- #!/usr/bin/perl -wT
- use strict;
- use LWP::Simple;
- use User::pwent;
- use User::grent;
- use Mail::Sendmail;
- sub getmailbody($;$) {
- my $info = shift;
- my $lang = shift || 'en';
- my $baseurl = "http://support.kaospilot.no/";
- my $url = $baseurl . $info . "/email." . $lang . ".txt";
- my $mailbody = get($url) || die "Couldn't get email content from <$url>.";
- return ($mailbody);
- }
- sub getuserinfo($) {
- my $username = shift;
- my $pw = getpwnam($username) || die "Username \"$username\" does not exist.";
- my ($fullname, $office, $workphone, $homephone, $other) = split /\s*,\s*/, $pw->gecos;
- my @addresshints;
- if (defined($other)) {
- @addresshints = grep {/^([\.[:alnum:]_-]+|\+)?@([\.[:alnum:]_-]+)?$/} split /\s+/, $other;
- }
- return ($fullname, @addresshints);
- }
- my $mailbody = getmailbody("intro", "da");
- while (my $username = shift @ARGV) {
- my ($fullname, @addresses) = getuserinfo($username);
- my $localaddress = "$username\@users.kaospilot.no";
- my %mail = (
- To => join(", ", grep {/^[\.[:alnum:]_-]+@[\.[:alnum:]_-]+\.[[:alnum:]_-]+$/} @addresses),
- Cc => $username . '@users.kaospilot.no',
- From => 'jonas@kaospilot.no',
- Bcc => 'hostmaster@kaospilot.no',
- 'Reply-to' => 'teknik@lists.kaospilot.no',
- Subject => "Din konto ved kaospilot.no",
- 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset="UTF-8"'
- );
- $mail{'body'} = $mailbody;
- $mail{'body'} =~ s/<fullname>/$fullname/g;
- $mail{'body'} =~ s/<username>/$username/g;
- $mail{'body'} =~ s/<addresses>/$localaddress/g;
- $mail{'body'} =~ s/<me>/Jonas Smedegaard/g;
- sendmail(%mail) or do {
- warn 'Error sending request: ' . $Mail::Sendmail::error;
- }
- #DEBUG warn "Request forwarded to Mailman. Log says:\n", $Mail::Sendmail::log;
- }
- __END__
- my $valid_email = '/^[+_A-Za-z0-9-]+(\.[+_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\.[A-Za-z0-9-]+)*(\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)$/';
- # Mail functions require this for tainted mode
- $ENV{PATH} = '/tmp';
- my ($from, $mailname, $action, $subject, $infostring, $errors);
- warn $ARGV[0];