- begin;
- -- Central DB structure
- -- This is the central database stuff which is used across all datasets
- -- in the ledger-smb.conf it is called 'ledgersmb' by default, but obviously
- -- can be named anything.
- -- USERS stuff --
- CREATE TABLE users (id serial UNIQUE, username varchar(30) primary key);
- COMMENT ON TABLE users IS $$username is the actual primary key here because we do not want duplicate users$$;
- CREATE TABLE users_conf(id integer primary key references users(id) deferrable initially deferred,
- acs text,
- address text,
- businessnumber text,
- company text,
- countrycode text,
- currency text,
- dateformat text,
- dbdriver text default 'Pg',
- dbhost text default 'localhost',
- dbname text,
- dboptions text,
- dbpasswd text,
- dbport text,
- dbuser text,
- email text,
- fax text,
- menuwidth text,
- name text,
- numberformat text,
- password varchar(32) check(length(password) = 32),
- crypted_password text,
- print text,
- printer text,
- role text,
- sid text,
- signature text,
- stylesheet text,
- tel text,
- templates text,
- timeout numeric,
- vclimit numeric);
- COMMENT ON TABLE users_conf IS 'This is a completely dumb table that is a place holder to get usersconf into the database. Next major release will have a much more sane implementation';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN users_conf.id IS 'Yes primary key with a FOREIGN KEY to users(id) is correct';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN users_conf.password IS 'This means we have to get rid of the current password stuff and move to presumably md5()';
- -- Per conversation with ChrisM, if the admin user has a null password a couple of things happen.
- -- 1. It is implicit that this is an initial install
- -- 2. If the admin password does not match the ledger-smb.conf admin password, we throw a hijack alert
- -- The two below statements must be run from a single session
- INSERT INTO users(username) VALUES ('admin');
- INSERT INTO users_conf(id,password) VALUES (currval('users_id_seq'),NULL);
- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_user(text) RETURNS bigint AS $$
- INSERT INTO users(username) VALUES ($1);
- SELECT currval('users_id_seq');
- COMMENT ON FUNCTION create_user(text) IS $$ Function to create user. Returns users.id if successful, else it is an error. $$;
- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_user(int4,text) RETURNS int4 AS $$
- UPDATE users SET username = $2 WHERE id = $1;
- COMMENT ON FUNCTION update_user(int4,text) IS $$ Takes int4 which is users.id and text which is username. Will update username based on id. Username is unique $$;
- -- Session tracking table
- CREATE TABLE session(
- session_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
- sl_login VARCHAR(50),
- token VARCHAR(32) CHECK(length(token) = 32),
- last_used TIMESTAMP default now(),
- users_id INTEGER -- NOT NULL references users(id)
- );
- commit;