blob: 9409f1dd53d98a82879ca0d19cda591fe7bb21dd (
- # -*-shell-script-*-
- # This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
- # Monkeysphere host diagnostics subcommand
- #
- # The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
- # Jameson Rollins <>
- # Jamie McClelland <>
- # Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
- #
- # They are Copyright 2008-2010, and are all released under the GPL,
- # version 3 or later.
- # check on the status and validity of the host's public certificates (and keys?)
- # global vars for communicating between functions:
- MHD_CURDATE=$(date +%s)
- # warn when anything is 2 months away from expiration
- MHD_WARNWINDOW='2 months'
- MHD_WARNDATE=$(advance_date $MHD_WARNWINDOW +%s)
- diagnose_key() {
- local fpr="$1"
- local certinfo
- local create
- local expire
- local uid
- local keysfound
- local uiderrs
- local errcount
- printf "Checking OpenPGP Certificate for key 0x%s\n" "$fpr"
- certinfo=$(get_cert_info "0x$fpr" <"$HOST_KEY_FILE")
- keysfound=$(grep -c ^pub: <<<"$certinfo")
- if [ "$keysfound" -lt 1 ] ; then
- printf "! Could not find key with fingerprint 0x%s\n" "$fpr"
- # FIXME: recommend a way to resolve this!
- fi
- create=$(echo "$certinfo" | grep ^pub: | cut -f6 -d:)
- expire=$(echo "$certinfo" | grep ^pub: | cut -f7 -d:)
- # check for key expiration:
- if [ "$expire" ]; then
- if (( "$expire" < "$MHD_CURDATE" )); then
- printf "! Host key 0x%s is expired.\n" "$fpr"
- printf " - Recommendation: extend lifetime of key with 'monkeysphere-host set-expire 0x%s'\n" "$fpr"
- elif (( "$expire" < "$MHD_WARNDATE" )); then
- printf "! Host key 0x%s expires in less than %s: %s\n" "$fpr" "$MHD_WARNWINDOW" $(advance_date $(( $expire - $MHD_CURDATE )) seconds +%F)
- printf " - Recommendation: extend lifetime of key with 'monkeysphere-host set-expire %s'\n" "$fpr"
- fi
- fi
- # and weirdnesses:
- if [ "$create" ] && (( "$create" > "$MHD_CURDATE" )); then
- printf "! Host key 0x%s was created in the future(?!): %s. Is your clock correct?\n" "$fpr" $(date -d "1970-01-01 + $create seconds" +%F)
- printf " - Recommendation: Check your clock (is it really %s?); use NTP?\n" $(date +%F_%T)
- fi
- # check for UserID expiration:
- uiderrs=$(printf '%s\n' "$certinfo" | grep ^uid: | cut -d: -f6,7,10 | \
- while IFS=: read -r create expire uid ; do
- uid=$(gpg_unescape <<<"$uid")
- check_service_name "$uid"
- if [ "$create" ] && (( "$create" > "$MHD_CURDATE" )); then
- printf "! The latest self-sig on User ID '%s' was created in the future(?!): %s.\n - Is your clock correct?\n" "$uid" $(date -d "1970-01-01 + $create seconds" +%F)
- printf " - Recommendation: Check your clock (is it really %s ?); use NTP?\n" $(date +%F_%T)
- fi
- if [ "$expire" ] ; then
- if (( "$expire" < "$MHD_CURDATE" )); then
- printf "! User ID '%s' is expired.\n" "$uid"
- # FIXME: recommend a way to resolve this
- elif (( "$expire" < "$MHD_WARNDATE" )); then
- printf "! User ID '%s' expires in less than %s: %s\n" "%s" "$MHD_WARNWINDOW" $(advance_date $(( $expire - $MHD_CURDATE )) seconds +%F)
- # FIXME: recommend a way to resolve this
- fi
- fi
- done)
- errcount=$(grep -c '^!' <<<"$uiderrs") || \
- printf '%s\n' "$uiderrs"
- # FIXME: verify that the host key is properly published to the
- # keyservers (do this with the non-privileged user)
- # FIXME: check that there are valid, non-expired certifying signatures
- # attached to the host key after fetching from the public keyserver
- # (do this with the non-privileged user as well)
- # FIXME: propose adding a revoker to the host key if none exist (do we
- # have a way to do that after key generation?)
- # FIXME: test (with ssh-keyscan?) that any running ssh daemon is
- # actually offering the monkeysphere host key, if such a key is
- # loaded.
- # FIXME: scan /proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/tcp6 to see what
- # known-crypto ports (ssh, https, imaps?, ldaps?, etc) are in use
- # locally. Propose bringing them into the monkeysphere.
- # FIXME: ensure that the key is of a reasonable size
- # FIXME: ensure that the cert has the right key usage flags
- # FIXME: ensure that the key doesn't match any known blacklist
- }
- diagnostics() {
- if ! [ -d "$SYSDATADIR" ] ; then
- echo "! no $SYSDATADIR directory found. Please create it."
- exit
- fi
- if ! [ -f "$HOST_KEY_FILE" ] ; then
- echo "No host OpenPGP certificates file found!"
- echo " - Recommendation: run 'monkeysphere-host import-key' with a service key"
- exit
- fi
- if ! id monkeysphere >/dev/null ; then
- echo "! No monkeysphere user found! Please create a monkeysphere system user with bash as its shell."
- fi
- echo "Checking host OpenPGP certificates..."
- multi_key diagnose_key
- # FIXME: look at the ownership/privileges of the various keyrings,
- # directories housing them, etc (what should those values be? can
- # we make them as minimal as possible?)
- # report on any cruft from old monkeysphere version
- report_cruft
- if [ "$MHD_PROBLEMSFOUND" -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "When the above $MHD_PROBLEMSFOUND issue"$(if [ "$MHD_PROBLEMSFOUND" -eq 1 ] ; then echo " is" ; else echo "s are" ; fi)" resolved, please re-run:"
- echo " monkeysphere-host diagnostics"
- else
- echo "Everything seems to be in order!"
- fi
- }