##Downloading and Installing##

If you are running a Debian system, you can install Monkeysphere
by following these directions:

You can add this repo to your system by putting the following lines in

	deb http://george.riseup.net/debian experimental monkeysphere
	deb-src http://george.riseup.net/debian experimental monkeysphere

The repository is currently signed by [Daniel Kahn Gillmor's OpenPGP key](http://fifthhorseman.net/dkg.gpg "dkg's key"), key id D21739E9
(fingerprint: `0EE5 BE97 9282 D80B 9F75 40F1 CCD2 ED94 D217 39E9`).
To cryptographically verify the packages, you'll want to [add `dkg`'s key to your apt configuration](http://cmrg.fifthhorseman.net/wiki/apt/importing-keys "Instructions for adding dkg's key to apt")