[[!meta title="The Monkeysphere Community"]]

# The Monkeysphere Community #

## Mailing list ##

The Monkeysphere project is a new project with just one mailing list
at the moment. Its where we roll our sphere, discuss development
issues, the project, and various complicated conundrums involving
subjects around the web of trust.

[Join us](https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/monkeysphere), we're a
friendly bunch. You can also [look through our
archives](https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/monkeysphere) if you don't
believe us.

## Internet Relay Chat ##

We're currently holding down an IRC channel on the `irc.oftc.net`
network.  You can find us in `#monkeysphere` if you prefer to
communicate this way.

## Development ##

The Monkeysphere uses a distributed development model with
[git](http://git.or.cz/).  Once you've [installed
git](http://www.spheredev.org/wiki/Git_for_the_lazy), you can [git
from this web site:

	git clone git://git.monkeysphere.info/monkeysphere

If you would like to build a deb package from the latest release, you can type
the following from inside the monkeysphere top level directory:

	make debian-package

This command will build an upstream tarball, attach the debian packaging
directory, and build a sample deb.

If you want to help extend the scope of the Monkeysphere, take a look
at our
[list of environments that could make use of the project](/expansion).

### Individual developer repositories ###

You might also be interested in the repositories of individual
developers, which may contain branches or features not yet in the main

[Daniel Kahn Gillmor](http://cmrg.fifthhorseman.net/wiki/dkg):

	git clone git://lair.fifthhorseman.net/~dkg/monkeysphere

[Jameson Rollins](http://cmrg.fifthhorseman.net/wiki/jrollins):

	git clone git://lair.fifthhorseman.net/~jrollins/monkeysphere

Micah Anderson:
	git clone git://labs.riseup.net/~micah/monkeysphere

## Contact ##

Please feel free to contact any of the Monkeysphere developers or post
to the mailing list with questions, comments, bug reports, requests,
etc.  If you contact a developer individually, please indicate if
there is any part of your note that can be made public (we might want
to post it to the web here).