blob: 3023ac792b32f349a44cfce151f5a3e9beff78b1 (
- # This is the new configuration file for LedgerSMB. Eventually all system
- # configuration directives will go here, This will probably not fully replace
- # the ledger-smb.conf until 1.3, however.
- package LedgerSMB::Sysconfig;
- $session='DB';
- $logging=0; # No logging on by default
- @io_lineitem_columns = qw(unit onhand sellprice discount linetotal);
- # if you have latex installed set to 1
- $latex = 1;
- # spool directory for batch printing
- $spool = "spool";
- # path to user configuration files
- $userspath = "users";
- # templates base directory
- $templates = "templates";
- # member file
- $memberfile = "users/members";
- # location of sendmail
- $sendmail = "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
- # set language for login and admin
- $language = "";
- # Maximum number of invoices that can be printed on a check
- $check_max_invoices = 5;
- # program to use for file compression
- $gzip = "gzip -S .gz";
- # Path to the translation files
- $localepath = 'locale/mo';
- #################################
- # Global database parameters
- #################################
- # These parameters *must* be set correctly
- # for LedgerSMB >= 1.2 to work
- my $globalDBConnect = 'dbi:Pg:dbname=ledgersmb;host=localhost;port=5432';
- my $globalUserName = "ledgersmb";
- my $globalPassword = "set me to correct password";
- #$GLOBALDBH = DBI->connect($globalDBConnect, $globalDBUserName, $globalDBPassword);
- 1;