<?php /* File: config/ldap.php3 $Author: jonas $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2002-04-02 06:59:37 $ IMP: Copywrite 1998 Charles J. Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org This code is under the GNU Public License See the file COPYING in this directory */ $LDAPServers = array(); /* $LDAPServers['infospace'] = new LDAPServer('infospace', 'Infospace', 'ldap.infospace.com', '', 'sn', 'cn,mail,sn', 'is,is_strict,contains,begins,ends'); $LDAPServers['bigfoot'] = new LDAPServer('bigfoot', 'Bigfoot', 'ldap.bigfoot.com', '', 'surname', 'cn,mail,sn', 'is,sounds,is_strict,contains,begins,ends'); $LDAPServers['infospacebiz'] = new LDAPServer('infospacebiz', 'InfoSpace Business', 'ldapbiz.infospace.com', '', 'sn', 'cn,sn', 'is_strict,begins'); $LDAPServers['yahoo'] = new LDAPServer('yahoo', 'Yahoo', 'ldap.yahoo.com', '', 'sn', 'cn,mail,sn,givenname', 'is,is_strict,contains,begins,ends'); $LDAPServers['whowhere'] = new LDAPServer('whowhere', 'WhoWhere', 'ldap.whowhere.com', '', 'sn', 'cn,mail,sn,givenname', 'is,is_strict,contains,begins,ends'); */ /* The following is another example how to add your local LDAP server. Have a look at the last three lines: The last line specifies the attribute holding the email address (defaults to mail, if your email addresses are stored in a different attribute then set this one). Most people won't need this but if you use a custom attribute this will let you still search standard directories in the same IMP installation). The last but one specifies the country (ie. c=[country]. The line before that specifies your organisation (ie. o=[organisation]. Alternatively you can leave the country/org lines blank and just specify a normal base DN on the fourth line. See horde lib for a complete list of options */ $LDAPServers['jones'] = new LDAPServer('jones', 'jones.dk', 'ldap.jones.dk', 'dc=jones,dc=dk', 'sn', 'cn,mail,sn,givenname,uid,ou', 'is,sounds,is_strict,contains,begins,ends'); $LDAPServers['homebase'] = new LDAPServer('homebase', 'homebase.dk', 'ldap.homebase.dk', 'dc=homebase,dc=dk', 'sn', 'cn,mail,sn,givenname,uid,ou', 'is,sounds,is_strict,contains,begins,ends'); ?>