- --
- create table temp (
- id int default nextval('id'),
- name varchar(64),
- address1 varchar(32),
- address2 varchar(32),
- city varchar(32),
- state varchar(32),
- zipcode varchar(10),
- country varchar(32),
- contact varchar(64),
- phone varchar(20),
- fax varchar(20),
- email text,
- notes text,
- discount float4,
- taxincluded bool default 'f',
- creditlimit float default 0,
- terms int2 default 0,
- customernumber varchar(32),
- cc text,
- bcc text,
- business_id int,
- taxnumber varchar(32),
- sic_code varchar(6),
- iban varchar(34),
- bic varchar(11),
- employee_id int
- );
- --
- insert into temp (id,name,address1,city,country,state,contact,phone,fax,email,notes,discount,taxincluded,creditlimit,terms,customernumber,cc,bcc,business_id,taxnumber,sic_code,iban,bic,employee_id) select id,name,substr(addr1,1,32),substr(addr2,1,32),substr(addr3,1,32),substr(addr4,1,32),contact,phone,fax,email,notes,discount,taxincluded,creditlimit,terms,substr(customernumber,1,32),cc,bcc,business_id,substr(taxnumber,1,32),sic_code,iban,bic,employee_id from customer;
- --
- drop table customer;
- alter table temp rename to customer;
- --
- create index customer_id_key on customer (id);
- create index customer_customernumber_key on customer (customernumber);
- create index customer_name_key on customer (name);
- create index customer_contact_key on customer (contact);
- --
- create trigger del_customer after delete on customer for each row execute procedure del_customer();
- -- end trigger
- --
- create table temp (
- id int default nextval('id'),
- name varchar(64),
- address1 varchar(32),
- address2 varchar(32),
- city varchar(32),
- state varchar(32),
- zipcode varchar(10),
- country varchar(32),
- contact varchar(64),
- phone varchar(20),
- fax varchar(20),
- email text,
- notes text,
- terms int2 default 0,
- taxincluded bool default 'f',
- vendornumber varchar(32),
- cc text,
- bcc text,
- gifi_accno varchar(30),
- business_id int,
- taxnumber varchar(32),
- sic_code varchar(6),
- discount float4,
- creditlimit float default 0,
- iban varchar(34),
- bic varchar(11),
- employee_id int
- );
- --
- insert into temp (id,name,address1,city,country,state,contact,phone,fax,email,notes,terms,taxincluded,vendornumber,cc,bcc,gifi_accno,business_id,taxnumber,sic_code,discount,creditlimit,iban,bic,employee_id) select id,name,substr(addr1,1,32),substr(addr2,1,32),substr(addr3,1,32),substr(addr4,1,32),contact,phone,fax,email,notes,terms,taxincluded,substr(vendornumber,1,32),cc,bcc,gifi_accno,business_id,substr(taxnumber,1,32),sic_code,discount,creditlimit,iban,bic,employee_id from vendor;
- --
- drop table vendor;
- alter table temp rename to vendor;
- --
- create index vendor_id_key on vendor (id);
- create index vendor_name_key on vendor (name);
- create index vendor_vendornumber_key on vendor (vendornumber);
- create index vendor_contact_key on vendor (contact);
- --
- create trigger del_vendor after delete on vendor for each row execute procedure del_vendor();
- -- end trigger
- --
- create table temp (
- trans_id int,
- shiptoname varchar(64),
- shiptoaddress1 varchar(32),
- shiptoaddress2 varchar(32),
- shiptocity varchar(32),
- shiptostate varchar(32),
- shiptozipcode varchar(10),
- shiptocountry varchar(32),
- shiptocontact varchar(64),
- shiptophone varchar(20),
- shiptofax varchar(20),
- shiptoemail text
- );
- --
- insert into temp (trans_id,shiptoname,shiptoaddress1,shiptocity,shiptocountry,shiptostate,shiptocontact,shiptophone,shiptofax,shiptoemail) select trans_id,shiptoname,substr(shiptoaddr1,1,32),substr(shiptoaddr2,1,32),substr(shiptoaddr3,1,32),substr(shiptoaddr4,1,32),shiptocontact,shiptophone,shiptofax,shiptoemail from shipto;
- --
- drop table shipto;
- alter table temp rename to shipto;
- create index shipto_trans_id_key on shipto (trans_id);
- --
- create table temp (
- id int default nextval('id'),
- login text,
- name varchar(64),
- address1 varchar(32),
- address2 varchar(32),
- city varchar(32),
- state varchar(32),
- zipcode varchar(10),
- country varchar(32),
- workphone varchar(20),
- homephone varchar(20),
- startdate date default current_date,
- enddate date,
- notes text,
- role varchar(20),
- sales bool default 'f',
- email text,
- sin varchar(20),
- iban varchar(34),
- bic varchar(11),
- managerid int
- );
- --
- insert into temp (id,login,name,address1,city,country,state,workphone,homephone,startdate,enddate,notes,role,sales,email,sin,iban,bic,managerid) select id,login,name,substr(addr1,1,32),substr(addr2,1,32),substr(addr3,1,32),substr(addr4,1,32),workphone,homephone,startdate,enddate,notes,role,sales,email,sin,iban,bic,managerid from employee;
- --
- drop table employee;
- alter table temp rename to employee;
- --
- create index employee_id_key on employee (id);
- create unique index employee_login_key on employee (login);
- create index employee_name_key on employee (name);
- --
- update defaults set version = '2.3.5';