$TTL 3600 @ SOA ns.superserver.dk. teknik.bitbase.dk. ( 2010010401 ; serial 3600 ; refresh 1800 ; retry 604800 ; expire 3600 ) ; Negative Cache TTL ; Public zone roots, mailhubs and non-CNAME services (use A) NS ns.bitbase.dk. NS dns.jones.dk. NS ns.superserver.dk. NS ns.homebase.dk. A MX 10 coreander.bitbase.dk. MX 50 xayide.jones.dk. MX 50 jawa.homebase.dk. MX 50 pluto.dgi-huset.dk. SPF "v=spf1 mx -all" ns A MX 0 . SPF "v=spf1 -all" ; External hosts (use A and TXT-wrapped CNAME or PTR) ; Public local hosts (use A) ; Public wildcards of zone roots, hosts and non-CNAME services (use A and TXT or CNAME) ; Public CNAME-mapped PTR records ; Public authentication-related (LDAP and Kerberos) records postfix._domainkey IN TXT "k=rsa;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQD13QGUJb9NF5wOE6YDArVuLb7Fko6c3OsdGwfRQbwyV/BbWKfJReo1bao59alO4IkkSKGXNRF2vlsTQOHRL8DyN2oAcg3siA5/Dga7x7jodmPP5eWGwLpRVSQhj/FPwT2l1Grr9+OLzxBd8C2oPhA0nkoaLZQt6VTayR836Ps4DwIDAQAB" ; External services (use CNAME to local A, or A and TXT-wrapped CNAME, or CNAME if ok with partner) abu CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.abu CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. aurora CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.aurora CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. fo CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.fo CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. gritt CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.gritt CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. kik CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.kik CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. streaming CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.streaming CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. mail CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.mail CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. kick CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. *.kick CNAME coreander.bitbase.dk. * CNAME coreander.jones.dk. ; Public local services (use CNAME) ; Private zone roots, mailhubs and non-CNAME services (use A) ; Private hosts (use A) ; Private wildcards of zone roots, hosts and non-CNAME services (use CNAME) ; Private CNAME-mapped PTR records ; Private services (use CNAME) ; Private CNAME-mapped PTR records