- # -*-shell-script-*-
- # This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
- # Shared sh functions for the monkeysphere
- #
- # Written by
- # Jameson Rollins <jrollins@finestructure.net>
- # Jamie McClelland <jm@mayfirst.org>
- # Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net>
- #
- # Copyright 2008-2009, released under the GPL, version 3 or later
- # all-caps variables are meant to be user supplied (ie. from config
- # file) and are considered global
- ########################################################################
- # output version info
- version() {
- }
- # failure function. exits with code 255, unless specified otherwise.
- failure() {
- [ "$1" ] && echo "$1" >&2
- exit ${2:-'255'}
- }
- # write output to stderr based on specified LOG_LEVEL the first
- # parameter is the priority of the output, and everything else is what
- # is echoed to stderr. If there is nothing else, then output comes
- # from stdin, and is not prefaced by log prefix.
- log() {
- local priority
- local level
- local output
- local alllevels
- local found=
- # don't include SILENT in alllevels: it's handled separately
- # list in decreasing verbosity (all caps).
- # separate with $IFS explicitly, since we do some fancy footwork
- # elsewhere.
- # translate lowers to uppers in global log level
- LOG_LEVEL=$(echo "$LOG_LEVEL" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
- # just go ahead and return if the log level is silent
- if [ "$LOG_LEVEL" = 'SILENT' ] ; then
- return
- fi
- for level in $alllevels ; do
- if [ "$LOG_LEVEL" = "$level" ] ; then
- found=true
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "$found" ] ; then
- # default to INFO:
- fi
- # get priority from first parameter, translating all lower to
- # uppers
- priority=$(echo "$1" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
- shift
- # scan over available levels
- for level in $alllevels ; do
- # output if the log level matches, set output to true
- # this will output for all subsequent loops as well.
- if [ "$LOG_LEVEL" = "$level" ] ; then
- output=true
- fi
- if [ "$priority" = "$level" -a "$output" = 'true' ] ; then
- if [ "$1" ] ; then
- echo "$@"
- else
- cat
- fi | sed 's/^/'"${LOG_PREFIX}"'/' >&2
- fi
- done
- }
- # run command as monkeysphere user
- su_monkeysphere_user() {
- # our main goal here is to run the given command as the the
- # monkeysphere user, but without prompting for any sort of
- # authentication. If this is not possible, we should just fail.
- # FIXME: our current implementation is overly restrictive, because
- # there may be some su PAM configurations that would allow su
- # "$MONKEYSPHERE_USER" -c "$@" to Just Work without prompting,
- # allowing specific users to invoke commands which make use of
- # this user.
- # chpst (from runit) would be nice to use, but we don't want to
- # introduce an extra dependency just for this. This may be a
- # candidate for re-factoring if we switch implementation languages.
- case $(id -un) in
- # if monkeysphere user, run the command under bash
- bash -c "$@"
- ;;
- # if root, su command as monkeysphere user
- 'root')
- su "$MONKEYSPHERE_USER" -c "$@"
- ;;
- # otherwise, fail
- *)
- log error "non-privileged user."
- ;;
- esac
- }
- # cut out all comments(#) and blank lines from standard input
- meat() {
- grep -v -e "^[[:space:]]*#" -e '^$' "$1"
- }
- # cut a specified line from standard input
- cutline() {
- head --line="$1" "$2" | tail -1
- }
- # make a temporary directory
- msmktempdir() {
- mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/monkeysphere.XXXXXXXXXX
- }
- # make a temporary file
- msmktempfile() {
- mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/monkeysphere.XXXXXXXXXX
- }
- # this is a wrapper for doing lock functions.
- #
- # it lets us depend on either lockfile-progs (preferred) or procmail's
- # lockfile, and should
- lock() {
- local use_lockfileprogs=true
- local action="$1"
- local file="$2"
- if ! ( type lockfile-create &>/dev/null ) ; then
- if ! ( type lockfile &>/dev/null ); then
- failure "Neither lockfile-create nor lockfile are in the path!"
- fi
- use_lockfileprogs=
- fi
- case "$action" in
- create)
- if [ -n "$use_lockfileprogs" ] ; then
- lockfile-create "$file" || failure "unable to lock '$file'"
- else
- lockfile -r 20 "${file}.lock" || failure "unable to lock '$file'"
- fi
- log debug "lock created on '$file'."
- ;;
- touch)
- if [ -n "$use_lockfileprogs" ] ; then
- lockfile-touch --oneshot "$file"
- else
- : Nothing to do here
- fi
- log debug "lock touched on '$file'."
- ;;
- remove)
- if [ -n "$use_lockfileprogs" ] ; then
- lockfile-remove "$file"
- else
- rm -f "${file}.lock"
- fi
- log debug "lock removed on '$file'."
- ;;
- *)
- failure "bad argument for lock subfunction '$action'"
- esac
- }
- # for portability, between gnu date and BSD date.
- # arguments should be: number longunits format
- # e.g. advance_date 20 seconds +%F
- advance_date() {
- local gnutry
- local number="$1"
- local longunits="$2"
- local format="$3"
- local shortunits
- # try things the GNU way first
- if date -d "$number $longunits" "$format" &>/dev/null; then
- date -d "$number $longunits" "$format"
- else
- # otherwise, convert to (a limited version of) BSD date syntax:
- case "$longunits" in
- years)
- shortunits=y
- ;;
- months)
- shortunits=m
- ;;
- weeks)
- shortunits=w
- ;;
- days)
- shortunits=d
- ;;
- hours)
- shortunits=H
- ;;
- minutes)
- shortunits=M
- ;;
- seconds)
- shortunits=S
- ;;
- *)
- # this is a longshot, and will likely fail; oh well.
- shortunits="$longunits"
- esac
- date "-v+${number}${shortunits}" "$format"
- fi
- }
- # check that characters are in a string (in an AND fashion).
- # used for checking key capability
- # check_capability capability a [b...]
- check_capability() {
- local usage
- local capcheck
- usage="$1"
- shift 1
- for capcheck ; do
- if echo "$usage" | grep -q -v "$capcheck" ; then
- return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
- }
- # hash of a file
- file_hash() {
- if type md5sum &>/dev/null ; then
- md5sum "$1"
- elif type md5 &>/dev/null ; then
- md5 "$1"
- else
- failure "Neither md5sum nor md5 are in the path!"
- fi
- }
- # convert escaped characters in pipeline from gpg output back into
- # original character
- # FIXME: undo all escape character translation in with-colons gpg
- # output
- gpg_unescape() {
- sed 's/\\x3a/:/g'
- }
- # convert nasty chars into gpg-friendly form in pipeline
- # FIXME: escape everything, not just colons!
- gpg_escape() {
- sed 's/:/\\x3a/g'
- }
- # prompt for GPG-formatted expiration, and emit result on stdout
- get_gpg_expiration() {
- local keyExpire
- keyExpire="$1"
- if [ -z "$keyExpire" -a "$PROMPT" != 'false' ]; then
- cat >&2 <<EOF
- Please specify how long the key should be valid.
- 0 = key does not expire
- <n> = key expires in n days
- <n>w = key expires in n weeks
- <n>m = key expires in n months
- <n>y = key expires in n years
- while [ -z "$keyExpire" ] ; do
- printf "Key is valid for? (0) " >&2
- read keyExpire
- if ! test_gpg_expire ${keyExpire:=0} ; then
- echo "invalid value" >&2
- unset keyExpire
- fi
- done
- elif ! test_gpg_expire "$keyExpire" ; then
- failure "invalid key expiration value '$keyExpire'."
- fi
- echo "$keyExpire"
- }
- passphrase_prompt() {
- local prompt="$1"
- local fifo="$2"
- local PASS
- if [ "$DISPLAY" ] && type "${SSH_ASKPASS:-ssh-askpass}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- printf 'Launching "%s"\n' "${SSH_ASKPASS:-ssh-askpass}" | log info
- printf '(with prompt "%s")\n' "$prompt" | log debug
- "${SSH_ASKPASS:-ssh-askpass}" "$prompt" > "$fifo"
- else
- read -s -p "$prompt" PASS
- # Uses the builtin echo, so should not put the passphrase into
- # the process table. I think. --dkg
- echo "$PASS" > "$fifo"
- fi
- }
- # remove all lines with specified string from specified file
- remove_line() {
- local file
- local string
- local tempfile
- file="$1"
- string="$2"
- if [ -z "$file" -o -z "$string" ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -e "$file" ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # if the string is in the file...
- if grep -q -F "$string" "$file" 2>/dev/null ; then
- tempfile=$(mktemp "${file}.XXXXXXX") || \
- failure "Unable to make temp file '${file}.XXXXXXX'"
- # remove the line with the string, and return 0
- grep -v -F "$string" "$file" >"$tempfile"
- cat "$tempfile" > "$file"
- rm "$tempfile"
- return 0
- # otherwise return 1
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # remove all lines with MonkeySphere strings in file
- remove_monkeysphere_lines() {
- local file
- local tempfile
- file="$1"
- # return error if file does not exist
- if [ ! -e "$file" ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- # just return ok if the file is empty, since there aren't any
- # lines to remove
- if [ ! -s "$file" ] ; then
- return 0
- fi
- tempfile=$(mktemp "${file}.XXXXXXX") || \
- failure "Could not make temporary file '${file}.XXXXXXX'."
- egrep -v '^MonkeySphere[[:digit:]]{4}(-[[:digit:]]{2}){2}T[[:digit:]]{2}(:[[:digit:]]{2}){2}$' \
- "$file" >"$tempfile"
- cat "$tempfile" > "$file"
- rm "$tempfile"
- }
- # translate ssh-style path variables %h and %u
- translate_ssh_variables() {
- local uname
- local home
- uname="$1"
- path="$2"
- # get the user's home directory
- userHome=$(get_homedir "$uname")
- # translate '%u' to user name
- path=${path/\%u/"$uname"}
- # translate '%h' to user home directory
- path=${path/\%h/"$userHome"}
- echo "$path"
- }
- # test that a string to conforms to GPG's expiration format
- test_gpg_expire() {
- echo "$1" | egrep -q "^[0-9]+[mwy]?$"
- }
- # check that a file is properly owned, and that all it's parent
- # directories are not group/other writable
- check_key_file_permissions() {
- local uname
- local path
- uname="$1"
- path="$2"
- if [ "$STRICT_MODES" = 'false' ] ; then
- log debug "skipping path permission check for '$path' because STRICT_MODES is false..."
- return 0
- fi
- log debug "checking path permission '$path'..."
- "${SYSSHAREDIR}/checkperms" "$uname" "$path"
- }
- # return a list of all users on the system
- list_users() {
- if type getent &>/dev/null ; then
- # for linux and FreeBSD systems
- getent passwd | cut -d: -f1
- elif type dscl &>/dev/null ; then
- # for Darwin systems
- dscl localhost -list /Search/Users
- else
- failure "Neither getent or dscl is in the path! Could not determine list of users."
- fi
- }
- # take one argument, a service name. in response, print a series of
- # lines, each with a unique numeric port number that might be
- # associated with that service name. (e.g. in: "https", out: "443")
- # if nothing is found, print nothing, and return 0.
- #
- # return 1 if there was an error in the search somehow
- get_port_for_service() {
- [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$ ]] || \
- failure $(printf "This is not a valid service name: '%s'" "$1")
- if type getent &>/dev/null ; then
- # for linux and FreeBSD systems (getent returns 2 if not found, 0 on success, 1 or 3 on various failures)
- (getent services "$service" || if [ "$?" -eq 2 ] ; then true ; else false; fi) | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -f1 -d/ | sort -u
- elif [ -r /etc/services ] ; then
- # fall back to /etc/services for systems that don't have getent (MacOS?)
- # FIXME: doesn't handle aliases like "null" (or "http"?), which don't show up at the beginning of the line.
- awk $(printf '/^%s[[:space:]]/{ print $2 }' "$1") /etc/services | cut -f1 -d/ | sort -u
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # return the path to the home directory of a user
- get_homedir() {
- local uname=${1:-`whoami`}
- eval "echo ~${uname}"
- }
- # return the primary group of a user
- get_primary_group() {
- local uname=${1:-`whoami`}
- groups "$uname" | sed 's/^..* : //' | awk '{ print $1 }'
- }
- # output the ssh key for a given key ID
- gpg2ssh() {
- local keyID
- keyID="$1"
- gpg --export "$keyID" | openpgp2ssh "$keyID" 2>/dev/null
- }
- # output known_hosts line from ssh key
- ssh2known_hosts() {
- local host
- local port
- local key
- # FIXME this does not properly deal with IPv6 hosts using the
- # standard port (because it's unclear whether their final
- # colon-delimited address section is a port number or an address
- # string)
- host=${1%:*}
- port=${1##*:}
- key="$2"
- # specify the host and port properly for new ssh known_hosts
- # format
- if [ "$port" != "$host" ] ; then
- host="[${host}]:${port}"
- fi
- printf "%s %s MonkeySphere%s\n" "$host" "$key" "$DATE"
- }
- # output authorized_keys line from ssh key
- ssh2authorized_keys() {
- local userID
- local key
- userID="$1"
- key="$2"
- printf "%s MonkeySphere%s %s\n" "$key" "$DATE" "$userID"
- }
- # convert key from gpg to ssh known_hosts format
- gpg2known_hosts() {
- local host
- local keyID
- local key
- host="$1"
- keyID="$2"
- key=$(gpg2ssh "$keyID")
- # NOTE: it seems that ssh-keygen -R removes all comment fields from
- # all lines in the known_hosts file. why?
- # NOTE: just in case, the COMMENT can be matched with the
- # following regexp:
- # '^MonkeySphere[[:digit:]]{4}(-[[:digit:]]{2}){2}T[[:digit:]]{2}(:[[:digit:]]{2}){2}$'
- printf "%s %s MonkeySphere%s\n" "$host" "$key" "$DATE"
- }
- # convert key from gpg to ssh authorized_keys format
- gpg2authorized_keys() {
- local userID
- local keyID
- local key
- userID="$1"
- keyID="$2"
- key=$(gpg2ssh "$keyID")
- # NOTE: just in case, the COMMENT can be matched with the
- # following regexp:
- # '^MonkeySphere[[:digit:]]{4}(-[[:digit:]]{2}){2}T[[:digit:]]{2}(:[[:digit:]]{2}){2}$'
- printf "%s MonkeySphere%s %s\n" "$key" "$DATE" "$userID"
- }
- # script to determine if gpg version is equal to or greater than specified version
- is_gpg_version_greater_equal() {
- local gpgVersion=$(gpg --version | head -1 | awk '{ print $3 }')
- local latest=$(printf '%s\n%s\n' "$1" "$gpgVersion" \
- | tr '.' ' ' | sort -g -k1 -k2 -k3 \
- | tail -1 | tr ' ' '.')
- [[ "$gpgVersion" == "$latest" ]]
- }
- # retrieve all keys with given user id from keyserver
- # FIXME: need to figure out how to retrieve all matching keys
- # (not just first N (5 in this case))
- gpg_fetch_userid() {
- local returnCode=0
- local userID
- if [ "$CHECK_KEYSERVER" != 'true' ] ; then
- return 0
- fi
- userID="$1"
- log verbose " checking keyserver $KEYSERVER... "
- echo 1,2,3,4,5 | \
- gpg --quiet --batch --with-colons \
- --command-fd 0 --keyserver "$KEYSERVER" \
- --search ="$userID" &>/dev/null
- returnCode="$?"
- return "$returnCode"
- }
- ########################################################################
- # userid and key policy checking
- # the following checks policy on the returned keys
- # - checks that full key has appropriate valididy (u|f)
- # - checks key has specified capability (REQUIRED_KEY_CAPABILITY)
- # - checks that requested user ID has appropriate validity
- # (see /usr/share/doc/gnupg/DETAILS.gz)
- # output is one line for every found key, in the following format:
- #
- # flag:sshKey
- #
- # "flag" is an acceptability flag, 0 = ok, 1 = bad
- # "sshKey" is the translated gpg key
- #
- # all log output must go to stderr, as stdout is used to pass the
- # flag:sshKey to the calling function.
- process_user_id() {
- local returnCode=0
- local userID
- local requiredCapability
- local requiredPubCapability
- local gpgOut
- local type
- local validity
- local keyid
- local uidfpr
- local usage
- local keyOK
- local uidOK
- local lastKey
- local lastKeyOK
- local fingerprint
- userID="$1"
- # set the required key capability based on the mode
- requiredCapability=${REQUIRED_KEY_CAPABILITY:="a"}
- requiredPubCapability=$(echo "$requiredCapability" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
- # fetch the user ID if necessary/requested
- gpg_fetch_userid "$userID"
- # output gpg info for (exact) userid and store
- gpgOut=$(gpg --list-key --fixed-list-mode --with-colon \
- --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint \
- ="$userID" 2>/dev/null) || returnCode="$?"
- # if the gpg query return code is not 0, return 1
- if [ "$returnCode" -ne 0 ] ; then
- log verbose " no primary keys found."
- return 1
- fi
- # loop over all lines in the gpg output and process.
- echo "$gpgOut" | cut -d: -f1,2,5,10,12 | \
- while IFS=: read -r type validity keyid uidfpr usage ; do
- # process based on record type
- case $type in
- 'pub') # primary keys
- # new key, wipe the slate
- keyOK=
- uidOK=
- lastKey=pub
- lastKeyOK=
- fingerprint=
- log verbose " primary key found: $keyid"
- # if overall key is not valid, skip
- if [ "$validity" != 'u' -a "$validity" != 'f' ] ; then
- log debug " - unacceptable primary key validity ($validity)."
- continue
- fi
- # if overall key is disabled, skip
- if check_capability "$usage" 'D' ; then
- log debug " - key disabled."
- continue
- fi
- # if overall key capability is not ok, skip
- if ! check_capability "$usage" $requiredPubCapability ; then
- log debug " - unacceptable primary key capability ($usage)."
- continue
- fi
- # mark overall key as ok
- keyOK=true
- # mark primary key as ok if capability is ok
- if check_capability "$usage" $requiredCapability ; then
- lastKeyOK=true
- fi
- ;;
- 'uid') # user ids
- if [ "$lastKey" != pub ] ; then
- log verbose " ! got a user ID after a sub key?! user IDs should only follow primary keys!"
- continue
- fi
- # if an acceptable user ID was already found, skip
- if [ "$uidOK" = 'true' ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # if the user ID does matches...
- if [ "$(echo "$uidfpr" | gpg_unescape)" = "$userID" ] ; then
- # and the user ID validity is ok
- if [ "$validity" = 'u' -o "$validity" = 'f' ] ; then
- # mark user ID acceptable
- uidOK=true
- else
- log debug " - unacceptable user ID validity ($validity)."
- fi
- else
- continue
- fi
- # output a line for the primary key
- # 0 = ok, 1 = bad
- if [ "$keyOK" -a "$uidOK" -a "$lastKeyOK" ] ; then
- log verbose " * acceptable primary key."
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- log error " ! primary key could not be translated (not RSA?)."
- else
- echo "0:${sshKey}"
- fi
- else
- log debug " - unacceptable primary key."
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- log debug " ! primary key could not be translated (not RSA?)."
- else
- echo "1:${sshKey}"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- 'sub') # sub keys
- # unset acceptability of last key
- lastKey=sub
- lastKeyOK=
- fingerprint=
- # don't bother with sub keys if the primary key is not valid
- if [ "$keyOK" != true ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # don't bother with sub keys if no user ID is acceptable:
- if [ "$uidOK" != true ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # if sub key validity is not ok, skip
- if [ "$validity" != 'u' -a "$validity" != 'f' ] ; then
- log debug " - unacceptable sub key validity ($validity)."
- continue
- fi
- # if sub key capability is not ok, skip
- if ! check_capability "$usage" $requiredCapability ; then
- log debug " - unacceptable sub key capability ($usage)."
- continue
- fi
- # mark sub key as ok
- lastKeyOK=true
- ;;
- 'fpr') # key fingerprint
- fingerprint="$uidfpr"
- sshKey=$(gpg2ssh "$fingerprint")
- # if the last key was the pub key, skip
- if [ "$lastKey" = pub ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # output a line for the sub key
- # 0 = ok, 1 = bad
- if [ "$keyOK" -a "$uidOK" -a "$lastKeyOK" ] ; then
- log verbose " * acceptable sub key."
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- log error " ! sub key could not be translated (not RSA?)."
- else
- echo "0:${sshKey}"
- fi
- else
- log debug " - unacceptable sub key."
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- log debug " ! sub key could not be translated (not RSA?)."
- else
- echo "1:${sshKey}"
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done | sort -t: -k1 -n -r
- # NOTE: this last sort is important so that the "good" keys (key
- # flag '0') come last. This is so that they take precedence when
- # being processed in the key files over "bad" keys (key flag '1')
- }
- # output all valid keys for specified user ID literal
- keys_for_userid() {
- local userID
- local noKey=
- local nKeys
- local nKeysOK
- local ok
- local sshKey
- local tmpfile
- userID="$1"
- log verbose "processing: $userID"
- nKeys=0
- nKeysOK=0
- IFS=$'\n'
- for line in $(process_user_id "${userID}") ; do
- # note that key was found
- nKeys=$((nKeys+1))
- ok=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)
- sshKey=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2)
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # if key OK, output key to stdout
- if [ "$ok" -eq '0' ] ; then
- # note that key was found ok
- nKeysOK=$((nKeysOK+1))
- printf '%s\n' "$sshKey"
- fi
- done
- # if at least one key was found...
- if [ "$nKeys" -gt 0 ] ; then
- # if ok keys were found, return 0
- if [ "$nKeysOK" -gt 0 ] ; then
- return 0
- # else return 2
- else
- return 2
- fi
- # if no keys were found, return 1
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # process a single host in the known_host file
- process_host_known_hosts() {
- local host
- local userID
- local noKey=
- local nKeys
- local nKeysOK
- local ok
- local sshKey
- local tmpfile
- # set the key processing mode
- host="$1"
- userID="ssh://${host}"
- log verbose "processing: $host"
- nKeys=0
- nKeysOK=0
- IFS=$'\n'
- for line in $(process_user_id "${userID}") ; do
- # note that key was found
- nKeys=$((nKeys+1))
- ok=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)
- sshKey=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2)
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # remove any old host key line, and note if removed nothing is
- # removed
- remove_line "$KNOWN_HOSTS" "$sshKey" || noKey=true
- # if key OK, add new host line
- if [ "$ok" -eq '0' ] ; then
- # note that key was found ok
- nKeysOK=$((nKeysOK+1))
- # hash if specified
- if [ "$HASH_KNOWN_HOSTS" = 'true' ] ; then
- # FIXME: this is really hackish cause ssh-keygen won't
- # hash from stdin to stdout
- tmpfile=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
- ssh2known_hosts "$host" "$sshKey" > "$tmpfile"
- ssh-keygen -H -f "$tmpfile" 2>/dev/null
- cat "$tmpfile" >> "$KNOWN_HOSTS"
- rm -f "$tmpfile" "${tmpfile}.old"
- else
- ssh2known_hosts "$host" "$sshKey" >> "$KNOWN_HOSTS"
- fi
- # log if this is a new key to the known_hosts file
- if [ "$noKey" ] ; then
- log info "* new key for $host added to known_hosts file."
- fi
- fi
- done
- # if at least one key was found...
- if [ "$nKeys" -gt 0 ] ; then
- # if ok keys were found, return 0
- if [ "$nKeysOK" -gt 0 ] ; then
- return 0
- # else return 2
- else
- return 2
- fi
- # if no keys were found, return 1
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # update the known_hosts file for a set of hosts listed on command
- # line
- update_known_hosts() {
- local returnCode=0
- local nHosts
- local nHostsOK
- local nHostsBAD
- local fileCheck
- local host
- local newUmask
- # the number of hosts specified on command line
- nHosts="$#"
- nHostsOK=0
- nHostsBAD=0
- # touch the known_hosts file so that the file permission check
- # below won't fail upon not finding the file
- if [ ! -f "$KNOWN_HOSTS" ]; then
- # make sure to create any files or directories with the appropriate write bits turned off:
- newUmask=$(printf "%04o" $(( 0$(umask) | 0022 )) )
- [ -d $(dirname "$KNOWN_HOSTS") ] \
- || (umask "$newUmask" && mkdir -p -m 0700 $(dirname "$KNOWN_HOSTS") ) \
- || failure "Could not create path to known_hosts file '$KNOWN_HOSTS'"
- # make sure to create this file with the appropriate bits turned off:
- (umask "$newUmask" && touch "$KNOWN_HOSTS") \
- || failure "Unable to create known_hosts file '$KNOWN_HOSTS'"
- fi
- # check permissions on the known_hosts file path
- check_key_file_permissions $(whoami) "$KNOWN_HOSTS" \
- || failure "Bad permissions governing known_hosts file '$KNOWN_HOSTS'"
- # create a lockfile on known_hosts:
- lock create "$KNOWN_HOSTS"
- # FIXME: we're discarding any pre-existing EXIT trap; is this bad?
- trap "lock remove $KNOWN_HOSTS" EXIT
- # note pre update file checksum
- fileCheck=$(file_hash "$KNOWN_HOSTS")
- for host ; do
- # process the host
- process_host_known_hosts "$host" || returnCode="$?"
- # note the result
- case "$returnCode" in
- 0)
- nHostsOK=$((nHostsOK+1))
- ;;
- 2)
- nHostsBAD=$((nHostsBAD+1))
- ;;
- esac
- # touch the lockfile, for good measure.
- lock touch "$KNOWN_HOSTS"
- done
- # remove the lockfile and the trap
- lock remove "$KNOWN_HOSTS"
- trap - EXIT
- # note if the known_hosts file was updated
- if [ "$(file_hash "$KNOWN_HOSTS")" != "$fileCheck" ] ; then
- log debug "known_hosts file updated."
- fi
- # if an acceptable host was found, return 0
- if [ "$nHostsOK" -gt 0 ] ; then
- return 0
- # else if no ok hosts were found...
- else
- # if no bad host were found then no hosts were found at all,
- # and return 1
- if [ "$nHostsBAD" -eq 0 ] ; then
- return 1
- # else if at least one bad host was found, return 2
- else
- return 2
- fi
- fi
- }
- # process hosts from a known_hosts file
- process_known_hosts() {
- local hosts
- # exit if the known_hosts file does not exist
- if [ ! -e "$KNOWN_HOSTS" ] ; then
- failure "known_hosts file '$KNOWN_HOSTS' does not exist."
- fi
- log debug "processing known_hosts file:"
- log debug " $KNOWN_HOSTS"
- hosts=$(meat "$KNOWN_HOSTS" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep -v '^|.*$' | tr , ' ' | tr '\n' ' ')
- if [ -z "$hosts" ] ; then
- log debug "no hosts to process."
- return
- fi
- # take all the hosts from the known_hosts file (first
- # field), grep out all the hashed hosts (lines starting
- # with '|')...
- update_known_hosts $hosts
- }
- # process uids for the authorized_keys file
- process_uid_authorized_keys() {
- local userID
- local nKeys
- local nKeysOK
- local ok
- local sshKey
- # set the key processing mode
- userID="$1"
- log verbose "processing: $userID"
- nKeys=0
- nKeysOK=0
- IFS=$'\n'
- for line in $(process_user_id "$userID") ; do
- # note that key was found
- nKeys=$((nKeys+1))
- ok=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)
- sshKey=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2)
- if [ -z "$sshKey" ] ; then
- continue
- fi
- # remove the old host key line
- remove_line "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS" "$sshKey"
- # if key OK, add new host line
- if [ "$ok" -eq '0' ] ; then
- # note that key was found ok
- nKeysOK=$((nKeysOK+1))
- ssh2authorized_keys "$userID" "$sshKey" >> "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- fi
- done
- # if at least one key was found...
- if [ "$nKeys" -gt 0 ] ; then
- # if ok keys were found, return 0
- if [ "$nKeysOK" -gt 0 ] ; then
- return 0
- # else return 2
- else
- return 2
- fi
- # if no keys were found, return 1
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
- # update the authorized_keys files from a list of user IDs on command
- # line
- update_authorized_keys() {
- local returnCode=0
- local userID
- local nIDs
- local nIDsOK
- local nIDsBAD
- local fileCheck
- # the number of ids specified on command line
- nIDs="$#"
- nIDsOK=0
- nIDsBAD=0
- log debug "updating authorized_keys file:"
- log debug " $AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # check permissions on the authorized_keys file path
- check_key_file_permissions $(whoami) "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS" || failure
- # create a lockfile on authorized_keys
- lock create "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # FIXME: we're discarding any pre-existing EXIT trap; is this bad?
- trap "lock remove $AUTHORIZED_KEYS" EXIT
- # note pre update file checksum
- fileCheck="$(file_hash "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS")"
- # remove any monkeysphere lines from authorized_keys file
- remove_monkeysphere_lines "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- for userID ; do
- # process the user ID, change return code if key not found for
- # user ID
- process_uid_authorized_keys "$userID" || returnCode="$?"
- # note the result
- case "$returnCode" in
- 0)
- nIDsOK=$((nIDsOK+1))
- ;;
- 2)
- nIDsBAD=$((nIDsBAD+1))
- ;;
- esac
- # touch the lockfile, for good measure.
- lock touch "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- done
- # remove the lockfile and the trap
- lock remove "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
- # remove the trap
- trap - EXIT
- # note if the authorized_keys file was updated
- if [ "$(file_hash "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS")" != "$fileCheck" ] ; then
- log debug "authorized_keys file updated."
- fi
- # if an acceptable id was found, return 0
- if [ "$nIDsOK" -gt 0 ] ; then
- return 0
- # else if no ok ids were found...
- else
- # if no bad ids were found then no ids were found at all, and
- # return 1
- if [ "$nIDsBAD" -eq 0 ] ; then
- return 1
- # else if at least one bad id was found, return 2
- else
- return 2
- fi
- fi
- }
- # process an authorized_user_ids file for authorized_keys
- process_authorized_user_ids() {
- local line
- local nline
- local userIDs
- authorizedUserIDs="$1"
- # exit if the authorized_user_ids file is empty
- if [ ! -e "$authorizedUserIDs" ] ; then
- failure "authorized_user_ids file '$authorizedUserIDs' does not exist."
- fi
- log debug "processing authorized_user_ids file:"
- log debug " $authorizedUserIDs"
- # check permissions on the authorized_user_ids file path
- check_key_file_permissions $(whoami) "$authorizedUserIDs" || failure
- if ! meat "$authorizedUserIDs" >/dev/null ; then
- log debug " no user IDs to process."
- return
- fi
- nline=0
- # extract user IDs from authorized_user_ids file
- IFS=$'\n'
- for line in $(meat "$authorizedUserIDs") ; do
- userIDs["$nline"]="$line"
- nline=$((nline+1))
- done
- update_authorized_keys "${userIDs[@]}"
- }
- # takes a gpg key or keys on stdin, and outputs a list of
- # fingerprints, one per line:
- list_primary_fingerprints() {
- local fake=$(msmktempdir)
- trap "rm -rf $fake" EXIT
- GNUPGHOME="$fake" gpg --no-tty --quiet --import --ignore-time-conflict 2>/dev/null
- GNUPGHOME="$fake" gpg --with-colons --fingerprint --list-keys | \
- awk -F: '/^fpr:/{ print $10 }'
- trap - EXIT
- rm -rf "$fake"
- }
- # takes an OpenPGP key or set of keys on stdin, a fingerprint or other
- # key identifier as $1, and outputs the gpg-formatted information for
- # the requested keys from the material on stdin
- get_cert_info() {
- local fake=$(msmktempdir)
- trap "rm -rf $fake" EXIT
- GNUPGHOME="$fake" gpg --no-tty --quiet --import --ignore-time-conflict 2>/dev/null
- GNUPGHOME="$fake" gpg --with-colons --fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --list-keys "$1"
- trap - EXIT
- rm -rf "$fake"
- }
- check_cruft_file() {
- local loc="$1"
- local version="$2"
- if [ -e "$loc" ] ; then
- printf "! The file '%s' is no longer used by\n monkeysphere (as of version %s), and can be removed.\n\n" "$loc" "$version" | log info
- fi
- }
- check_upgrade_dir() {
- local loc="$1"
- local version="$2"
- if [ -d "$loc" ] ; then
- printf "The presence of directory '%s' indicates that you have\nnot yet completed a monkeysphere upgrade.\nYou should probably run the following script:\n %s/transitions/%s\n\n" "$loc" "$SYSSHAREDIR" "$version" | log info
- fi
- }
- ## look for cruft from old versions of the monkeysphere, and notice if
- ## upgrades have not been run:
- report_cruft() {
- check_upgrade_dir "${SYSCONFIGDIR}/gnupg-host" 0.23
- check_upgrade_dir "${SYSCONFIGDIR}/gnupg-authentication" 0.23
- check_cruft_file "${SYSCONFIGDIR}/gnupg-authentication.conf" 0.23
- check_cruft_file "${SYSCONFIGDIR}/gnupg-host.conf" 0.23
- local found=
- for foo in "${SYSDATADIR}/backup-from-"*"-transition" ; do
- if [ -d "$foo" ] ; then
- printf "! %s\n" "$foo" | log info
- found=true
- fi
- done
- if [ "$found" ] ; then
- printf "The directories above are backups left over from a monkeysphere transition.\nThey may contain copies of sensitive data (host keys, certifier lists), but\nthey are no longer needed by monkeysphere.\nYou may remove them at any time.\n\n" | log info
- fi
- }