path: root/README.OpenBSD
blob: d10ce7aa7ca0d167547a1be1a25867fd57856524 (plain)
  1. Known issues with OpenBSD:
  2. =============================
  3. 1) Dataset creation does not work on OpenBSD
  4. Workaround: Create the database manually.
  5. These instructions assume you are in the LedgerSMB root directory
  6. (/usr/local/ledgersmb/ by default).
  7. From the shell, create the database:
  8. $ createdb -U postgres lsmbdata
  9. Install PLPGSQL into that database:
  10. $ createlang -U postgres -d lsmbdata plpgsql
  11. Connect to the database:
  12. $ psql -U ledgersmb lsmbdata
  13. Import the Pg-database file:
  14. => \i sql/Pg-database.sql
  15. Import the apropraite chart of accounts (these are all listed in the sql
  16. directory with file names ending in chart.sql). For this example, we will use
  17. Default-chart.sql, but if there is a local version you should use that:
  18. => \i sql/Default_chart.sql
  19. If there is a local GIFI file (ending in -gifi.sql), for your chart, load that
  20. in the same way.
  21. Your database should be ready for use.