[[meta title="Monkeysphere 0.25-1 released!"]] Monkeysphere 0.25-1 has been released. Notes from the changelog: <pre> * New upstream release: - update/fix the marginal ui output - use msmktempdir everywhere (avoid unwrapped calls to mktemp for portability) - clean out some redundant "cat"s - fix monkeysphere update-known_hosts for sshd running on non-standard ports - add 'sshfpr' subcommand to output the ssh fingerprint of a gpg key - pem2openpgp now generates self-sigs over SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 (changes dependency to libdigest-sha-perl) - some portability improvements - properly handle translation of keys with fingerprints with leading all-zero bytes. - resolve symlinks when checking paths (thanks Silvio Rhatto) (closes MS #917) - explicitly set and use MONKEYSPHERE_GROUP from system "groups" (closes: #534008) - monkeysphere-host now uses keytrans to add and revoke hostname (closes MS #422) * update Standard-Version to 3.8.2 (no changes needed) </pre> [[Download]] it now!