# -*-shell-script-*- # This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant) # Monkeysphere update_known_hosts subcommand # # The monkeysphere scripts are written by: # Jameson Rollins <jrollins@finestructure.net> # Jamie McClelland <jm@mayfirst.org> # Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> # # They are Copyright 2010, and are all released under the GPL, version # 3 or later. # update the known_hosts file for a set of hosts listed on command # line update_known_hosts() { local tmpFile local host # touch the known_hosts file so that the file permission check # below won't fail upon not finding the file touch_key_file_or_fail "$KNOWN_HOSTS" check_key_file_permissions $(whoami) "$KNOWN_HOSTS" \ || failure "Bad permissions governing known_hosts file $KNOWN_HOSTS" lock create "$KNOWN_HOSTS" # FIXME: we're discarding any pre-existing EXIT trap; is this bad? trap "log debug TRAP; lock remove $KNOWN_HOSTS" EXIT tmpFile=$(mktemp "${KNOWN_HOSTS}.monkeysphere.XXXXXX") trap "log debug TRAP; lock remove $KNOWN_HOSTS; rm -f $tmpFile" EXIT cat "$KNOWN_HOSTS" >"$tmpFile" for host ; do FILE_TYPE='known_hosts' process_keys_for_file "$tmpFile" "ssh://${host}" lock touch "$KNOWN_HOSTS" done if [ "$(file_hash "$KNOWN_HOSTS")" != "$(file_hash "$tmpFile")" ] ; then mv -f "$tmpFile" "$KNOWN_HOSTS" log debug "known_hosts file updated." else rm -f "$tmpFile" fi lock remove "$KNOWN_HOSTS" trap - EXIT } # process hosts from a known_hosts file process_known_hosts() { local hosts if [ ! -e "$KNOWN_HOSTS" ] ; then failure "known_hosts file '$KNOWN_HOSTS' does not exist." fi log debug "processing known_hosts file:" log debug " $KNOWN_HOSTS" hosts=$(meat "$KNOWN_HOSTS" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep -v '^|.*$' | tr , ' ' | tr '\n' ' ') if [ -z "$hosts" ] ; then log debug "no hosts to process." return fi # take all the hosts from the known_hosts file (first # field), grep out all the hashed hosts (lines starting # with '|')... update_known_hosts $hosts }