path: root/src/monkeysphere-server
blob: f222130f81c7fbfacaf2c52bb94a0ddcaa50d7fd (plain)
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. # monkeysphere-server: MonkeySphere server admin tool
  3. #
  4. # The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
  5. # Jameson Rollins <>
  6. #
  7. # They are Copyright 2008, and are all released under the GPL, version 3
  8. # or later.
  9. ########################################################################
  10. PGRM=$(basename $0)
  11. SHAREDIR=${SHAREDIR:-"/usr/share/monkeysphere"}
  12. export SHAREDIR
  13. . "${SHAREDIR}/common"
  14. # date in UTF format if needed
  15. DATE=$(date -u '+%FT%T')
  16. # unset some environment variables that could screw things up
  18. ########################################################################
  20. ########################################################################
  21. usage() {
  22. cat <<EOF
  23. usage: $PGRM <subcommand> [args]
  24. MonkeySphere server admin tool.
  25. subcommands:
  26. gen-key (g) [HOSTNAME] generate gpg key for the server
  27. show-fingerprint (f) show server's host key fingerprint
  28. publish-key (p) publish server key to keyserver
  29. trust-keys (t) KEYID... mark keyids as trusted
  30. update-users (s) [USER]... update users authorized_keys files
  31. update-user-userids (u) USER UID... add/update user IDs for a user
  32. remove-user-userids (r) USER UID... remove user IDs for a user
  33. help (h,?) this help
  34. EOF
  35. }
  36. # generate server gpg key
  37. gen_key() {
  38. local hostName
  39. hostName=${1:-$(hostname --fqdn)}
  40. # set key defaults
  42. KEY_LENGTH=${KEY_LENGTH:-"2048"}
  43. KEY_USAGE=${KEY_USAGE:-"auth"}
  44. cat <<EOF
  45. Please specify how long the key should be valid.
  46. 0 = key does not expire
  47. <n> = key expires in n days
  48. <n>w = key expires in n weeks
  49. <n>m = key expires in n months
  50. <n>y = key expires in n years
  51. EOF
  52. read -p "Key is valid for? ($EXPIRE) " EXPIRE; EXPIRE=${EXPIRE:-"0"}
  53. SERVICE=${SERVICE:-"ssh"}
  54. USERID=${USERID:-"$SERVICE"://"$hostName"}
  55. # set key parameters
  56. keyParameters=$(cat <<EOF
  57. Key-Type: $KEY_TYPE
  58. Key-Length: $KEY_LENGTH
  59. Key-Usage: $KEY_USAGE
  60. Name-Real: $USERID
  61. Expire-Date: $EXPIRE
  62. EOF
  63. )
  64. # add the revoker field if requested
  65. # FIXME: the 1: below assumes that $REVOKER's key is an RSA key. why?
  66. # FIXME: why is this marked "sensitive"? how will this signature ever
  67. # be transmitted to the expected revoker?
  68. if [ "$REVOKER" ] ; then
  69. keyParameters="${keyParameters}"$(cat <<EOF
  70. Revoker: 1:$REVOKER sensitive
  71. EOF
  72. )
  73. fi
  74. echo "The following key parameters will be used:"
  75. echo "$keyParameters"
  76. read -p "generate key? [Y|n]: " OK; OK=${OK:=Y}
  77. if [ ${OK/y/Y} != 'Y' ] ; then
  78. failure "aborting."
  79. fi
  80. if gpg --list-key ="$USERID" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
  81. failure "key for '$USERID' already exists"
  82. fi
  83. # add commit command
  84. keyParameters="${keyParameters}"$(cat <<EOF
  85. %commit
  86. %echo done
  87. EOF
  88. )
  89. log -n "generating server key... "
  90. echo "$keyParameters" | gpg --batch --gen-key
  91. log "done."
  92. fingerprint_server_key
  93. }
  94. fingerprint_server_key() {
  95. gpg --fingerprint --list-secret-keys =ssh://$(hostname --fqdn)
  96. }
  97. ########################################################################
  98. # MAIN
  99. ########################################################################
  100. COMMAND="$1"
  101. [ "$COMMAND" ] || failure "Type '$PGRM help' for usage."
  102. shift
  103. # set ms home directory
  104. MS_HOME=${MS_HOME:-"$ETC"}
  105. # load configuration file
  106. MS_CONF=${MS_CONF:-"$MS_HOME"/monkeysphere-server.conf}
  107. [ -e "$MS_CONF" ] && . "$MS_CONF"
  108. # set empty config variable with defaults
  109. GNUPGHOME=${GNUPGHOME:-"${MS_HOME}/gnupg"}
  114. export GNUPGHOME
  115. # make sure the monkeysphere home directory exists
  116. mkdir -p "${MS_HOME}/authorized_user_ids"
  117. # make sure gpg home exists with proper permissions
  118. mkdir -p -m 0700 "$GNUPGHOME"
  119. # make sure the authorized_keys directory exists
  120. mkdir -p "${CACHE}/authorized_keys"
  121. case $COMMAND in
  122. 'update-users'|'update-user'|'s')
  123. if [ "$1" ] ; then
  124. unames="$@"
  125. else
  126. unames=$(ls -1 "${MS_HOME}/authorized_user_ids")
  127. fi
  128. for uname in $unames ; do
  129. MODE="authorized_keys"
  130. log "----- user: $uname -----"
  131. # set variables for the user
  132. AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS="${MS_HOME}/authorized_user_ids/${uname}"
  133. # temporary authorized_keys file
  134. AUTHORIZED_KEYS="${CACHE}/authorized_keys/${uname}.tmp"
  135. # make sure user's authorized_user_ids file exists
  136. touch "$AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS"
  137. # make sure the authorized_keys file exists and is clear
  139. # skip if the user's authorized_user_ids file is empty
  140. if [ ! -s "$AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS" ] ; then
  141. log "authorized_user_ids file for '$uname' is empty."
  142. continue
  143. fi
  144. # process authorized_user_ids file
  145. log "processing authorized_user_ids file..."
  146. process_authorized_user_ids
  147. # add user-controlled authorized_keys file path if specified
  148. if [ "$USER_CONTROLLED_AUTHORIZED_KEYS" != '-' ] ; then
  149. userHome=$(getent passwd "$uname" | cut -d: -f6)
  150. userAuthorizedKeys=${USER_CONTROLLED_AUTHORIZED_KEYS/\%h/"$userHome"}
  151. log -n "adding user's authorized_keys file... "
  152. cat "$userAuthorizedKeys" >> "$AUTHORIZED_KEYS"
  153. loge "done."
  154. fi
  155. # move the temp authorized_keys file into place
  156. mv -f "${CACHE}/authorized_keys/${uname}.tmp" "${CACHE}/authorized_keys/${uname}"
  157. log "authorized_keys file updated."
  158. done
  159. log "----- done. -----"
  160. ;;
  161. 'gen-key'|'g')
  162. gen_key "$1"
  163. ;;
  164. 'show-fingerprint'|'f')
  165. fingerprint_server_key
  166. ;;
  167. 'publish-key'|'p')
  168. publish_server_key
  169. ;;
  170. 'trust-keys'|'trust-key'|'t')
  171. if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
  172. failure "You must specify at least one key to trust."
  173. fi
  174. # process key IDs
  175. for keyID ; do
  176. trust_key "$keyID"
  177. done
  178. ;;
  179. 'update-user-userids'|'update-user-userid'|'u')
  180. uname="$1"
  181. shift
  182. if [ -z "$uname" ] ; then
  183. failure "You must specify user."
  184. fi
  185. if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
  186. failure "You must specify at least one user ID."
  187. fi
  188. # set variables for the user
  189. AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS="$MS_HOME"/authorized_user_ids/"$uname"
  190. # make sure user's authorized_user_ids file exists
  191. touch "$AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS"
  192. # process the user IDs
  193. for userID ; do
  194. update_userid "$userID"
  195. done
  196. log "Run the following to update user's authorized_keys file:"
  197. log "$PGRM update-users $uname"
  198. ;;
  199. 'remove-user-userids'|'remove-user-userid'|'r')
  200. uname="$1"
  201. shift
  202. if [ -z "$uname" ] ; then
  203. failure "You must specify user."
  204. fi
  205. if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
  206. failure "You must specify at least one user ID."
  207. fi
  208. # set variables for the user
  209. AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS="$MS_HOME"/authorized_user_ids/"$uname"
  210. # make sure user's authorized_user_ids file exists
  211. touch "$AUTHORIZED_USER_IDS"
  212. # process the user IDs
  213. for userID ; do
  214. remove_userid "$userID"
  215. done
  216. log "Run the following to update user's authorized_keys file:"
  217. log "$PGRM update-users $uname"
  218. ;;
  219. 'help'|'h'|'?')
  220. usage
  221. ;;
  222. *)
  223. failure "Unknown command: '$COMMAND'
  224. Type '$PGRM help' for usage."
  225. ;;
  226. esac