path: root/doc/UPGRADE-2.4.16-2.6.0
blob: 86c9baff582bc015b97d0840723ea0522ac446a9 (plain)
  1. Upgrading from version 2.4 to 2.6
  2. 1. install LedgerSMB over top
  3. # cd /usr/local
  4. # tar zxvf sql-ledger-2.6.x.tar.gz
  5. 2. fix permissions
  6. # chown -hR nobody:nogroup *
  7. # chmod 711 templates users css spool
  8. Note: replace nobody:nogroup with your web server user and group
  9. 3. Copy the new templates to your private template directory
  10. $ cp Default-timecard.html your_template_dir/timecard.html
  11. $ cp Default-timecard.tex your_template_dir/timecard.tex
  12. 4. log in