path: root/src/share/m
diff options
authorJameson Graef Rollins <>2009-01-31 23:05:23 -0500
committerJameson Graef Rollins <>2009-01-31 23:06:56 -0500
commit33888714f26a775b3be54edb27d77de719d5939c (patch)
tree0eacf9b1424198458ec7f2641c9353f18640bd86 /src/share/m
parentabedd439e7b62428e1c76baf008f2d6b1afccc5a (diff)
move src/subcommands to srv/share, and add common file to src/share (update Makefile as well)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/share/m')
4 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/share/m/gen_subkey b/src/share/m/gen_subkey
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbefaa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/share/m/gen_subkey
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# -*-shell-script-*-
+# This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
+# Monkeysphere gen-subkey subcommand
+# The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
+# Jameson Rollins <>
+# Jamie McClelland <>
+# Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
+# They are Copyright 2008-2009, and are all released under the GPL,
+# version 3 or later.
+# generate a subkey with the 'a' usage flags set
+ local keyLength
+ local keyExpire
+ local keyID
+ local gpgOut
+ local userID
+ # get options
+ while true ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -l|--length)
+ keyLength="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -e|--expire)
+ keyExpire="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ "$(echo "$1" | cut -c 1)" = '-' ] ; then
+ failure "Unknown option '$1'.
+Type '$PGRM help' for usage."
+ fi
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ case "$#" in
+ 0)
+ gpgSecOut=$(gpg --quiet --fixed-list-mode --list-secret-keys --with-colons 2>/dev/null | egrep '^sec:')
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ gpgSecOut=$(gpg --quiet --fixed-list-mode --list-secret-keys --with-colons "$1" | egrep '^sec:') || failure
+ ;;
+ *)
+ failure "You must specify only a single primary key ID."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # check that only a single secret key was found
+ case $(echo "$gpgSecOut" | grep -c '^sec:') in
+ 0)
+ failure "No secret keys found. Create an OpenPGP key with the following command:
+ gpg --gen-key"
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ keyID=$(echo "$gpgSecOut" | cut -d: -f5)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Multiple primary secret keys found:"
+ echo "$gpgSecOut" | cut -d: -f5
+ failure "Please specify which primary key to use."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # check that a valid authentication key does not already exist
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ for line in $(gpg --quiet --fixed-list-mode --list-keys --with-colons "$keyID") ; do
+ type=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f1)
+ validity=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f2)
+ usage=$(echo "$line" | cut -d: -f12)
+ # look at keys only
+ if [ "$type" != 'pub' -a "$type" != 'sub' ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # check for authentication capability
+ if ! check_capability "$usage" 'a' ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # if authentication key is valid, prompt to continue
+ if [ "$validity" = 'u' ] ; then
+ echo "A valid authentication key already exists for primary key '$keyID'."
+ read -p "Are you sure you would like to generate another one? (y/N) " OK; OK=${OK:N}
+ if [ "${OK/y/Y}" != 'Y' ] ; then
+ failure "aborting."
+ fi
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # set subkey defaults
+ # prompt about key expiration if not specified
+ keyExpire=$(get_gpg_expiration "$keyExpire")
+ # generate the list of commands that will be passed to edit-key
+ editCommands=$(cat <<EOF
+ log verbose "generating subkey..."
+ fifoDir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
+ (umask 077 && mkfifo "$fifoDir/pass")
+ echo "$editCommands" | gpg --passphrase-fd 3 3< "$fifoDir/pass" --expert --command-fd 0 --edit-key "$keyID" &
+ # FIXME: this needs to fail more gracefully if the passphrase is incorrect
+ passphrase_prompt "Please enter your passphrase for $keyID: " "$fifoDir/pass"
+ rm -rf "$fifoDir"
+ wait
+ log verbose "done."
diff --git a/src/share/m/import_subkey b/src/share/m/import_subkey
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa89958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/share/m/import_subkey
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# -*-shell-script-*-
+# This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
+# Monkeysphere import-subkey subcommand
+# The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
+# Jameson Rollins <>
+# Jamie McClelland <>
+# Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
+# They are Copyright 2008-2009, and are all released under the GPL,
+# version 3 or later.
+# import an existing ssh key as a gpg subkey
+import_subkey() {
+ local keyFile="~/.ssh/id_rsa"
+ local keyExpire
+ local keyID
+ local gpgOut
+ local userID
+ # get options
+ while true ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -f|--keyfile)
+ keyFile="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -e|--expire)
+ keyExpire="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ "$(echo "$1" | cut -c 1)" = '-' ] ; then
+ failure "Unknown option '$1'.
+Type '$PGRM help' for usage."
+ fi
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ log verbose "importing ssh key..."
+ fifoDir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
+ (umask 077 && mkfifo "$fifoDir/pass")
+ ssh2openpgp | gpg --passphrase-fd 3 3< "$fifoDir/pass" --expert --command-fd 0 --import &
+ passphrase_prompt "Please enter your passphrase for $keyID: " "$fifoDir/pass"
+ rm -rf "$fifoDir"
+ wait
+ log verbose "done."
diff --git a/src/share/m/ssh_proxycommand b/src/share/m/ssh_proxycommand
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7239c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/share/m/ssh_proxycommand
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# -*-shell-script-*-
+# This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
+# monkeysphere-ssh-proxycommand: MonkeySphere ssh ProxyCommand hook
+# The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
+# Jameson Rollins <>
+# Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
+# They are Copyright 2008-2009, and are all released under the GPL,
+# version 3 or later.
+# This is meant to be run as an ssh ProxyCommand to initiate a
+# monkeysphere known_hosts update before an ssh connection to host is
+# established. Can be added to ~/.ssh/config as follows:
+# ProxyCommand monkeysphere-ssh-proxycommand %h %p
+ssh_proxycommand() {
+# "marginal case" ouput in the case that there is not a full
+# validation path to the host
+output_no_valid_key() {
+ local sshKeyOffered
+ local userID
+ local type
+ local validity
+ local keyid
+ local uidfpr
+ local usage
+ local sshKeyGPG
+ local tmpkey
+ local sshFingerprint
+ local gpgSigOut
+ userID="ssh://${HOSTP}"
+ log "-------------------- Monkeysphere warning -------------------"
+ log "Monkeysphere found OpenPGP keys for this hostname, but none had full validity."
+ # retrieve the actual ssh key
+ sshKeyOffered=$(ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p "$PORT" "$HOST" 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $2, $3 }')
+ # FIXME: should we do any checks for failed keyscans, eg. host not
+ # found?
+ # get the gpg info for userid
+ gpgOut=$(gpg --list-key --fixed-list-mode --with-colon \
+ --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint \
+ ="$userID" 2>/dev/null)
+ # find all 'pub' and 'sub' lines in the gpg output, which each
+ # represent a retrieved key for the user ID
+ echo "$gpgOut" | cut -d: -f1,2,5,10,12 | \
+ while IFS=: read -r type validity keyid uidfpr usage ; do
+ case $type in
+ 'pub'|'sub')
+ # get the ssh key of the gpg key
+ sshKeyGPG=$(gpg2ssh "$keyid")
+ # if one of keys found matches the one offered by the
+ # host, then output info
+ if [ "$sshKeyGPG" = "$sshKeyOffered" ] ; then
+ log "An OpenPGP key matching the ssh key offered by the host was found:"
+ log
+ # do some crazy "Here Strings" redirection to get the key to
+ # ssh-keygen, since it doesn't read from stdin cleanly
+ sshFingerprint=$(ssh-keygen -l -f /dev/stdin \
+ <<<$(echo "$sshKeyGPG") | \
+ awk '{ print $2 }')
+ # get the sigs for the matching key
+ gpgSigOut=$(gpg --check-sigs \
+ --list-options show-uid-validity \
+ "$keyid")
+ # output the sigs, but only those on the user ID
+ # we are looking for
+ echo "$gpgSigOut" | awk '
+if (match($0,"^pub")) { print; }
+if (match($0,"^uid")) { ok=0; }
+if (match($0,"^uid.*'$userID'$")) { ok=1; print; }
+if (ok) { if (match($0,"^sig")) { print; } }
+' >&2
+ log
+ # output the other user IDs for reference
+ if (echo "$gpgSigOut" | grep "^uid" | grep -v -q "$userID") ; then
+ log "Other user IDs on this key:"
+ echo "$gpgSigOut" | grep "^uid" | grep -v "$userID" >&2
+ log
+ fi
+ # output ssh fingerprint
+ log "RSA key fingerprint is ${sshFingerprint}."
+ # this whole process is in a "while read"
+ # subshell. the only way to get information out
+ # of the subshell is to change the return code.
+ # therefore we return 1 here to indicate that a
+ # matching gpg key was found for the ssh key
+ # offered by the host
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ # if no key match was made (and the "while read" subshell returned
+ # 1) output how many keys were found
+ if (($? != 1)) ; then
+ log "None of the found keys matched the key offered by the host."
+ log "Run the following command for more info about the found keys:"
+ log "gpg --check-sigs --list-options show-uid-validity =${userID}"
+ # FIXME: should we do anything extra here if the retrieved
+ # host key is actually in the known_hosts file and the ssh
+ # connection will succeed? Should the user be warned?
+ # prompted?
+ fi
+ log "-------------------- ssh continues below --------------------"
+# export the monkeysphere log level
+if [ "$1" = '--no-connect' ] ; then
+ NO_CONNECT='true'
+ shift 1
+if [ -z "$HOST" ] ; then
+ log "Host not specified."
+ usage
+ exit 255
+if [ -z "$PORT" ] ; then
+ PORT=22
+# set the host URI
+if [ "$PORT" != '22' ] ; then
+# specify keyserver checking. the behavior of this proxy command is
+# intentionally different than that of running monkeyesphere normally,
+# and keyserver checking is intentionally done under certain
+# circumstances. This can be overridden by setting the
+# MONKEYSPHERE_CHECK_KEYSERVER environment variable.
+# if the host is in the gpg keyring...
+if gpg --list-key ="${URI}" 2>&1 >/dev/null ; then
+ # do not check the keyserver
+# if the host is NOT in the keyring...
+ # if the host key is found in the known_hosts file...
+ # FIXME: this only works for default known_hosts location
+ hostKey=$(ssh-keygen -F "$HOST" 2>/dev/null)
+ if [ "$hostKey" ] ; then
+ # do not check the keyserver
+ # FIXME: more nuanced checking should be done here to properly
+ # take into consideration hosts that join monkeysphere by
+ # converting an existing and known ssh key
+ # if the host key is not found in the known_hosts file...
+ else
+ # check the keyserver
+ fi
+# set and export the variable for use by monkeysphere
+# update the known_hosts file for the host
+monkeysphere update-known_hosts "$HOSTP"
+# output on depending on the return of the update-known_hosts
+# subcommand, which is (ultimately) the return code of the
+# update_known_hosts function in common
+case $? in
+ 0)
+ # acceptable host key found so continue to ssh
+ true
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ # no hosts at all found so also continue (drop through to
+ # regular ssh host verification)
+ true
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ # at least one *bad* host key (and no good host keys) was
+ # found, so output some usefull information
+ output_no_valid_key
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # anything else drop through
+ true
+ ;;
+# FIXME: what about the case where monkeysphere successfully finds a
+# valid key for the host and adds it to the known_hosts file, but a
+# different non-monkeysphere key for the host already exists in the
+# known_hosts, and it is this non-ms key that is offered by the host?
+# monkeysphere will succeed, and the ssh connection will succeed, and
+# the user will be left with the impression that they are dealing with
+# a OpenPGP/PKI host key when in fact they are not. should we use
+# ssh-keyscan to compare the keys first?
+# exec a netcat passthrough to host for the ssh connection
+if [ -z "$NO_CONNECT" ] ; then
+ if (which nc 2>/dev/null >/dev/null); then
+ exec nc "$HOST" "$PORT"
+ elif (which socat 2>/dev/null >/dev/null); then
+ exec socat STDIO "TCP:$HOST:$PORT"
+ else
+ echo "Neither netcat nor socat found -- could not complete monkeysphere-ssh-proxycommand connection to $HOST:$PORT" >&2
+ exit 255
+ fi
diff --git a/src/share/m/subkey_to_ssh_agent b/src/share/m/subkey_to_ssh_agent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..012c95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/share/m/subkey_to_ssh_agent
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# -*-shell-script-*-
+# This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
+# Monkeysphere subkey-to-ssh-agent subcommand
+# The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
+# Jameson Rollins <>
+# Jamie McClelland <>
+# Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
+# They are Copyright 2008-2009, and are all released under the GPL,
+# version 3 or later.
+# try to add all authentication subkeys to the agent
+subkey_to_ssh_agent() {
+ local sshaddresponse
+ local secretkeys
+ local authsubkeys
+ local workingdir
+ local keysuccess
+ local subkey
+ local publine
+ local kname
+ if ! test_gnu_dummy_s2k_extension ; then
+ failure "Your version of GnuTLS does not seem capable of using with gpg's exported subkeys.
+You may want to consider patching or upgrading to GnuTLS 2.6 or later.
+For more details, see:
+ fi
+ # if there's no agent running, don't bother:
+ if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] || ! which ssh-add >/dev/null ; then
+ failure "No ssh-agent available."
+ fi
+ # and if it looks like it's running, but we can't actually talk to
+ # it, bail out:
+ ssh-add -l >/dev/null
+ sshaddresponse="$?"
+ if [ "$sshaddresponse" = "2" ]; then
+ failure "Could not connect to ssh-agent"
+ fi
+ # get list of secret keys (to work around bug
+ #
+ secretkeys=$(gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons --fixed-list-mode --fingerprint | \
+ grep '^fpr:' | cut -f10 -d: | awk '{ print "0x" $1 "!" }')
+ if [ -z "$secretkeys" ]; then
+ failure "You have no secret keys in your keyring!
+You might want to run 'gpg --gen-key'."
+ fi
+ authsubkeys=$(gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons --fixed-list-mode \
+ --fingerprint --fingerprint $secretkeys | \
+ cut -f1,5,10,12 -d: | grep -A1 '^ssb:[^:]*::[^:]*a[^:]*$' | \
+ grep '^fpr::' | cut -f3 -d: | sort -u)
+ if [ -z "$authsubkeys" ]; then
+ failure "no authentication-capable subkeys available.
+You might want to 'monkeysphere gen-subkey'"
+ fi
+ workingdir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
+ umask 077
+ mkfifo "$workingdir/passphrase"
+ keysuccess=1
+ # FIXME: we're currently allowing any other options to get passed
+ # through to ssh-add. should we limit it to known ones? For
+ # example: -d or -c and/or -t <lifetime>
+ for subkey in $authsubkeys; do
+ # choose a label by which this key will be known in the agent:
+ # we are labelling the key by User ID instead of by
+ # fingerprint, but filtering out all / characters to make sure
+ # the filename is legit.
+ primaryuid=$(gpg --with-colons --list-key "0x${subkey}!" | grep '^pub:' | cut -f10 -d: | tr -d /)
+ #kname="[monkeysphere] $primaryuid"
+ kname="$primaryuid"
+ if [ "$1" = '-d' ]; then
+ # we're removing the subkey:
+ gpg --export "0x${subkey}!" | openpgp2ssh "$subkey" > "$workingdir/$kname"
+ (cd "$workingdir" && ssh-add -d "$kname")
+ else
+ # we're adding the subkey:
+ mkfifo "$workingdir/$kname"
+ gpg --quiet --passphrase-fd 3 3<"$workingdir/passphrase" \
+ --export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd,export-minimal,no-export-attributes \
+ --export-secret-subkeys "0x${subkey}!" | openpgp2ssh "$subkey" > "$workingdir/$kname" &
+ (cd "$workingdir" && DISPLAY=nosuchdisplay SSH_ASKPASS=/bin/false ssh-add "$@" "$kname" </dev/null )&
+ passphrase_prompt "Enter passphrase for key $kname: " "$workingdir/passphrase"
+ wait %2
+ fi
+ keysuccess="$?"
+ rm -f "$workingdir/$kname"
+ done
+ rm -rf "$workingdir"
+ # FIXME: sort out the return values: we're just returning the
+ # success or failure of the final authentication subkey in this
+ # case. What if earlier ones failed?
+ exit "$keysuccess"