#!/usr/bin/perl # # /usr/local/sbin/localmarkdown2sms # Copyright 2009 Jonas Smedegaard # # Send series of messages through Kannel from simplified Markdown files # * Lines starting with "#" are "keywords" activating a message series # * write only a single word # * use each keyword only once across the whole system # * use only minuscles (not majuscles, i.e. CAPITAL LETTERS) # * Lines starting with "##" express pauses # * a pause is a number + a single letter, without spaces between # * a pause line can contain multiple pauses, separated by space # Suggestion for writing style: # # * Write explicitly how to activate next series # * pick keywords tied to nex series rather than the previous # * use same instruction jargon across all series in the system use strict; use warnings; use Env qw[$debug $info $warn $dummy $nosleep]; use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); use File::Spec; use File::Slurp; use Time::Duration::Parse; use Proc::Fork; use Encode; use LWP::UserAgent; use URI::Escape; my $sms_url = $ENV{SMS_URL} || "http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms"; my $sms_user = $ENV{SMS_USER} || "tester"; my $sms_pw = $ENV{SMS_PW} || "foobar"; my $sms_phone = $ENV{SMS_PHONE}; my (%file, %delay, %reply); my ($path) = shift @ARGV; my ($phone) = shift @ARGV; my ($key) = lc (shift @ARGV); if ($debug) { Log::Log4perl->easy_init($DEBUG); } elsif ($INFO) { Log::Log4perl->easy_init($INFO); } elsif ($WARN) { Log::Log4perl->easy_init($WARN); } elsif ($ERROR) { Log::Log4perl->easy_init($ERROR); } foreach my $file (read_dir( $path )) { my ($key, $i, $skipkey, $skipcontent); # suppress repeated warnings for same issue my ($warn_nonkey_delay, $warn_nonkey_content); next unless ($file =~ /\.mdwn$/); foreach my $line (read_file( File::Spec->catfile($path, $file))) { chomp $line; my $content; # headline if ($line =~ /^(#+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/) { # tidy latest reply if (defined($key) and defined($reply{$key}[$i])) { $reply{$key}[$i] = &tidymsg($reply{$key}[$i]); ($reply{$key}[$i]) || delete $reply{$key}[$i]; } my $level = length($1); $content = $2; # key if ($level == 1 and $content =~ /(\w+)/) { $key = lc($1); $i = 0; $skipkey = undef; $skipcontent = undef; if (lc($content) ne $key) { WARN "key \"$key\" extracted from fuzzy string \"$content\" in file \"$file\""; } if (!defined( $delay{$key})) { $delay{$key}[0] = 0; $warn_nonkey_delay = undef; $warn_nonkey_content = undef; } else { WARN "skipping non-unique key \"$key\" in file \"$file\""; $key = undef; $skipkey = 1; $skipcontent = 1; } # delay } elsif ($level == 2 and $content =~ /((\d+[sm](\s+|\Z))+)/) { $skipcontent = undef; if (defined( $key)) { my $delay = parse_duration($1); if (defined($reply{$key}[$i])) { $i++; $delay{$key}[$i] = $delay{$key}[$i - 1]; } $delay{$key}[$i] += $delay; if ($content ne $1) { WARN "delay (${delay}s) resolved from fuzzy string \"$content\" in file \"$file\""; } } elsif ($skipkey or $warn_nonkey_delay) { # skipping - already warned about it... } else { WARN "ignoring non-key'ed delay line \"$1\" in file \"$file\""; $warn_nonkey_delay = 1; $skipcontent = 1; } } else { WARN "ignoring non-parsable headline \"$line\" in file \"$file\""; $skipcontent = 1; } # reply } else { $content = $line . "\n"; # ikiwiki directives - strip from content and parse for tags $content =~ s/(?new(agent => "localmarkdown2sms"); $ua->timeout(10); my $url = $sms_url . '?username=' . uri_escape($sms_user) . '&password=' . uri_escape($sms_pw) . '&to=' . uri_escape($phone); $url .= '&from=' . uri_escape($sms_phone) if ($sms_phone); $url .= '&message=' . uri_escape(encode("cp1252", $msg)); my $response = $ua->request(HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url)); unless ($response->is_success) { ERROR $response->status_line; } DEBUG "Done $desc"; } else { print STDERR "\n --> $phone: $desc\n"; print STDERR $msg . "\n"; } } my $num_children = $#{ $reply{$key} } + 1; # How many children we'll create if (0 == $num_children) { &sendmsg($phone, "fallback message", "Hmmm, strange, the word \"$key\" is unknown. Perhaps you typed it wrong?\n\nPlease try again."); exit; } if (0 == $num_children) { } $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; # Don't worry about reaping zombies # Spawn off some children if ($debug) { DEBUG "queueing $num_children replies:"; for my $num ( 0 .. $num_children - 1 ) { DEBUG " [" . $delay{$key}[$num] . "s]"; } # DEBUG "\n"; } for my $num ( 0 .. $num_children - 1 ) { run_fork { child { sleep($delay{$key}[$num]) unless ($nosleep); &sendmsg($phone, "reply #$num [" . $delay{$key}[$num] . "s]", $reply{$key}[$num]); exit; } parent { if ($debug) { my $child_pid = shift; waitpid $child_pid, 0; } } } } 1;