- #=====================================================================
- # LedgerSMB
- # Small Medium Business Accounting software
- # http://sourceforge.net/projects/ledger-smb/
- #
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2006
- # This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used
- # with permission.
- #
- # This file contains source code included with or based on SQL-Ledger which
- # is Copyright Dieter Simader and DWS Systems Inc. 2000-2005 and licensed
- # under the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later
- # version. For a full list including contact information of contributors,
- # maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file.
- #
- # Original Copyright Notice from SQL-Ledger 2.6.17 (before the fork):
- # Copyright (c) 2000
- #
- # Author: DWS Systems Inc.
- # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
- #
- # Contributors:
- #
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # This file has undergone whitespace cleanup.
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # setup module
- # add/edit/delete users
- #
- #======================================================================
- $menufile = "menu.ini";
- use LedgerSMB::Form;
- use LedgerSMB::User;
- $form = new Form;
- $locale = new Locale $language, "admin";
- $form->{charset} = $locale->{charset};
- eval { require DBI; };
- $form->error($locale->text('DBI not installed!')) if ($@);
- $form->{stylesheet} = "ledger-smb.css";
- $form->{favicon} = "favicon.ico";
- $form->{timeout} = 600;
- require "$form->{path}/pw.pl";
- # customization
- if (-f "$form->{path}/custom_$form->{script}") {
- eval { require "$form->{path}/custom_$form->{script}"; };
- $form->error($@) if ($@);
- }
- if ($form->{action}) {
- &check_password unless $form->{action} eq 'logout';
- &{ $locale->findsub($form->{action}) };
- } else {
- # if there are no drivers bail out
- $form->error($locale->text('No Database Drivers available!')) unless (User->dbdrivers);
- # create memberfile
- if (! -f $memberfile) {
- open(FH, ">$memberfile") or $form->error("$memberfile : $!");
- print FH qq|# LedgerSMB Accounting members
- [root login]
- password=
- |;
- close FH;
- }
- &adminlogin;
- }
- 1;
- # end
- sub adminlogin {
- $form->{title} = qq|LedgerSMB $form->{version} |.$locale->text('Administration');
- $myheaderadd = qq|
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- function sf(){
- document.admin.password.focus();
- }
- // End -->
- </script>
- |;
- $form->header(undef, $myheaderadd);
- print qq|
- <body class="admin" onload="sf()">
- <div align="center">
- <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/ledger-smb/"><img src="ledger-smb.png" width="200" height="100" border="0" alt="LedgerSMB Logo" /></a>
- <h1 class="login">|.$locale->text('Version').qq| $form->{version} <br />|.$locale->text('Administration').qq|</h1>
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}" name="admin">
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>|.$locale->text('Password').qq|</th>
- <td><input type="password" name="password" /></td>
- <td><input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Login').qq|" /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <input type="hidden" name="action" value="login" />
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- </form>
- <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/ledger-smb/">LedgerSMB |.$locale->text('website').qq|</a>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub login {
- &list_users;
- }
- sub logout {
- $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?path=$form->{path}&endsession=1";
- unlink "$userspath/adminhash";
- print qq|Set-Cookie: LedgerSMB=; path=/;\n|;
- $form->redirect($locale->text('You are logged out'));
- }
- sub add_user {
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')." ".$locale->text('Administration')." / ".$locale->text('Add User');
- if (-f "css/ledger-smb.css") {
- $myconfig->{stylesheet} = "ledger-smb.css";
- }
- $myconfig->{vclimit} = 1000;
- $myconfig->{menuwidth} = 155;
- $myconfig->{timeout} = 3600;
- &form_header;
- &form_footer;
- }
- sub edit {
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')." ".$locale->text('Administration')." / ".$locale->text('Edit User');
- $form->{edit} = 1;
- &form_header;
- &form_footer;
- }
- sub form_footer {
- if ($form->{edit}) {
- $delete = qq|<input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Delete').qq|" />
- <input type="hidden" name="edit" value="1" />|;
- }
- print qq|
- <input name="callback" type="hidden" value="$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Save').qq|" />
- $delete
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub list_users {
- open(FH, "$memberfile") or $form->error("$memberfile : $!");
- $nologin = qq|<input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Lock System').qq|" />|;
- if (-e "$userspath/nologin") {
- $nologin = qq|<input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Unlock System').qq|" />|;
- }
- while (<FH>) {
- chop;
- if (/^\[.*\]/) {
- $login = $_;
- $login =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
- }
- if (/^(name=|company=|templates=|dbuser=|dbdriver=|dbname=|dbhost=)/) {
- chop ($var = $&);
- ($null, $member{$login}{$var}) = split /=/, $_, 2;
- }
- }
- close(FH);
- # type=submit $locale->text('Pg Database Administration')
- # type=submit $locale->text('PgPP Database Administration')
- foreach $item (User->dbdrivers) {
- $dbdrivers .= qq|<input name="action" type="submit" class="submit" value="|.$locale->text("$item Database Administration").qq|" />|;
- }
- $column_header{login} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Login').qq|</th>|;
- $column_header{name} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Name').qq|</th>|;
- $column_header{company} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Company').qq|</th>|;
- $column_header{dbdriver} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Driver').qq|</th>|;
- $column_header{dbhost} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Host').qq|</th>|;
- $column_header{dataset} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Dataset').qq|</th>|;
- $column_header{templates} = qq|<th>|.$locale->text('Templates').qq|</th>|;
- @column_index = qw(login name company dbdriver dbhost dataset templates);
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')." ".$locale->text('Administration');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}">
- <table width="100%">
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th>$form->{title}</th>
- </tr>
- <tr size="5"></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%">
- <tr class="listheading">|;
- for (@column_index) { print "$column_header{$_}\n" }
- print qq| </tr>|;
- foreach $key (sort keys %member) {
- $href = "$script?action=edit&login=$key&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}";
- $href =~ s/ /%20/g;
- $member{$key}{templates} =~ s/^$templates\///;
- $member{$key}{dbhost} = $locale->text('localhost') unless $member{$key}{dbhost};
- $column_data{login} = qq|<td><a href="$href">$key</a></td>|;
- $column_data{name} = qq|<td>$member{$key}{name}</td>|;
- $column_data{company} = qq|<td>$member{$key}{company}</td>|;
- $column_data{dbdriver} = qq|<td>$member{$key}{dbdriver}</td>|;
- $column_data{dbhost} = qq|<td>$member{$key}{dbhost}</td>|;
- $column_data{dataset} = qq|<td>$member{$key}{dbname}</td>|;
- $column_data{templates} = qq|<td>$member{$key}{templates}</td>|;
- $i++; $i %= 2;
- print qq| <tr class="listrow$i">|;
- for (@column_index) { print "$column_data{$_}\n"; }
- print qq| </tr>|;
- }
- print qq| </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><hr size="3" noshade /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <br />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Add User').qq|" />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Change Admin Password').qq|" />
- $dbdrivers
- $nologin
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Logout').qq|" />
- </form>
- |.$locale->text('Click on login name to edit!').qq|
- <br />
- |.$locale->text('To add a user to a group edit a name, change the login name and save. A new user with the same variables will then be saved under the new login name.').qq|
- </body>
- </html>|;
- }
- sub form_header {
- # if there is a login, get user
- if ($form->{login}) {
- # get user
- $myconfig = new User "$memberfile", "$form->{login}";
- for (qw(company address signature)) { $myconfig->{$_} = $form->quote($myconfig->{$_}) }
- for (qw(address signature)) { $myconfig->{$_} =~ s/\\n/\n/g }
- # strip basedir from templates directory
- $myconfig->{templates} =~ s/^$templates\///;
- $myconfig->{dbpasswd} = unpack 'u', $myconfig->{dbpasswd};
- }
- foreach $item (qw(mm-dd-yy mm/dd/yy dd-mm-yy dd/mm/yy dd.mm.yy yyyy-mm-dd)) {
- $dateformat .= ($item eq $myconfig->{dateformat}) ? "<option selected>$item</option>\n" : "<option>$item</option>\n";
- }
- foreach $item (qw(1,000.00 1000.00 1.000,00 1000,00 1'000.00)) {
- $numberformat .= ($item eq $myconfig->{numberformat}) ? "<option selected>$item</option>\n" : "<option>$item</option>\n";
- }
- %countrycodes = User->country_codes;
- $countrycodes = "";
- foreach $key (sort { $countrycodes{$a} cmp $countrycodes{$b} } keys %countrycodes) {
- $countrycodes .= ($myconfig->{countrycode} eq $key) ? qq|<option selected value="$key">$countrycodes{$key}</option>|
- : qq|<option value="$key">$countrycodes{$key}</option>|;
- }
- $countrycodes = qq|<option value="">English</option>\n$countrycodes|;
- # is there a templates basedir
- if (! -d "$templates") {
- $form->error($locale->text('Directory').": $templates ".$locale->text('does not exist'));
- }
- opendir TEMPLATEDIR, "$templates/." or $form->error("$templates : $!");
- @all = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir TEMPLATEDIR;
- closedir TEMPLATEDIR;
- @allhtml = sort grep /\.html/, @all;
- @alldir = ();
- for (@all) {
- if (-d "$templates/$_") {
- push @alldir, $_;
- }
- }
- @allhtml = reverse grep !/Default/, @allhtml;
- push @allhtml, 'Default';
- @allhtml = reverse @allhtml;
- foreach $item (sort @alldir) {
- if ($item eq $myconfig->{templates}) {
- $usetemplates .= qq|<option selected value="$item">$item</option>\n|;
- } else {
- $usetemplates .= qq|<option value="$item">$item</option>\n|;
- }
- }
- $lastitem = $allhtml[0];
- $lastitem =~ s/-.*//g;
- $mastertemplates = qq|<option value="$lastitem">$lastitem</option>\n|;
- foreach $item (@allhtml) {
- $item =~ s/-.*//g;
- if ($item ne $lastitem) {
- $mastertemplates .= qq|<option value="$item">$item</option>\n|;
- $lastitem = $item;
- }
- }
- opendir CSS, "css/.";
- @all = grep /.*\.css$/, readdir CSS;
- closedir CSS;
- foreach $item (@all) {
- if ($item eq $myconfig->{stylesheet}) {
- $selectstylesheet .= qq|<option selected value="$item">$item</option>\n|;
- } else {
- $selectstylesheet .= qq|<option value="$item">$item</option>\n|;
- }
- }
- $selectstylesheet .= "<option></option>\n";
- if (%printer && $latex) {
- $selectprinter = "<option></option>\n";
- foreach $item (sort keys %printer) {
- if ($myconfig->{printer} eq $item) {
- $selectprinter .= qq|<option value="$item" selected>$item</option>\n|;
- } else {
- $selectprinter .= qq|<option value="$item">$item</option>\n|;
- }
- }
- $printer = qq|
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Printer').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="printer">$selectprinter</select></td>
- </tr>
- |;
- }
- $user = $form->{login};
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- $form->{login} = $user;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}">
- <table width="100%">
- <tr class="listheading"><th colspan="2">$form->{title}</th></tr>
- <tr size="5"></tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Login').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="login" value="$myconfig->{login}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Password').qq|</th>
- <td><input type="password" name="new_password" size="8" value="$myconfig->{password}" /></td>
- <input type="hidden" name="old_password" value="$myconfig->{password}" />
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Name').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="name" size="15" value="$myconfig->{name}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('E-mail').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="email" size="30" value="$myconfig->{email}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Signature').qq|</th>
- <td><textarea name="signature" rows="3" cols="35">$myconfig->{signature}</textarea></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Phone').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="tel" size="14" value="$myconfig->{tel}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Fax').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="fax" size="14" value="$myconfig->{fax}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Company').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="company" size="35" value="$myconfig->{company}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Address').qq|</th>
- <td><textarea name="address" rows="4" cols="35">$myconfig->{address}</textarea></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Date Format').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="dateformat">$dateformat</select></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Number Format').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="numberformat">$numberformat</select></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Dropdown Limit').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="vclimit" value="$myconfig->{vclimit}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Menu Width').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="menuwidth" value="$myconfig->{menuwidth}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Language').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="countrycode">$countrycodes</select></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Session Timeout').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="newtimeout" value="$myconfig->{timeout}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Stylesheet').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="userstylesheet">$selectstylesheet</select></td>
- </tr>
- $printer
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Use Templates').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="usetemplates">$usetemplates</select></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('New Templates').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="newtemplates" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Setup Templates').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="mastertemplates">$mastertemplates</select></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <input type="hidden" name="templates" value="$myconfig->{templates}" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th colspan="2">|.$locale->text('Database').qq|</th>
- </tr>|;
- # list section for database drivers
- foreach $item (User->dbdrivers) {
- print qq|
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <table>
- <tr>|;
- $checked = "";
- if ($myconfig->{dbdriver} eq $item) {
- for (qw(dbhost dbport dbuser dbpasswd dbname sid)) { $form->{"${item}_$_"} = $myconfig->{$_} }
- $checked = "checked";
- }
- print qq|
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Driver').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="dbdriver" type="radio" class="radio" value="$item" $checked /> $item</td>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Host').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="${item}_dbhost" size="30" value="$form->{"${item}_dbhost"}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>|;
- print qq|
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Dataset').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="${item}_dbname" size="15" value="$form->{"${item}_dbname"}" /></td>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Port').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="${item}_dbport" size="4" value="$form->{"${item}_dbport"}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('User').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="${item}_dbuser" size="15" value="$form->{"${item}_dbuser"}" /></td>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Password').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="${item}_dbpasswd" type="password" size="10" value="$form->{"${item}_dbpasswd"}" /></td>
- </tr>|;
- print qq|
- </table>
- <input type="hidden" name="old_dbpasswd" value="$myconfig->{dbpasswd}" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"><hr size="2" noshade /></td>
- </tr>
- |;
- }
- # access control
- open(FH, $menufile) or $form->error("$menufile : $!");
- # scan for first menu level
- @a = <FH>;
- close(FH);
- if (open(FH, "custom_$menufile")) {
- push @a, <FH>;
- }
- close(FH);
- foreach $item (@a) {
- next unless $item =~ /\[\w+/;
- next if $item =~ /\#/;
- $item =~ s/(\[|\])//g;
- chop $item;
- if ($item =~ /--/) {
- ($level, $menuitem) = split /--/, $item, 2;
- } else {
- $level = $item;
- $menuitem = $item;
- push @acsorder, $item;
- }
- push @{ $acs{$level} }, $menuitem;
- }
- %role = ( 'admin' => $locale->text('Administrator'),
- 'user' => $locale->text('User'),
- 'supervisor' => $locale->text('Supervisor'),
- 'manager' => $locale->text('Manager'));
- $selectrole = "";
- foreach $item (qw(user admin supervisor manager)) {
- $selectrole .= ($myconfig->{role} eq $item) ? "<option selected value=\"$item\">$role{$item}</option>\n"
- : "<option value=\"$item\">$role{$item}</option>\n";
- }
- print qq|
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th colspan="2">|.$locale->text('Access Control').qq|</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><select name="role">$selectrole</select></td>
- </tr>
- |;
- foreach $item (split /;/, $myconfig->{acs}) {
- ($key, $value) = split /--/, $item, 2;
- $excl{$key}{$value} = 1;
- }
- foreach $key (@acsorder) {
- $checked = "checked";
- if ($form->{login}) {
- $checked = ($excl{$key}{$key}) ? "" : "checked";
- }
- # can't have variable names with & and spaces
- $item = $form->escape("${key}--$key",1);
- $acsheading = $key;
- $acsheading =~ s/ / /g;
- $acsheading = qq|
- <th align="left" nowrap="nowrap"><input name="$item" class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1" $checked /> $acsheading</th>\n|;
- $menuitems .= "$item;";
- $acsdata = "<td>";
- foreach $item (@{ $acs{$key} }) {
- next if ($key eq $item);
- $checked = "checked";
- if ($form->{login}) {
- $checked = ($excl{$key}{$item}) ? "" : "checked";
- }
- $acsitem = $form->escape("${key}--$item",1);
- $acsdata .= qq|<br /><input name="$acsitem" class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1" $checked /> $item|;
- $menuitems .= "$acsitem;";
- }
- $acsdata .= "
- </td>";
- print qq|
- <tr valign="top">$acsheading $acsdata
- </tr>
- |;
- }
- print qq|<input type="hidden" name="acs" value="$menuitems" />
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"><hr size="3" noshade /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- |;
- }
- sub save {
- # no driver checked
- $form->error($locale->text('Database Driver not checked!')) unless $form->{dbdriver};
- # no spaces allowed in login name
- $form->{login} =~ s/ //g;
- $form->isblank("login", $locale->text('Login name missing!'));
- # check for duplicates
- if (!$form->{edit}) {
- $temp = new User "$memberfile", "$form->{login}";
- if ($temp->{login}) {
- $form->error("$form->{login} ".$locale->text('is already a member!'));
- }
- }
- # no spaces allowed in directories
- $form->{newtemplates} =~ s/( |\.\.|\*)//g;
- if ($form->{newtemplates} ne "") {
- $form->{templates} = $form->{newtemplates};
- } else {
- $form->{templates} = ($form->{usetemplates}) ? $form->{usetemplates} : $form->{login};
- }
- # is there a basedir
- if (! -d "$templates") {
- $form->error($locale->text('Directory').": $templates ".$locale->text('does not exist'));
- }
- # add base directory to $form->{templates}
- $form->{templates} = "$templates/$form->{templates}";
- $myconfig = new User "$memberfile", "$form->{login}";
- # redo acs variable and delete all the acs codes
- @acs = split /;/, $form->{acs};
- $form->{acs} = "";
- foreach $item (@acs) {
- $item = $form->escape($item,1);
- if (!$form->{$item}) {
- $form->{acs} .= $form->unescape($form->unescape("$item")).";";
- }
- delete $form->{$item};
- }
- # check which database was filled in
- $form->{dbhost} = $form->{"$form->{dbdriver}_dbhost"};
- $form->{dbport} = $form->{"$form->{dbdriver}_dbport"};
- $form->{dbpasswd} = $form->{"$form->{dbdriver}_dbpasswd"};
- $form->{dbuser} = $form->{"$form->{dbdriver}_dbuser"};
- $form->{dbname} = $form->{"$form->{dbdriver}_dbname"};
- $form->isblank("dbname", $locale->text('Dataset missing!'));
- $form->isblank("dbuser", $locale->text('Database User missing!'));
- foreach $item (keys %{$form}) {
- $myconfig->{$item} = $form->{$item};
- }
- $myconfig->{password} = $form->{old_password};
- $myconfig->{password} = $form->{new_password} if $form->{new_password} ne $form->{old_password};
- $myconfig->{timeout} = $form->{newtimeout};
- delete $myconfig->{stylesheet};
- if ($form->{userstylesheet}) {
- $myconfig->{stylesheet} = $form->{userstylesheet};
- }
- $myconfig->{packpw} = 1;
- $myconfig->save_member($memberfile, $userspath);
- # create user template directory and copy master files
- if (! -d "$form->{templates}") {
- umask(002);
- if (mkdir "$form->{templates}", oct("771")) {
- umask(007);
- # copy templates to the directory
- opendir TEMPLATEDIR, "$templates/." or $form->error("$templates : $!");
- @templates = grep /$form->{mastertemplates}-/, readdir TEMPLATEDIR;
- closedir TEMPLATEDIR;
- foreach $file (@templates) {
- open(TEMP, "$templates/$file") or $form->error("$templates/$file : $!");
- $file =~ s/$form->{mastertemplates}-//;
- open(NEW, ">$form->{templates}/$file") or $form->error("$form->{templates}/$file : $!");
- while ($line = <TEMP>) {
- print NEW $line;
- }
- close(TEMP);
- close(NEW);
- }
- } else {
- $form->error("$form->{templates} : $!");
- }
- }
- $form->redirect($locale->text('User saved!'));
- }
- sub delete {
- $form->{templates} = ($form->{templates}) ? "$templates/$form->{templates}" : "$templates/$form->{login}";
- $form->error("$memberfile ".$locale->text('locked!')) if (-f ${memberfile}.LCK);
- open(FH, ">${memberfile}.LCK") or $form->error("${memberfile}.LCK : $!");
- close(FH);
- if (! open(CONF, "+<$memberfile")) {
- unlink "${memberfile}.LCK";
- $form->error("$memberfile : $!");
- }
- @config = <CONF>;
- seek(CONF, 0, 0);
- truncate(CONF, 0);
- while ($line = shift @config) {
- chop $line;
- if ($line =~ /^\[/) {
- last if ($line eq "[$form->{login}]");
- $login = &login_name($line);
- }
- if ($line =~ /^templates=/) {
- ($null, $user{$login}) = split /=/, $line, 2;
- }
- print CONF "$line\n";
- }
- # remove everything up to next login or EOF
- # and save template variable
- while ($line = shift @config) {
- chop $line;
- ($key, $value) = split /=/, $line, 2;
- $myconfig{$key} = $value;
- last if ($line =~ /^\[/);
- }
- # this one is either the next login or EOF
- print CONF "$line\n";
- $login = &login_name($line);
- while ($line = shift @config) {
- chop $line;
- if ($line =~ /^\[/) {
- $login = &login_name($line);
- }
- if ($line =~ /^templates=/) {
- ($null, $user{$login}) = split /=/, $line, 2;
- }
- print CONF "$line\n";
- }
- close(CONF);
- unlink "${memberfile}.LCK";
- # scan %user for $templatedir
- foreach $login (keys %user) {
- last if ($found = ($form->{templates} eq $user{$login}));
- }
- # if found keep directory otherwise delete
- if (!$found) {
- # delete it if there is a template directory
- $dir = "$form->{templates}";
- if (-d "$dir") {
- unlink <$dir/*>;
- rmdir "$dir";
- }
- }
- if ($myconfig{dbconnect}) {
- $myconfig{dbpasswd} = unpack 'u', $myconfig{dbpasswd};
- for (keys %myconfig) { $form->{$_} = $myconfig{$_} }
- User->delete_login(\%$form);
- # delete config file for user
- unlink "$userspath/$form->{login}.conf";
- }
- $form->redirect($locale->text('User deleted!'));
- }
- sub login_name {
- my $login = shift;
- $login =~ s/\[\]//g;
- return ($login) ? $login : undef;
- }
- sub change_admin_password {
- $form->{title} = qq|LedgerSMB |.$locale->text('Accounting')." ".$locale->text('Administration')." / ".$locale->text('Change Admin Password');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}">
- <table>
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th>|.$locale->text('Change Password').qq|</th>
- </tr>
- <tr size="5"></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%">
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Password').qq|</th>
- <td><input type="password" name="new_password" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Confirm').qq|</th>
- <td><input type="password" name="confirm_password" /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <br />
- <hr size="3" noshade />
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <p><input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Change Password').qq|" /></p>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub change_password {
- $form->error($locale->text('Passwords do not match!')) if $form->{new_password} ne $form->{confirm_password};
- $root->{password} = $form->{new_password};
- $root->{'root login'} = 1;
- $root->save_member($memberfile);
- $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}";
- $form->redirect($locale->text('Password changed!'));
- }
- sub get_hash {
- use Digest::MD5;
- $form->{hash} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex rand();
- }
- sub check_password {
- $root = new User "$memberfile", "root login";
- if ($root->{password}) {
- if ($form->{password}) {
- $form->{callback} .= "&password=$form->{password}" if $form->{callback};
- $form->{sessionid} = time;
- if ($root->{password} ne crypt $form->{password}, 'ro') {
- &getpassword;
- exit;
- }
- &get_hash;
- open(HASHFILE, "> $userspath/adminhash") || $form->error("Can't Open Hashfile: $!");
- print HASHFILE $form->{hash};
- print qq|Set-Cookie: LedgerSMB=$form->{hash}; path=/;\n|;
- } else {
- $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ s/;\s*/;/g;
- %cookie = split /[=;]/, $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE}; # Changeme to %cookies
- $cookie = ($form->{path} eq 'bin/lynx') ? $cookie{login} : $cookie{"LedgerSMB-root login"};
- #fixes problem with first login and such
- if (!(-f "$userspath/adminhash")) {
- &get_hash;
- open(HASHFILE, "> $userspath/adminhash") || $form->error("Can't Open Hashfile: $!");
- print HASHFILE $form->{hash};
- close(HASHFILE);
- }
- open (HASHFILE, "< $userspath/adminhash") || $form->error("Can't Open Hashfile: $!");
- chomp($form->{hash} = <HASHFILE>);
- %cookies = split /[=;]/, $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE};
- if (! $cookie || $cookie ne $form->{sessionid} || $form->{hash} ne $cookies{LedgerSMB}) {
- &getpassword;
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub pg_database_administration {
- $form->{dbdriver} = 'Pg';
- &dbselect_source;
- }
- sub pgpp_database_administration {
- $form->{dbdriver} = 'PgPP';
- &dbselect_source;
- }
- sub dbdriver_defaults {
- # load some defaults for the selected driver
- %driverdefaults = ( 'Pg' => { dbport => '',
- dbuser => 'ledger-smb',
- dbdefault => 'template1',
- dbhost => '',
- connectstring => $locale->text('Connect to')
- } );
- $driverdefaults{PgPP} = $driverdefaults{Pg};
- for (keys %{ $driverdefaults{Pg} }) { $form->{$_} = $driverdefaults{$form->{dbdriver}}{$_} }
- }
- sub dbselect_source {
- &dbdriver_defaults;
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')." / ".$locale->text('Database Administration');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- #an insane amount of table nesting here, this should be cleaned up.
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <center>
- <h2>$form->{title}</h2>
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}" />
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table>
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th colspan="4">|.$locale->text('Database').qq|</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Host').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="dbhost" size="25" value="$form->{dbhost}" /></td>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Port').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="dbport" size="5" value="$form->{dbport}" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('User').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="dbuser" size="10" value="$form->{dbuser}" /></td>
- <th align="right">|.$locale->text('Password').qq|</th>
- <td><input type="password" name="dbpasswd" size="10" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right">$form->{connectstring}</th>
- <td colspan="3"><input name="dbdefault" size="10" value="$form->{dbdefault}" /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <input type="hidden" name="dbdriver" value="$form->{dbdriver}" />
- <input name="callback" type="hidden" value="$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <br />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Create Dataset').qq|" />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Update Dataset').qq|" />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Delete Dataset').qq|" />
- </form>
- <p>|.$locale->text('This is a preliminary check for existing sources. Nothing will be created or deleted at this stage!')
- .qq|</p>
- </center>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub continue {
- &{ $form->{nextsub} };
- }
- sub update_dataset {
- %needsupdate = User->dbneedsupdate(\%$form);
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')." "
- .$locale->text('Database Administration')." / "
- .$locale->text('Update Dataset');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <center>
- <h2>$form->{title}</h2>
- |;
- foreach $key (sort keys %needsupdate) {
- if ($needsupdate{$key} ne $form->{dbversion}) {
- $upd .= qq|<input name="db$key" class="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="1" checked /> $key\n|;
- $form->{dbupdate} .= "db$key ";
- }
- }
- chop $form->{dbupdate};
- if ($form->{dbupdate}) {
- print qq|
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbdriver" value="$form->{dbdriver}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbhost" value="$form->{dbhost}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbport" value="$form->{dbport}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbuser" value="$form->{dbuser}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbpasswd" value="$form->{dbpasswd}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbdefault" value="$form->{dbdefault}" />
- <input name="dbupdate" type="hidden" value="$form->{dbupdate}" />
- <input name="callback" type="hidden" value="$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="dbupdate" />
- <table width="100%">
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th>|.$locale->text('The following Datasets need to be updated').qq|</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- $upd
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <hr size="3" noshade />
- <br />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- |;
- } else {
- print $locale->text('DBA')." : $form->{dbuser} : " .$locale->text('All Datasets up to date!');
- }
- print qq|
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub dbupdate {
- User->dbupdate(\%$form);
- $form->redirect($locale->text('Dataset updated!'));
- }
- sub create_dataset {
- @dbsources = sort User->dbsources(\%$form);
- opendir SQLDIR, "sql/." or $form->error($!);
- foreach $item (sort grep /-chart\.sql/, readdir SQLDIR) {
- next if ($item eq 'Default-chart.sql');
- $item =~ s/-chart\.sql//;
- push @charts, qq|<input name="chart" class="radio" type="radio" value="$item" />$item|;
- }
- closedir SQLDIR;
- # add Default at beginning
- unshift @charts, qq|<input name="chart" class="radio" type="radio" value="Default" checked />Default|;
- $selectencoding = qq|<option></option>
- <option value="SQL_ASCII">ASCII</option>
- <option value="EUC_JP">Japanese EUC</option>
- <option value="EUC_CN">Chinese EUC</option>
- <option value="EUC_KR">Korean EUC</option>
- <option value="JOHAB">Korean EUC (Hangle base)</option>
- <option value="EUC_TW">Taiwan EUC</option>
- <option value="UNICODE">Unicode (UTF-8)</option>
- <option value="MULE_INTERNAL">Mule internal type</option>
- <option value="LATIN1">ISO 8859-1/ECMA 94 (Latin alphabet no. 1)</option>
- <option value="LATIN2">ISO 8859-2/ECMA 94 (Latin alphabet no. 2)</option>
- <option value="LATIN3">ISO 8859-3/ECMA 94 (Latin alphabet no. 3)</option>
- <option value="LATIN4">ISO 8859-4/ECMA 94 (Latin alphabet no. 4)</option>
- <option value="LATIN5">ISO 8859-9/ECMA 128 (Latin alphabet no. 5)</option>
- <option value="LATIN6">ISO 8859-10/ECMA 144 (Latin alphabet no. 6)</option>
- <option value="LATIN7">ISO 8859-13 (Latin alphabet no. 7)</option>
- <option value="LATIN8">ISO 8859-14 (Latin alphabet no. 8)</option>
- <option value="LATIN9">ISO 8859-15 (Latin alphabet no. 9)</option>
- <option value="LATIN10">ISO 8859-16/ASRO SR 14111 (Latin alphabet no. 10)</option>
- <option value="ISO_8859_5">ISO 8859-5/ECMA 113 (Latin/Cyrillic)</option>
- <option value="ISO_8859_6">ISO 8859-6/ECMA 114 (Latin/Arabic)</option>
- <option value="ISO_8859_7">ISO 8859-7/ECMA 118 (Latin/Greek)</option>
- <option value="ISO_8859_8">ISO 8859-8/ECMA 121 (Latin/Hebrew)</option>
- <option value="KOI8">KOI8-R(U)</option>
- <option value="WIN">Windows CP1251</option>
- <option value="ALT">Windows CP866</option>
- <option value="WIN1256">Windows CP1256 (Arabic)</option>
- <option value="TCVN">Windows CP1258 (Vietnamese)</option>
- <option value="WIN874">Windows CP874 (Thai)</option>
- |;
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')
- ." ".$locale->text('Database Administration')
- ." / ".$locale->text('Create Dataset');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <center>
- <h2>$form->{title}</h2>
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}" />
- <table width="100%">
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th colspan="2"> </th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">|.$locale->text('Existing Datasets').qq|</th>
- <td>
- |;
- for (@dbsources) { print "[ $_ ] " }
- print qq|
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">|.$locale->text('Create Dataset').qq|</th>
- <td><input name="db" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">|.$locale->text('Multibyte Encoding').qq|</th>
- <td><select name="encoding">$selectencoding</select></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th align="right" nowrap="nowrap">|.$locale->text('Create Chart of Accounts').qq|</th>
- <td>
- <table>
- |;
- while (@charts) {
- print qq| <tr>|;
- for (0 .. 2) { print "<td>$charts[$_]</td>\n" }
- print qq| </tr>|;
- splice @charts, 0, 3;
- }
- print qq| </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <hr size="3" noshade />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- |;
- $form->hide_form(qw(dbdriver dbuser dbhost dbport dbpasswd dbdefault path sessionid));
- print qq|
- <input name="callback" type="hidden" value="$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="dbcreate" />
- <br />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|" />
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub dbcreate {
- $form->isblank("db", $locale->text('Dataset missing!'));
- User->dbcreate(\%$form);
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')
- ." ".$locale->text('Database Administration')
- ." / ".$locale->text('Create Dataset');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <center>
- <h2>$form->{title}</h2>
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}">|
- .$locale->text('Dataset')." $form->{db} ".$locale->text('successfully created!')
- .qq|
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="list_users" />
- <p><input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|" /></p>
- </form>
- </center>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub delete_dataset {
- if (@dbsources = User->dbsources_unused(\%$form, $memberfile)) {
- foreach $item (sort @dbsources) {
- $dbsources .= qq|<input name="db" class="radio" type="radio" value="$item" /> $item |;
- }
- } else {
- $form->error($locale->text('Nothing to delete!'));
- }
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')
- ." ".$locale->text('Database Administration')
- ." / ".$locale->text('Delete Dataset');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <h2>$form->{title}</h2>
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbdriver" value="$form->{dbdriver}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbuser" value="$form->{dbuser}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbhost" value="$form->{dbhost}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbport" value="$form->{dbport}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbpasswd" value="$form->{dbpasswd}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="dbdefault" value="$form->{dbdefault}" />
- <input name=callback type="hidden" value="$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}">
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="dbdelete" />
- <table width="100%">
- <tr class="listheading">
- <th>|.$locale->text('The following Datasets are not in use and can be deleted').qq|</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- $dbsources
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <hr size="3" noshade />
- <br />
- <input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub dbdelete {
- if (!$form->{db}) {
- $form->error($locale->text('No Dataset selected!'));
- }
- User->dbdelete(\%$form);
- $form->{title} = "LedgerSMB ".$locale->text('Accounting')
- ." ".$locale->text('Database Administration')
- ." / ".$locale->text('Delete Dataset');
- $form->{login} = "root login";
- $form->header;
- print qq|
- <body class="admin">
- <center>
- <h2>$form->{title}</h2>
- $form->{db} |.$locale->text('successfully deleted!')
- .qq|
- <form method="post" action="$form->{script}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="path" value="$form->{path}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="$form->{sessionid}" />
- <input type="hidden" name="nextsub" value="list_users" />
- <p><input type="submit" class="submit" name="action" value="|.$locale->text('Continue').qq|" /></p>
- </form>
- </body>
- </html>
- |;
- }
- sub unlock_system {
- unlink "$userspath/nologin";
- $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}";
- $form->redirect($locale->text('Lockfile removed!'));
- }
- sub lock_system {
- open(FH, ">$userspath/nologin") or $form->error($locale->text('Cannot create Lock!'));
- close(FH);
- $form->{callback} = "$form->{script}?action=list_users&path=$form->{path}&sessionid=$form->{sessionid}";
- $form->redirect($locale->text('Lockfile created!'));
- }