afpd\[[0-9]+\]: afp_flushfork: of_find: Permission denied
afpd\[[0-9]+\]: afp_getsrvrparms: stat /volumes/(km/kmstab/kmstab|kp/kp(/kp|/kpstab|stab/kpstab)|misc/flstab/flstab): Permission denied
afpd\[[0-9]+\]: bad function 7A
afpd\[[0-9]+\]: cnid_open: Cannot establish logfile cleanup lock for database environment .*/\.AppleDB/cnid\.lock \(open\(\) failed\)
afpd\[[0-9]+\]: dsi_stream_read\(0\): Permission denied
afpd\[[0-9]+\]: error removing /.+/net[\.0-9]+node[0-9]+: Permission denied
afpd\[[0-9]+\]: uams_dhx_pam\.c :PAM: PAM_Error: Authentication failure -- (Bad file descriptor|Invalid argument)
IMP\[[0-9]+\]: FAILED .* to .*:143 as .*
i(map|pop3)d\[[0-9]+\]: (AUTHENTICATE (LOGIN|PLAIN) failure|Login failed)( user=.*)? host=(.* )?\[.*\]
kernel: IP_MASQ:reverse ICMP: failed checksum from .*!
kernel: Packet log: input DENY eth1 PROTO=1 L=427 S=0xD0 I=0 F=0x4000 T=255 \(#22\)
PAM_unix\[[0-9]+\]: authentication failure; \(uid=0\) -> .* for (imap|netatalk|pop|samba|ssh) service
portsentry\[[0-9]+\]: attackalert: .*
smbd\[[0-9]+\]:   smb_pam_passcheck: PAM: smb_pam_auth failed - Rejecting User [[:alnum:]]+ !
smbd\[[0-9]+\]:   read_socket_data: recv failure for 4. Error = No route to host
smbd\[[0-9]+\]:   yield_connection: tdb_delete for name  failed with error Record does not exist\.
sshd\[[0-9]+\]: Failed password for .*
pumpd\[[0-9]+\]: SO_BINDTODEVICE eth0 \(4\) failed: Invalid argument
postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: .*: 550 <.*>: User unknown; .*
postfix/smtpd\[[0-9]+\]: reject: .*: 554 <.*>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown; .*
postfix.*\[[0-9]+\]: .* from=<(|>
snort: spp_http_decode: IIS Unicode attack detected:
postgres\[[0-9]+\]: \[[0-9-]+\] DEBUG: .*