path: root/ledger-smb.conf
blob: 0b906640c3d8003a5256d2bc31c5a92ebde6db57 (plain)
  1. session  : DB
  2. logging : 0
  3. # Set language for login and admin pages
  4. language :
  5. # If you have LaTeX installed, set to 1
  6. latex : 1
  7. # Maximum number of invoices that can be printed on a cheque
  8. check_max_invoices : 5
  9. [environment]
  10. # If the server can't find applications, append to the path
  11. PATH: /usr/local/pgsql/bin
  12. PATH: /usr/local/bin
  13. # If on Mac OS X using Fink's Perl libs, append to the path
  14. #PERL5LIB = /sw/lib/perl5
  15. [paths]
  16. # spool directory for batch printing
  17. spool = spool
  18. # path to user configuration files
  19. userspath = users
  20. # templates base directory
  21. templates = templates
  22. # member file
  23. memberfile = users/members
  24. localepath = locale/po
  25. [programs]
  26. # program to use for file compression
  27. gzip = gzip -S .gz
  28. [mail]
  29. ### How to send mail. The sendmail command is used unless smtphost is set.
  30. sendmail = /usr/bin/sendmail -t
  31. # smtphost =
  32. # smtptimeout = 60
  33. [printers]
  34. # Available printers
  35. Laser = lpr -Plaser
  36. Epson = lpr -PEpson
  37. [globaldb]
  38. # These paramaters *must* be set correctly
  39. # for LedgerSMB >= 1.2 to work
  40. DBConnect = dbi:Pg:dbname=ledgersmb;host=localhost;port=5432
  41. DBUserName = ledgersmb
  42. DBPassword = set me to correct password