path: root/src/share/ma/list_certifiers
diff options
authorMatt Goins <>2009-02-17 22:31:17 -0500
committerMatt Goins <>2009-02-17 22:31:17 -0500
commit8e3de9de8bc67b3e9e2c490a7e3142fde7742044 (patch)
treed0cb80bf0d37da795721167ecbf42423a570f578 /src/share/ma/list_certifiers
parent3b81cd012e8224490a3836cccbd7d082a061658e (diff)
parent25e870d1d7109f9e37460c26de4a05a05adfc760 (diff)
Merge commit 'jrollins/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/share/ma/list_certifiers')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/share/ma/list_certifiers b/src/share/ma/list_certifiers
index e37485e..5a0388e 100644
--- a/src/share/ma/list_certifiers
+++ b/src/share/ma/list_certifiers
@@ -17,14 +17,42 @@ list_certifiers() {
local keys
local key
+local authfpr
-# find trusted keys in authentication keychain
-keys=$(gpg_sphere "--no-options --list-options show-uid-validity --keyring ${GNUPGHOME_AUTHENTICATION}/pubring.gpg --list-keys --with-colons --fingerprint" | \
- grep ^pub: | cut -d: -f2,5 | egrep '^(u|f):' | cut -d: -f2)
+# find trusted keys in sphere keychain
+log debug "finding trusted keys..."
-# output keys
-for key in $keys ; do
- gpg_sphere "--no-options --list-options show-uid-validity --keyring ${GNUPGHOME_AUTHENTICATION}/pubring.gpg --list-key --fingerprint $key"
+# FIXME: this assumes that the keygrip (16 hex chars) is unique; we're
+# only searching by keygrip at the moment.
+authgrip=$(core_fingerprint | cut -b 25-40)
+# We're walking the list of known signatures, and extracting all trust
+# signatures made by the core fingerprint and known to the sphere
+# keyring.
+# for each one of these, we're printing (colon-delimited): the
+# fingerprint, the trust depth, the trust level (60 == marginal, 120
+# == full), and the domain regex (if any):
+gpg_sphere "--fingerprint --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --check-sigs" | \
+ cut -f 1,2,5,8,9,10 -d: | \
+ egrep '^(fpr:::::|sig:!:'"$authgrip"':[[:digit:]]+ [[:digit:]]+:)' | \
+ while IFS=: read -r type validity grip trustparams trustdomain fpr ; do
+ case $type in
+ 'fpr') # this is a new key
+ keyfpr=$fpr
+ ;;
+ 'sig') # print all trust signatures, including regexes if present
+ trustdepth=${trustparams%% *}
+ trustlevel=${trustparams##* }
+ # FIXME: this is clumsy and not human-friendly. we should
+ # print out more human-readable information, if possible.
+ printf "%s:%d:%d:%s\n" "$keyfpr" "$trustdepth" "$trustlevel" "$trustdomain"
+ ;;
+ esac