- <ul>
- <li><h4>Printing to a Printer from a Windows Server</h4><p>
- There are several obstacles to printing from a web appliction that was written
- for Linux or UNIX in Windows.
- These include:</p><ul>
- <li>Lack of Postscript support in the printing subsystem. To resolve this, you
- must install Ghostscript and Gsview. The latter package provides a utility
- called gsprint that will allow you to print Postscript on your Windows
- printer.</li>
- <li>The fact that most Windows software, including gsprint, tends to print
- output that will cause the web server to crash. The winprint.bat included
- with this distribution corrects this problem. To use the winprint.bat
- solution, configure your printers in your ledger-smb.conf as
- "winprint.bat printer-name." If you omit the printer name, the default
- printer will be used.</li>
- <li>Windows does not allow you to set up system printers that all users can
- access. Thus the web server often doesn't have access to the printers you
- have set up. To correct this issue, follow the steps at
- <a href="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q184291/">
- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q184291/</a>.</li></ul></li>
- <p><li><h4>Error on converting from SQL-Ledger:
- ERROR: column "chart_id" contains null values</h4>
- SQL-Ledger does not enforce a NOT NULL constraint on the chart_id field in the
- acc_trans table. Consequently, it is possible in cirtain circumstances to
- insert transactions into the database with invalid information including NULL
- chart_id's. When this occurs, normally the Chart of Accounts and Trial Balance
- will fail to balance. So this is a serious problem with data integrity.
- LedgerSMB prevents this by adding the NOT NULL constraing but this can cause
- prevent people from migrating when they have invalid data in their databases.
- <br/><br/>
- If you encounter an error like this, the first thing to do is seek
- technical support, regardless of whether or not you wish to continue
- the migration. In general the providers of support for LedgerSMB and
- SQL-Ledger should all be able to be of some assistance.
- Unfortunately, since this problem involves information loss, no
- solution can be automated without invalidating your accounting
- information. </li></p>
- <!-- This is from Dieter, so we should probably rewrite -->
- <p><li><h4>SELinux</h4>
- <a href=http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/selinux-faq-fc3/index.html>http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/selinux-faq-fc3/index.html</a>
- <p>modify <tt>/etc/selinux/conf</tt> and set <tt>SELINUX=permissive</tt>
- <p>use <tt>audit2allow</tt>, add the following to
- <tt>policy.conf</tt>, then run <tt>make reload</tt>
- <p>#line 83
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t port_type:{ tcp_socket udp_socket } { send_msg
- recv_msg };
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t sysctl_kernel_t:dir search;
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t sysctl_t:dir search;
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t tmp_t:sock_file write;
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t httpd_sys_content_t:lnk_file read;
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t sysctl_kernel_t:file read;
- <br>allow httpd_sys_script_t unconfined_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
- <!-- verify and if necessary rewrite -->
- <p><li><h4>lineitems not printing</h4>
- Templates designed on a UNIX platform don't work on a DOS platform.
- To make them work load the template either with the builtin template editor
- or a text editor and save. Templates designed on a Windows platform have the
- same problem and won't work on a UNIX platform. Once you strip the ^M's
- the'll work just fine.
- </p><p>
- Note too that most Linux and UNIX installations come with two utilities for making these
- conversions: unix2dos and dos2unix. Windows users can obtain these utilities as part of
- <a href="http://www.cygwin.com">Cygwin</a>.</p>
- <p><li><h4>characterset problems</h4>
- If you have problems displaying the correct characterset try adding
- <pre>
- AddDefaultCharset On</pre>
- in your <tt>httpd.conf</tt> file.
- <p><li><h4>cannot create function</h4>
- <ol>
- <li>Run: <tt>createlang -U postgres plpgsql ledgersmb</tt> to install the
- plpgsql language handler into the "ledgersmb" database. More information on this
- utility can be found at the interactive documentation at the
- <a href=http://www.postgresql.org/docs/>PostgreSQL</a> site.
- </ol>
- <p><li><h4>IDENT Authentication failed for user "ledger-smb"</h4>
- Edit pg_hba.conf and change authentication to
- <pre>
- local all all md5
- host all all md5</pre>
- The file is often in the 'data' directory of your postgresql
- installation. In some distributions it may be in /etc/pgsql or
- a similar directory. A file search can be helpful when all else fails.
- <pre>
- # find / -name 'pg_hba.conf'</pre>
- <p><b>WARNING!</b> DO NOT just put a 'host all all trust' in
- pg_hba.conf unless you know what you are doing; that can introduce a
- pretty huge security hole.
- <p><li><h4>LaTeX templates</h4>
- If you don't want to edit tex code by hand,
- you could use Lyx, Abiword, or any WYSIWYG editor capable of exporting
- latex code.
- <p>LaTeX is somewhat complex to learn, initially, but offers a much
- superior environment to produce professional-looking forms in
- postscript and PDF format.
- <p><li><h4>Use without Frames</h4>
- To use without frames, add ?path=/bin/lynx to the login URL:
- <pre>http://localhost/ledger-smb/login.pl?path=/bin/lynx</pre>
- <p><li><h4>PDF option disappeared</h4>
- Edit ledgersmb.conf and set:
- latex = 1
- <p><li><h4>printing to a printer</h4>
- Printers are defined in ledgersmb.conf
- <pre>
- [printers]
- Default = lpr
- Color = lpr -PEpson</pre>
- Check in your /etc/printcap file for the names of available printers.
- <p>If you have LaTeX installed set
- <pre>
- latex = 1
- </pre> in ledger-smb.conf
- <p>Note: html data entry format is for screen preview.
- Use the "Print" option from your
- browser to print to a printer.
- <p><li><h4>beginning balances</h4>
- Add a GL Journal entry and enter the beginning balance for your accounts.
- Beginning balances are the balances from your last balance sheet. If you also
- add open invoices to account for COGS for inventory, add the invoices
- and make the appropriate adjustments.
- <p><li><h4>establish a beginning inventory</h4>
- add the parts with a vendor invoice. Use the <b>real cost</b> for the items,
- not zero. If you use zero cost then the cost of goods will be zero when you
- sell the item.
- <p><li><h4>Assemblies</h4>
- Assemblies are manufactured goods assembled from parts, services and
- assemblies. Because you do not buy assemblies you 'stock assemblies' by
- adding assembled units to your inventory. The quantity for individual parts
- is reduced and the quantity for the assembly increased. To disassemble an
- assembly you simply return the parts to inventory by entering a negative
- quantity for the number of assemblies to stock.
- <p><li><h4>DBD-Pg not installed</h4>
- Most modern distributions now package DBD-Pg. If it is
- not packaged follow this recipe to get it working.
- <ul>
- <li>check if you have the header files for PostgreSQL
- <br>$ find / -name 'libpq-fe.h'
- <br>if nothing shows up install the development package for PostgreSQL
- <li>download and untar DBD-Pg
- <li>set the environment variables POSTGRES_LIB and POSTGRES_INCLUDE
- <li>cd to DBD-Pg directory
- <br>as ordinary user
- <br>$ perl Makefile.PL
- <br>$ make
- <br>$ make test
- <br>if all went well su to root
- <br># make install
- <li>remove the DBD-Pg directory
- </ul>
- <p><li><h4>script not executing, shows in browser instead</h4>
- Add
- <pre>
- AddHandler cgi-script .pl</pre>
- in your httpd.conf file.
- <p><li><h4>switch display to a foreign language</h4>
- Load your preferences and select the language.
- <br>Language selection is in accordance to
- <a href=http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm>
- ISO 3166-1</a> standards.
- <p><li><h4>Text shows in English when I use a foreign language</h4>
- This is because the corresponding entry in the .po file.
- Add the missing text the appropriate .po
- <p><li><h4>switch to a foreign language for the login and admin screen</h4>
- Edit ledger-smb.conf and enter the code for the $language variable
- <pre>
- language = "de"</pre>
- <p>This is a global change and applies to all logins, individual settings
- may be changed by setting the language in your Preferences.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <!-- still needs help -->
- <a name=security>
- <h1>LedgerSMB security</h1>
- </a>
- <ul>
- <pre>
- Typical setups:
- /usr/local/vh/www <- DocumentRoot for virtual host
- /usr/local/vh/ledger-smb <- Alias for ledger-smb
- /usr/local/vh/users <- users directory out of reach
- <hr width=60% align=left>
- /usr/local/vh/www <- DocumentRoot for virtual host
- /usr/local/vh/www/ledger-smb <- Alias for ledger-smb
- /usr/local/vh/www/ledger-smb/users <- users configuration files and tmp space
- <Directory /usr/local/vh/www/ledger-smb/users> <- disable webserver access
- Order Deny,Allow for users directory
- Deny from All
- </Directory>
- </pre>
- The location for the users directory can be specified in ledger-smb.conf
- <p><li>Set permission for the users and templates directory to 711
- <p><li>If you do not want anyone to change the templates with the built-in
- editor set the files in templates/directory/ to read only or disable
- the menu item to edit the templates.
- <p><li>You can set up a read-only environment if you disable the menu items
- to add data. i.e 'Add Transaction' if unchecked you will not be able to add
- a transaction or repost a transaction. You may look at it but nothing else.
- <p><li>There are various settings for audit control and you may disable
- reposting entirely or up to a certain date. And with the audit trail enabled
- you can keep tab of who is doing what.
- <p><li>For PostgreSQL you may also set who has access to the server in the file
- pg_hba.conf
- <p><li>in addition you can secure the tables from unauthorized access by
- setting up a different database user and GRANT rights. For instance,
- users without DELETE rights will still be able to use the program, change
- customers and vendors, add transactions but will not be able to delete or
- repost transactions.
- <br>To lock all the tables to create a RO system GRANT SELECT rights only.
- <p><li>Other security options include a secure shell, your webserver's
- authentication system, SSL, encrypted tunnels, ...
- </ul>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>