[[!meta title="APT repository moved"]]

The monkeysphere APT repository has been moved from
`http://monkeysphere.info/debian` to
`http://archive.monkeysphere.info/debian`.  You'll probably want to
update your `sources.list` to match the [official lines](/download).

The monkeysphere APT repository is also using [a new archive signing

	pub   4096R/EB8AF314 2008-09-02 [expires: 2009-09-02]
	      Key fingerprint = 2E8D D26C 53F1 197D DF40  3E61 18E6 67F1 EB8A F314
	uid       [  full  ] Monkeysphere Archive Signing Key (http://archive.monkeysphere.info/debian)

Apologies for any confusion or hassle this causes!