path: root/locale/se/gl
blob: df7fc13eb2dd0bd1ea50de193f1203ea0a047ade (plain)
  1. $self{texts} = {
  2. 'AP Transaction' => 'Betald skuld',
  3. 'AR Transaction' => 'Betald Fodran',
  4. 'Account' => 'Konto',
  5. 'Accounting Menu' => 'Bokf�rings-meny',
  6. 'Add Cash Transfer Transaction' => 'L�gg till betalning',
  7. 'Add General Ledger Transaction' => 'Nytt verifikat',
  8. 'Address' => 'Adress',
  9. 'All' => 'Alla',
  10. 'Amount' => 'Belopp',
  11. 'Apr' => 'Apr',
  12. 'April' => 'April',
  13. 'Are you sure you want to delete Transaction' => '�r du s�ker p� att du vill radera Transaktionen',
  14. 'Asset' => 'Tillg�ng',
  15. 'Aug' => 'Aug',
  16. 'August' => 'Augusti',
  17. 'Balance' => 'Balans',
  18. 'Bcc' => 'Dold kopia till',
  19. 'Cannot delete transaction!' => 'Kan inte radera h�ndelse',
  20. 'Cannot post transaction for a closed period!' => 'Kan inte bokf�ra under en st�ngd period',
  21. 'Cannot post transaction with a debit and credit entry for the same account!' => 'Kan inte bokf�ra transaktion med debitering och kreditering p� samma kontonummer!',
  22. 'Cannot post transaction!' => 'Kan inte bokf�ra transaktion',
  23. 'Cc' => 'Kopia',
  24. 'Confirm!' => 'Bekr�fta!',
  25. 'Continue' => 'Forts�tt',
  26. 'Credit' => 'Kredit',
  27. 'Current' => 'Nuvarande',
  28. 'Customer not on file!' => 'Kund finns ej',
  29. 'Date' => 'Datum',
  30. 'Day(s)' => 'Dag(ar',
  31. 'Debit' => 'Debet',
  32. 'Dec' => 'Dec',
  33. 'December' => 'December',
  34. 'Delete' => 'Radera',
  35. 'Delete Schedule' => 'Ta bort schemal�ggning',
  36. 'Department' => 'Kostnadsst�lle/resultatenhet',
  37. 'Description' => 'Beskrivning',
  38. 'E-mail' => 'E-Post',
  39. 'E-mail message' => 'E-post meddelande',
  40. 'Edit Cash Transfer Transaction' => 'Redigera betalningar',
  41. 'Edit General Ledger Transaction' => 'Redigera verifikat i huvudbok',
  42. 'Equity' => 'Eget kapital',
  43. 'Every' => 'Varje',
  44. 'Expense' => 'Utgift',
  45. 'FX' => 'Valutakurs',
  46. 'Feb' => 'Feb',
  47. 'February' => 'Februari',
  48. 'For' => 'under',
  49. 'From' => 'Fr�n',
  50. 'GIFI' => 'SRU-kod',
  51. 'GL Transaction' => 'Verifikat',
  52. 'General Ledger' => 'Bokf�ring',
  53. 'ID' => 'ID',
  54. 'Include Payment' => 'Inkudera betalning',
  55. 'Include in Report' => 'Inkludera i rapport',
  56. 'Income' => 'Vinst',
  57. 'Jan' => 'Jan',
  58. 'January' => 'Januari',
  59. 'Jul' => 'Jul',
  60. 'July' => 'Juli',
  61. 'Jun' => 'Jun',
  62. 'June' => 'Juni',
  63. 'Liability' => 'Skulder',
  64. 'Mar' => 'Mar',
  65. 'March' => 'Mars',
  66. 'May' => 'Maj',
  67. 'May ' => 'Maj',
  68. 'Memo' => 'Anteckning',
  69. 'Message' => 'Meddelande',
  70. 'Month' => 'M�nad',
  71. 'Month(s)' => 'M�nad(er)',
  72. 'Next Date' => 'N�sta datum',
  73. 'Notes' => 'Anm�rkningar',
  74. 'Nov' => 'Nov',
  75. 'November' => 'November',
  76. 'Number' => 'Nummer',
  77. 'Oct' => 'Okt',
  78. 'October' => 'Oktober',
  79. 'Out of balance transaction!' => 'Transaktion ej i balans',
  80. 'Period' => 'Period',
  81. 'Post' => 'Bokf�r',
  82. 'Post as new' => 'Bokf�r som ny',
  83. 'Print' => 'Skriv ut',
  84. 'Project' => 'Projekt',
  85. 'Project not on file!' => 'Projekt finns ej',
  86. 'Quarter' => 'Kvartal',
  87. 'R' => 'Utf�rd',
  88. 'Recurring Transaction' => '�terkommande transaktioner',
  89. 'Reference' => 'Referens',
  90. 'Repeat' => 'Upprepa',
  91. 'Reports' => 'Rapporter',
  92. 'Sales Invoice ' => 'Kundfaktura ',
  93. 'Save Schedule' => 'Spara schemal�ggning',
  94. 'Schedule' => 'Schemal�gg',
  95. 'Scheduled' => 'Schemalagd',
  96. 'Select from one of the names below' => 'V�lj ett av namnen nedan',
  97. 'Select from one of the projects below' => 'V�lj ett av projekten nedan',
  98. 'Sep' => 'Sep',
  99. 'September' => 'September',
  100. 'Source' => 'K�lla',
  101. 'Startdate' => 'Startdatum',
  102. 'Subject' => '�mne',
  103. 'Subtotal' => 'Delsummera',
  104. 'To' => 'Till',
  105. 'Transaction Date missing!' => 'Transaktionsdatum saknas',
  106. 'Transaction deleted!' => 'Transaktion raderad',
  107. 'Transaction posted!' => 'Transaktion bokf�rd',
  108. 'Update' => 'Uppdatera',
  109. 'Vendor Invoice ' => 'Leverant�rsfaktura ',
  110. 'Vendor not on file!' => 'Leverant�r finns ej',
  111. 'Warning!' => 'Varning!',
  112. 'Week(s)' => 'Vecka(or)',
  113. 'Year' => '�r',
  114. 'Year(s)' => '�r',
  115. 'Yes' => 'Ja',
  116. 'You are posting an existing transaction!' => 'Du bokf�r en redan bokf�rd transaktion',
  117. 'You are printing and posting an existing transaction!' => 'Du skriver ut och bokf�r en redan bokf�rd transaktion',
  118. 'You are printing and saving an existing order' => 'Du skriver ut och sparar en redan sparad order',
  119. 'You are printing and saving an existing quotation' => 'Du skriver ut och sparar en redan sparad offert',
  120. 'You are saving an existing order' => 'Du sparar en redan sparad order',
  121. 'You are saving an existing quotation' => 'Du sparar en redan sparad offert',
  122. 'for' => 'under',
  123. 'sent' => 'Skickad',
  124. 'time(s)' => 'g�ng(er)',
  125. };
  126. $self{subs} = {
  127. 'acc_menu' => 'acc_menu',
  128. 'add' => 'add',
  129. 'add_transaction' => 'add_transaction',
  130. 'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction',
  131. 'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction',
  132. 'check_name' => 'check_name',
  133. 'check_project' => 'check_project',
  134. 'continue' => 'continue',
  135. 'create_links' => 'create_links',
  136. 'delete' => 'delete',
  137. 'delete_schedule' => 'delete_schedule',
  138. 'display' => 'display',
  139. 'display_form' => 'display_form',
  140. 'display_rows' => 'display_rows',
  141. 'edit' => 'edit',
  142. 'form_footer' => 'form_footer',
  143. 'form_header' => 'form_header',
  144. 'generate_report' => 'generate_report',
  145. 'gl_subtotal' => 'gl_subtotal',
  146. 'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction',
  147. 'js_menu' => 'js_menu',
  148. 'menubar' => 'menubar',
  149. 'name_selected' => 'name_selected',
  150. 'post' => 'post',
  151. 'post_as_new' => 'post_as_new',
  152. 'print_and_post_as_new' => 'print_and_post_as_new',
  153. 'project_selected' => 'project_selected',
  154. 'rebuild_vc' => 'rebuild_vc',
  155. 'repost' => 'repost',
  156. 'reprint' => 'reprint',
  157. 'sales_invoice_' => 'sales_invoice_',
  158. 'save_schedule' => 'save_schedule',
  159. 'schedule' => 'schedule',
  160. 'search' => 'search',
  161. 'section_menu' => 'section_menu',
  162. 'select_name' => 'select_name',
  163. 'select_project' => 'select_project',
  164. 'update' => 'update',
  165. 'vendor_invoice_' => 'vendor_invoice_',
  166. 'yes' => 'yes',
  167. 'betald_skuld' => 'ap_transaction',
  168. 'betald_fodran' => 'ar_transaction',
  169. 'forts�tt' => 'continue',
  170. 'radera' => 'delete',
  171. 'ta_bort_schemal�ggning' => 'delete_schedule',
  172. 'verifikat' => 'gl_transaction',
  173. 'bokf�r' => 'post',
  174. 'bokf�r_som_ny' => 'post_as_new',
  175. 'kundfaktura_' => 'sales_invoice_',
  176. 'spara_schemal�ggning' => 'save_schedule',
  177. 'schemal�gg' => 'schedule',
  178. 'uppdatera' => 'update',
  179. 'leverant�rsfaktura_' => 'vendor_invoice_',
  180. 'ja' => 'yes',
  181. };
  182. 1;