#!/bin/bash # script to build a release announcement for the Monkeysphere # if you're running this, you probably also want to read through # the checklist in utils/preparing-release. # Author: Daniel Kahn Gillmor # Copyright: © 2008-2010 # License: GPL, v3 or later VERSION=`head -n1 Changelog | sed 's/.*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/'` WEBSITEDIR=../monkeysphere-docs/website if [ ! -d "$WEBSITEDIR" ]; then echo "you need to check out the monkeysphere-docs git repo" >&2 echo "as a peer of this repository to create a releasenote" >&2 exit 1 fi { sed "s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/g" < utils/releasenote.header head -n$(( $(grep -n '^ --' Changelog | head -n1 | cut -f1 -d:) - 2 )) Changelog | tail -n+3 sed "s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/g" < utils/releasenote.footer } > "$WEBSITEDIR/news/release-$VERSION.mdwn" (cd "$WEBSITEDIR" && git add "news/release-$VERSION.mdwn" ) checksums() { echo "checksums for the monkeysphere ${VERSION%%-*} release:" echo echo "MD5:" md5sum "../monkeysphere_${VERSION%%-*}.orig.tar.gz" echo echo "SHA1:" sha1sum "../monkeysphere_${VERSION%%-*}.orig.tar.gz" echo echo "SHA256:" sha256sum "../monkeysphere_${VERSION%%-*}.orig.tar.gz" } checksums temprelease=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) trap "rm -f $temprelease" EXIT set -e head -n$(( $(grep -n '^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----$' "$WEBSITEDIR/download.mdwn" | head -n1 | cut -f1 -d:) - 1 )) "$WEBSITEDIR/download.mdwn" | \ sed -e 's|http://archive\.monkeysphere\.info/debian/pool/monkeysphere/m/monkeysphere/monkeysphere_[[:digit:].]\+\.orig\.tar\.gz|http://archive.monkeysphere.info/debian/pool/monkeysphere/m/monkeysphere/monkeysphere_'"${VERSION%%-*}"'.orig.tar.gz|g' >$temprelease checksums | gpg --no-tty --clearsign --default-key EB8AF314 >>$temprelease cat utils/download.mdwn.footer >>$temprelease mv "$temprelease" "$WEBSITEDIR/download.mdwn" trap - EXIT set +e (cd "$WEBSITEDIR" && git add "download.mdwn") gpg --verify "$WEBSITEDIR/download.mdwn" printf "please remember to add the new version to the bugtracker:\n https://labs.riseup.net/code/projects/settings/monkeysphere\n"