[skin] description = Solarized (mostly) dark skin for Midnight Commander. [Lines] # TODO: Description. horiz = ─ vert = │ lefttop = ┌ righttop = ┐ leftbottom = └ rightbottom = ┘ topmiddle = ─ bottommiddle = ─ leftmiddle = ├ rightmiddle = ┤ cross = ┼ dhoriz = ═ dvert = ║ dlefttop = ╔ drighttop = ╗ dleftbottom = ╚ drightbottom = ╝ dtopmiddle = ╤ dbottommiddle = ╧ dleftmiddle = ╟ drightmiddle = ╢ [core] # Panes. _default_ = lightgray;black ;; Default file colors/background. selected = white;cyan ;; Color while hovering above a file/directory. marked = white;magenta ;; Marked line (using select - insert, ctrl-t, etc...) markselect = red;cyan ;; Marked and selected. header = white ;; Pane header (name,size,date titles). reverse = white;magenta ;; The direcotry PWD above the header, in focused pane. # Input fields. inputunchanged = lightgray;black ;; Input fields colors. input = white;black ;; Input fields, modified. inputhistory = red;lightgray ;; Input history controller. inputmark = black;red ;; Input field marked text, if any. disabled = brightcyan;lightgray ;; Disabled input fields in dialog boxes. gauge = magenta;blue ;; Progress bars (while copying etc). TODO: What the text stands for?! # Command line. # TODO: Command prompt line colors. What are they?! commandlinemark = black;red ;; Commandline marked text, if any. commandhistory = red;black ;; Command prompt history controller. # TODO: What these stand for? errors = black;green statusbar = black;green [popup] # TODO: Probably user menu, screenlist, encoding, etc... pmenunormal = black;green pmenusel = black;green pmenutitle = black;green [dialog] _default_ = black;lightgray ;; Default colors of dialogs (e.g. copy dialog). dfocus = black;green ;; Controller colors (checkboxes, actions) in focus. dhotnormal = red ;; Controllers hotkey color. dhotfocus = red;green ;; Controllers hotkey color in focus. dtitle = white;magenta ;; Dialog title. [error] _default_ = black;lightgray ;; Default colors of error dialogs (e.g. overwrite permission). errdfocus = black;green ;; Controller colors (checkboxes, actions) in focus. errdhotnormal = red ;; Controllers hotkey color. errdhotfocus = red;green ;; Controllers hotkey color in focus. errdtitle = white;red ;; Error dialog title. [filehighlight] # View filehighlight.ini as reference. directory = cyan;black ;; Directories. executable = brightred;black ;; Executable files. symlink = magenta;black ;; Symbolic links. stalelink = lightgray;red ;; Broken links. device = red;blue ;; An interface for a device driver. special = black;blue ;; Pipes (FIFOs), sockets, block files, character files etc... core = brightcyan;black ;; Core dump files, etc?... temp = brightgreen;black ;; Bak, Temp, ~, etc... archive = brightmagenta;black ;; Archives. source = green;black ;; Source files. media = yel_low;black ;; Interactive media. graph = blue;black ;; Images, in other words. database = yel_low;black ;; DataBases, duh. doc = red;black ;; Documents, duh. [menu] _default_ = black;lightgray ;; Default colors for menu while active. menuinactive = black;lightgray ;; Colors for menu while inactive. menuhot = red ;; Menu item hotkey. menusel = black;green ;; Selected menu item. menuhotsel = red;green ;; Selected menu item hotkey. [help] _default_ = black;lightgray ;; Default help tooltip text color/background. helpitalic = brightmagenta ;; Help when italic. helpbold = red ;; Help when bold. helplink = cyan ;; Links insde help tooltip. helpslink = green ;; Links insde help tooltip focused. helptitle = white;magenta ;; Help title. [buttonbar] #Bottom button bar (copy,move, etc...) hotkey = white;black ;; Hotkey colors (1-10). button = black;lightgray ;; Button colors (text itself). [statusbar] _default_=black;lightgray [editor] _default_ = lightgray;black ;; Basic pane theme. editbold = red;black ;; Highlighted search results. editmarked = lightgray;green ;; Marked region. editwhitespace = brightblue;black ;; Tabs and trailing spaces. editlinestate = lightgray;black ;; Gutter. bookmark = white;cyan ;; Bookmarked line. bookmarkfound = black;green ;; Hover on bookmark(?). editbg = lightgray;black ;; Basic editor theme (No full screen). editframe = lightgray;magenta ;; Modified pane(?). editframeactive = lightgray;black ;; Active pane. editframedrag = lightgray;green ;; Moved/Resized pane. [viewer] # TODO: These. viewunderline = brightmagenta;black viewbold = brightmagenta;black viewselected = brightmagenta;black [widget-common] # TODO: These. sort-sign-up = ↓ sort-sign-down = ↑ [widget-panel] # TODO: These. hiddenfiles-sign-show = ⋅ hiddenfiles-sign-hide = • history-prev-item-sign = « history-next-item-sign = » history-show-list-sign = ^ [widget-scollbar] # TODO: These. first-vert-char = ↑ last-vert-char = ↓ first-horiz-char = « last-horiz-char = » current-char = ■ background-char = ▒