melt ${_melt_sample:-$infiles} $filters \
- -consumer avformat:pipe:1 $_melt_video f=yuv4mpegpipe pix_fmt=yuv420p an=1 audio_off=1 \
- | $avconv -i pipe:0 \
- ${webm:+-f rawvideo $_avconv_vp8 -an -pass 1 -passlogfile ${stem}_vp8 /dev/null} \
- ${vp9:+-f rawvideo $_avconv_vp9 -an -pass 1 -passlogfile ${stem}_vp9 /dev/null}
- [ -z "$webm" ] || mv -f ${stem}_vp8-*.log ${stem}_vp8_2pass.log
- [ -z "$vp9" ] || mv -f ${stem}_vp9-*.log ${stem}_vp9_2pass.log
- fi
- echo "Encoding video..."
- $melt ${_melt_sample:-$infiles} \
- ${channels:+$audioprefilters${_melt_loudness:+ -filter loudness results="$_melt_loudness"}} \
- $filters${channels:+ $_melt_postfilters_audio} \
- ${ogg:+-consumer avformat:$stem.ogv $_melt_ogg $_melt_vorbis} \
- ${mp4:+-consumer avformat:$stem.mp4${bitrate_fixed:+ pass=2} $_melt_h264 $_melt_aac} \
- ${webm:+-consumer avformat:$stem.webm $_melt_webm pass=2 passlogfile=${stem}_vp8 $_melt_vorbis} \
- ${vp9:+-consumer avformat:${stem}_vp9.webm pass=2 passlogfile=${stem}_vp9 $_melt_vp9 $_melt_opus}
- if [ -n "$mp4" ] && [ -z "$melt_recent" ]; then
- mv "$stem.mp4" "$stem.mp4"~
- qt-faststart "$stem.mp4"~ "$stem.mp4"
- [ -f "$stem.mp4" ] && rm "$stem.mp4"~ || mv -f "$stem.mp4"~ "$stem.mp4"
- fi
- # cleanup audio normalize hinting
- rm -f $stem.xml
- # JPEG preview
- $melt $infile_first in=0 out=0 \
- -group $filters \
- -consumer avformat:$stem.jpg $_melt_img
- __width="${_width:+ width=\"$_width\"}"
- __height="${_height:+ height=\"$_height\"}"
- # Flash object needs extra space for controllers
- __heightplus=${_height:+ height=\"$(($_height+4))\"}
- _source_ogg="<source src=\"$stem.ogv\" type=\"video/ogg\" />"
- _source_webm="<source src=\"$stem.webm\" type=\"video/webm\" />"
- _source_vp9="<source src=\"${stem}_vp9.webm\" type='video/ogg; codecs=\"vp9, opus\"' />"
- _source_mp4="<source src=\"$stem.mp4\" type=\"video/mp4\" />"
- [ -z "$flashplayer" ] || flash=yes
- [ -n "$mp4" ] || [ -z "$flash" ] || error1 "Cannot enable flash when mp4 format is disabled."
- _object_flash="<object$__width$__heightplus type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" data=\"$flashplayer.swf\">"
- _param_name="<param name=\"movie\" value=\"$flashplayer.swf\" />"
- _param_flashvars="<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"image=$stem.jpg&file=$stem.mp4\" />"
- __oggfile=${ogg:+open format <a href=\"$stem.ogv\">Ogg</a>}
- __webmfile=${webm:+open format <a href=\"$stem.webm\">WebM (VP8)</a>}
- __vp9file=${vp9:+open format <a href=\"${stem}_vp9.webm\">WebM (VP9/Opus)</a>}
- __mp4file=${mp4:+closed format <a href=\"$stem.mp4\">MPEG-4</a>}
- cat >"$stem.html" <<EOF
- <!-- Video for Everybody, Kroc Camen of Camen Design -->
- <video$__width$__height preload controls>
- ${mp4:+$_source_mp4
- }${vp9:+$_source_vp9
- }${webm:+$_source_webm
- }${ogg:+$_source_ogg
- }${flash:+$_object_flash
- $_param_name
- $_param_flashvars
- }<img src="$stem.jpg"$__width$__height alt="$title"
- title="No video playback capabilities, please download the video below" />
- ${flash:+</object>
- }</video>
- <p><strong>Download Video:</strong><ul>
- ${vp9:+<li>$__vp9file
- }${webm:+<li>$__webmfile
- }${ogg:+<li>$__oggfile
- }${mp4:+<li>$__mp4file
- }</ul></p>