# Use an SHMCB backed session cache unless you have special needs. # (The dbm backend has known memory leaks and should not be used). GnuTLSCache shmcb:${APACHE_RUN_DIR}/gnutls_cache(65536) # An alternative is to use a memcached server to store SSL sessions. # This is useful in a cluster environment, # where you want all your servers to share a single SSL session cache. #GnuTLSCache memcache " server2.example.com server3.example.com" # Require Perfect Forward Secrecy and recent TLS protocol versions # This should be supported by all SNI-capable browsers # You can validate e.g. at GnuTLSPriorities PFS:-VERS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.3:+VERS-TLS1.2:%SERVER_PRECEDENCE GnuTLSOCSPStapling off