[[meta title="proposed new monkeysphere-server subcommand: setup" ]]

What if everything that's done in the package post-installation
scripts (aside from maybe the creation of the monkeysphere user
itself) was done with a single call to something like

    monkeysphere-server setup

This would make things more obvious to folks installing from source
directly, and put less maintenance load on porters.  The end of
`monkeysphere-server setup` could also invoke `monkeysphere-server
diagnostics` to get the admin pointed in the right direction.

Think of this as a sort of automated "Getting Started" documentation.

Of course, a hypothetical *full* setup command would do things like
`gen-key`, auto-modify `sshd_config`, etc.  We wouldn't want to do
those things automatically without the guiding hand of the local

But perhaps we could even smooth that process with:

    monkeysphere-server setup --full

I'd like to know what other folks think about these possibilities.
Would either of these be useful?  Are they confusing?  Could they be
