#!/bin/bash # # This script creates the RAID, copies everything to the RAID and copies a new fstab, raidtab and lilo.conf to the RAID, and updates mbr on both harddrives in the RAID. # # The two harddrives used for the RAID should be partitioned as follows : first partition should be a primary swap partition. # The second partition should also be primary and take up the rest of the harddrive. Partitiontype must be fd (RAID autodetect) # # # Questions goes out to Klaus Agnoletti - klaus@xenux.dk # echo "making swapfs on partitions ..." mkswap /dev/hda1 mkswap /dev/hdc1 echo "starting RAID device .." mkraid --really-force /dev/md0 echo "making ext3 fs on RAID device.." mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0 echo "mounting RAID device on /mnt/newroot.." mount /dev/md0 /mnt/newroot echo "copying everything to RAID.." cd / find . -xdev | cpio -pm /mnt/newroot echo "copying new RAID enabled lilo.conf and fstab to RAID.." mv /mnt/newroot/etc/lilo.conf.raid /mnt/newroot/etc/lilo.conf mv /mnt/newroot/etc/fstab.raid /mnt/newroot/etc/fstab echo "running lilo with chroot option.." lilo -r /mnt/newroot