$TTL 604800 @ SOA localhost. root.localhost. ( 1 ; Serial 604800 ; Refresh 86400 ; Retry 2419200 ; Expire 604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL ; Public zone roots, mailhubs and non-CNAME services (use A) NS localhost. MX 5 xayide.jones.dk. MX 10 perilin.jones.dk. MX 50 jawa.homebase.dk. MX 50 pluto.dgi-huset.dk. SPF "v=spf1 mx -all" ; External hosts (use A and TXT-wrapped CNAME or PTR) ; Public local hosts (use A) ; Public wildcards of zone roots, hosts and non-CNAME services (use A and TXT or CNAME) ; Public CNAME-mapped PTR records ; Public authentication-related (LDAP and Kerberos) records postfix._domainkey TXT "k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCt3WEC7zyxmnI1No90K0obB9c2wxkO/GlqYpIwaM0yNm9skD5X8YFBdIZ6+mj725Pn3iiwg5DfMWT6z85255txg7z0Kh35UmMgZEZFvjckYQ/hEQ/6n9YZN6dIU9L0qRYdbolXP8FjJPrZRvzYXFKSBpLlx3u6NmizJqvdsrqz9QIDAQAB;t=y" ; External services (use CNAME to local A, or A and TXT-wrapped CNAME, or CNAME if ok with partner) ; Public local services (use CNAME) ; Private zone roots, mailhubs and non-CNAME services (use A) ; Private hosts (use A) ; Private wildcards of zone roots, hosts and non-CNAME services (use CNAME) ; Private CNAME-mapped PTR records ; Private services (use CNAME) ; Private CNAME-mapped PTR records