- #=====================================================================
- # LedgerSMB
- # Small Medium Business Accounting software
- #
- # See COPYRIGHT file for copyright information
- #======================================================================
- #
- # This file has NOT undergone whitespace cleanup.
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # backend code for reports
- #
- #======================================================================
- package RP;
- sub inventory_activity {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- ($form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{fromyear}, $form->{frommonth}, $form->{interval}) if $form->{fromyear} && $form->{frommonth};
- unless ($form->{sort_col}){
- $form->{sort_col} = 'partnumber';
- }
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig) || $form->dberror();
- my $where = '';
- if ($form->{fromdate}){
- $where .= "AND coalesce(ar.duedate, ap.duedate) >= ".$dbh->quote($form->{fromdate});
- }
- if ($form->{todate}){
- $where .= "AND coalesce(ar.duedate, ap.duedate) < ".$dbh->quote($form->{todate}). " ";
- }
- if ($form->{partnumber}){
- $where .= qq|AND p.partnumber ILIKE '%|.$form->{partnumber}.qq|%' |;
- }
- if ($form->{description}){
- $where .= q|AND p.description ILIKE '%|.$form->{description}.q|%' |;
- }
- $where =~ s/^AND/WHERE/;
- my $query = qq|
- SELECT min(p.description) AS description,
- min(p.partnumber) AS partnumber, sum(
- CASE WHEN i.qty > 0 THEN i.qty ELSE 0 END
- ) AS sold, sum (
- CASE WHEN i.qty > 0 THEN i.sellprice * i.qty ELSE 0 END
- ) AS revenue, sum(
- CASE WHEN i.qty < 0 THEN i.qty * -1 ELSE 0 END
- ) AS received, sum(
- CASE WHEN i.qty < 0 THEN i.sellprice * i.qty * -1
- ) as expenses, min(p.id) as id
- FROM invoice i
- INNER JOIN parts p ON (i.parts_id = p.id)
- LEFT JOIN ar ON (ar.id = i.trans_id)
- LEFT JOIN ap ON (ap.id = i.trans_id)
- $where
- GROUP BY i.parts_id
- ORDER BY $form->{sort_col}
- |;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
- $sth->execute() || $form->dberror($query);
- @cols = qw(description sold revenue partnumber received expense);
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- $ref->{net_income} = $ref->{revenue} - $ref->{expense};
- map {$ref->{$_} =~ s/^\s*//} @cols;
- map {$ref->{$_} =~ s/\s*$//} @cols;
- push @{$form->{TB}}, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub yearend_statement {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- # if todate < existing yearends, delete GL and yearends
- my $query = qq|SELECT trans_id FROM yearend
- WHERE transdate >= '$form->{todate}'|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- my @trans_id = ();
- my $id;
- while (($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
- push @trans_id, $id;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $query = qq|DELETE FROM gl
- WHERE id = ?|;
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
- $query = qq|DELETE FROM acc_trans
- WHERE trans_id = ?|;
- my $ath = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
- foreach $id (@trans_id) {
- $sth->execute($id);
- $ath->execute($id);
- $sth->finish;
- $ath->finish;
- }
- my $last_period = 0;
- my @categories = qw(I E);
- my $category;
- $form->{decimalplaces} *= 1;
- &get_accounts($dbh, 0, $form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}, $form, \@categories);
- # disconnect
- $dbh->disconnect;
- # now we got $form->{I}{accno}{ }
- # and $form->{E}{accno}{ }
- my %account = ( 'I' => { 'label' => 'income',
- 'labels' => 'income',
- 'ml' => 1 },
- 'E' => { 'label' => 'expense',
- 'labels' => 'expenses',
- 'ml' => -1 }
- );
- foreach $category (@categories) {
- foreach $key (sort keys %{ $form->{$category} }) {
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq 'A') {
- $form->{"total_$account{$category}{labels}_this_period"} += $form->{$category}{$key}{this} * $account{$category}{ml};
- }
- }
- }
- # totals for income and expenses
- $form->{total_income_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_income_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{total_expenses_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_expenses_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- # total for income/loss
- $form->{total_this_period} = $form->{total_income_this_period} - $form->{total_expenses_this_period};
- }
- sub income_statement {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my $last_period = 0;
- my @categories = qw(I E);
- my $category;
- $form->{decimalplaces} *= 1;
- if (! ($form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate})) {
- if ($form->{fromyear} && $form->{frommonth}) {
- ($form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{fromyear}, $form->{frommonth}, $form->{interval});
- }
- }
- &get_accounts($dbh, $last_period, $form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}, $form, \@categories, 1);
- if (! ($form->{comparefromdate} || $form->{comparetodate})) {
- if ($form->{compareyear} && $form->{comparemonth}) {
- ($form->{comparefromdate}, $form->{comparetodate}) = $form->from_to($form->{compareyear}, $form->{comparemonth}, $form->{interval});
- }
- }
- # if there are any compare dates
- if ($form->{comparefromdate} || $form->{comparetodate}) {
- $last_period = 1;
- &get_accounts($dbh, $last_period, $form->{comparefromdate}, $form->{comparetodate}, $form, \@categories, 1);
- }
- # disconnect
- $dbh->disconnect;
- # now we got $form->{I}{accno}{ }
- # and $form->{E}{accno}{ }
- my %account = ( 'I' => { 'label' => 'income',
- 'labels' => 'income',
- 'ml' => 1 },
- 'E' => { 'label' => 'expense',
- 'labels' => 'expenses',
- 'ml' => -1 }
- );
- my $str;
- foreach $category (@categories) {
- foreach $key (sort keys %{ $form->{$category} }) {
- # push description onto array
- $str = ($form->{l_heading}) ? $form->{padding} : "";
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq "A") {
- $str .= ($form->{l_accno}) ? "$form->{$category}{$key}{accno} - $form->{$category}{$key}{description}" : "$form->{$category}{$key}{description}";
- }
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq "H") {
- if ($account{$category}{subtotal} && $form->{l_subtotal}) {
- $dash = "- ";
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_account"}}, "$str$form->{bold}$account{$category}{subdescription}$form->{endbold}");
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{labels}_this_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{subthis} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- if ($last_period) {
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{labels}_last_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{sublast} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- }
- }
- $str = "$form->{br}$form->{bold}$form->{$category}{$key}{description}$form->{endbold}";
- $account{$category}{subthis} = $form->{$category}{$key}{this};
- $account{$category}{sublast} = $form->{$category}{$key}{last};
- $account{$category}{subdescription} = $form->{$category}{$key}{description};
- $account{$category}{subtotal} = 1;
- $form->{$category}{$key}{this} = 0;
- $form->{$category}{$key}{last} = 0;
- next unless $form->{l_heading};
- $dash = " ";
- }
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_account"}}, $str);
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq 'A') {
- $form->{"total_$account{$category}{labels}_this_period"} += $form->{$category}{$key}{this} * $account{$category}{ml};
- $dash = "- ";
- }
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{labels}_this_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{$category}{$key}{this} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- # add amount or - for last period
- if ($last_period) {
- $form->{"total_$account{$category}{labels}_last_period"} += $form->{$category}{$key}{last} * $account{$category}{ml};
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{labels}_last_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig,$form->{$category}{$key}{last} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- }
- }
- $str = ($form->{l_heading}) ? $form->{padding} : "";
- if ($account{$category}{subtotal} && $form->{l_subtotal}) {
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_account"}}, "$str$form->{bold}$account{$category}{subdescription}$form->{endbold}");
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{labels}_this_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{subthis} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- if ($last_period) {
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{labels}_last_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{sublast} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- }
- }
- }
- # totals for income and expenses
- $form->{total_income_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_income_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{total_expenses_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_expenses_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- # total for income/loss
- $form->{total_this_period} = $form->{total_income_this_period} - $form->{total_expenses_this_period};
- if ($last_period) {
- # total for income/loss
- $form->{total_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_income_last_period} - $form->{total_expenses_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- # totals for income and expenses for last_period
- $form->{total_income_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_income_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- $form->{total_expenses_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_expenses_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- }
- $form->{total_income_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig,$form->{total_income_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- $form->{total_expenses_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig,$form->{total_expenses_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- $form->{total_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig,$form->{total_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- }
- sub balance_sheet {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my $last_period = 0;
- my @categories = qw(A L Q);
- my $null;
- if ($form->{asofdate}) {
- if ($form->{asofyear} && $form->{asofmonth}) {
- if ($form->{asofdate} !~ /\W/) {
- $form->{asofdate} = "$form->{asofyear}$form->{asofmonth}$form->{asofdate}";
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($form->{asofyear} && $form->{asofmonth}) {
- ($null, $form->{asofdate}) = $form->from_to($form->{asofyear}, $form->{asofmonth});
- }
- }
- # if there are any dates construct a where
- if ($form->{asofdate}) {
- $form->{this_period} = "$form->{asofdate}";
- $form->{period} = "$form->{asofdate}";
- }
- $form->{decimalplaces} *= 1;
- &get_accounts($dbh, $last_period, "", $form->{asofdate}, $form, \@categories, 1);
- if ($form->{compareasofdate}) {
- if ($form->{compareasofyear} && $form->{compareasofmonth}) {
- if ($form->{compareasofdate} !~ /\W/) {
- $form->{compareasofdate} = "$form->{compareasofyear}$form->{compareasofmonth}$form->{compareasofdate}";
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($form->{compareasofyear} && $form->{compareasofmonth}) {
- ($null, $form->{compareasofdate}) = $form->from_to($form->{compareasofyear}, $form->{compareasofmonth});
- }
- }
- # if there are any compare dates
- if ($form->{compareasofdate}) {
- $last_period = 1;
- &get_accounts($dbh, $last_period, "", $form->{compareasofdate}, $form, \@categories, 1);
- $form->{last_period} = "$form->{compareasofdate}";
- }
- # disconnect
- $dbh->disconnect;
- # now we got $form->{A}{accno}{ } assets
- # and $form->{L}{accno}{ } liabilities
- # and $form->{Q}{accno}{ } equity
- # build asset accounts
- my $str;
- my $key;
- my %account = ( 'A' => { 'label' => 'asset',
- 'labels' => 'assets',
- 'ml' => -1 },
- 'L' => { 'label' => 'liability',
- 'labels' => 'liabilities',
- 'ml' => 1 },
- 'Q' => { 'label' => 'equity',
- 'labels' => 'equity',
- 'ml' => 1 }
- );
- foreach $category (@categories) {
- foreach $key (sort keys %{ $form->{$category} }) {
- $str = ($form->{l_heading}) ? $form->{padding} : "";
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq "A") {
- $str .= ($form->{l_accno}) ? "$form->{$category}{$key}{accno} - $form->{$category}{$key}{description}" : "$form->{$category}{$key}{description}";
- }
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq "H") {
- if ($account{$category}{subtotal} && $form->{l_subtotal}) {
- $dash = "- ";
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_account"}}, "$str$form->{bold}$account{$category}{subdescription}$form->{endbold}");
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_this_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{subthis} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- if ($last_period) {
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_last_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{sublast} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- }
- }
- $str = "$form->{bold}$form->{$category}{$key}{description}$form->{endbold}";
- $account{$category}{subthis} = $form->{$category}{$key}{this};
- $account{$category}{sublast} = $form->{$category}{$key}{last};
- $account{$category}{subdescription} = $form->{$category}{$key}{description};
- $account{$category}{subtotal} = 1;
- $form->{$category}{$key}{this} = 0;
- $form->{$category}{$key}{last} = 0;
- next unless $form->{l_heading};
- $dash = " ";
- }
- # push description onto array
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_account"}}, $str);
- if ($form->{$category}{$key}{charttype} eq 'A') {
- $form->{"total_$account{$category}{labels}_this_period"} += $form->{$category}{$key}{this} * $account{$category}{ml};
- $dash = "- ";
- }
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_this_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{$category}{$key}{this} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- if ($last_period) {
- $form->{"total_$account{$category}{labels}_last_period"} += $form->{$category}{$key}{last} * $account{$category}{ml};
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_last_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{$category}{$key}{last} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- }
- }
- $str = ($form->{l_heading}) ? $form->{padding} : "";
- if ($account{$category}{subtotal} && $form->{l_subtotal}) {
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_account"}}, "$str$form->{bold}$account{$category}{subdescription}$form->{endbold}");
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_this_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{subthis} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- if ($last_period) {
- push(@{$form->{"$account{$category}{label}_last_period"}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $account{$category}{sublast} * $account{$category}{ml}, $form->{decimalplaces}, $dash));
- }
- }
- }
- # totals for assets, liabilities
- $form->{total_assets_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_assets_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{total_liabilities_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_liabilities_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{total_equity_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_equity_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- # calculate earnings
- $form->{earnings_this_period} = $form->{total_assets_this_period} - $form->{total_liabilities_this_period} - $form->{total_equity_this_period};
- push(@{$form->{equity_this_period}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{earnings_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- "));
- $form->{total_equity_this_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_equity_this_period} + $form->{earnings_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- # add liability + equity
- $form->{total_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_liabilities_this_period} + $form->{total_equity_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- if ($last_period) {
- # totals for assets, liabilities
- $form->{total_assets_last_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_assets_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{total_liabilities_last_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_liabilities_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{total_equity_last_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_equity_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- # calculate retained earnings
- $form->{earnings_last_period} = $form->{total_assets_last_period} - $form->{total_liabilities_last_period} - $form->{total_equity_last_period};
- push(@{$form->{equity_last_period}}, $form->format_amount($myconfig,$form->{earnings_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- "));
- $form->{total_equity_last_period} = $form->round_amount($form->{total_equity_last_period} + $form->{earnings_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- # add liability + equity
- $form->{total_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_liabilities_last_period} + $form->{total_equity_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- }
- $form->{total_liabilities_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_liabilities_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ") if ($form->{total_liabilities_last_period});
- $form->{total_equity_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_equity_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ") if ($form->{total_equity_last_period});
- $form->{total_assets_last_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_assets_last_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ") if ($form->{total_assets_last_period});
- $form->{total_assets_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_assets_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- $form->{total_liabilities_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_liabilities_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- $form->{total_equity_this_period} = $form->format_amount($myconfig, $form->{total_equity_this_period}, $form->{decimalplaces}, "- ");
- }
- sub get_accounts {
- my ($dbh, $last_period, $fromdate, $todate, $form, $categories, $excludeyearend) = @_;
- my $department_id;
- my $project_id;
- ($null, $department_id) = split /--/, $form->{department};
- ($null, $project_id) = split /--/, $form->{projectnumber};
- my $query;
- my $dpt_where;
- my $dpt_join;
- my $project;
- my $where = "1 = 1";
- my $glwhere = "";
- my $subwhere = "";
- my $yearendwhere = "1 = 1";
- my $item;
- my $category = "AND (";
- foreach $item (@{ $categories }) {
- $category .= qq|c.category = '$item' OR |;
- }
- $category =~ s/OR $/\)/;
- # get headings
- $query = qq|SELECT accno, description, category
- FROM chart c
- WHERE c.charttype = 'H'
- $category
- ORDER by c.accno|;
- if ($form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi')
- {
- $query = qq|SELECT g.accno, g.description, c.category
- FROM gifi g
- JOIN chart c ON (c.gifi_accno = g.accno)
- WHERE c.charttype = 'H'
- $category
- ORDER BY g.accno|;
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- my @headingaccounts = ();
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc))
- {
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{description} = "$ref->{description}";
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{charttype} = "H";
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{accno} = $ref->{accno};
- push @headingaccounts, $ref->{accno};
- }
- $sth->finish;
- if ($form->{method} eq 'cash' && !$todate) {
- ($todate) = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq|SELECT current_date FROM defaults|);
- }
- if ($fromdate) {
- if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
- $subwhere .= " AND transdate >= '$fromdate'";
- $glwhere = " AND ac.transdate >= '$fromdate'";
- } else {
- $where .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$fromdate'";
- }
- }
- if ($todate) {
- $where .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$todate'";
- $subwhere .= " AND transdate <= '$todate'";
- $yearendwhere = "ac.transdate < '$todate'";
- }
- if ($excludeyearend) {
- $ywhere = " AND ac.trans_id NOT IN
- (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend)";
- if ($todate) {
- $ywhere = " AND ac.trans_id NOT IN
- (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend
- WHERE transdate <= '$todate')";
- }
- if ($fromdate) {
- $ywhere = " AND ac.trans_id NOT IN
- (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend
- WHERE transdate >= '$fromdate')";
- if ($todate) {
- $ywhere = " AND ac.trans_id NOT IN
- (SELECT trans_id FROM yearend
- WHERE transdate >= '$fromdate'
- AND transdate <= '$todate')";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($department_id) {
- $dpt_join = qq|
- JOIN department t ON (a.department_id = t.id)
- |;
- $dpt_where = qq|
- AND t.id = $department_id
- |;
- }
- if ($project_id) {
- $project = qq|
- AND ac.project_id = $project_id
- |;
- }
- if ($form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi') {
- if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
- $query = qq|
- SELECT g.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN ar a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (g.accno = c.gifi_accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%AR_paid%'
- $subwhere
- )
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category
- SELECT '' AS accno, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- '' AS description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN ar a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND c.gifi_accno = ''
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%AR_paid%'
- $subwhere
- )
- $project
- GROUP BY c.category
- SELECT g.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN ap a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (g.accno = c.gifi_accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%AP_paid%'
- $subwhere
- )
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category
- SELECT '' AS accno, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- '' AS description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN ap a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND c.gifi_accno = ''
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%AP_paid%'
- $subwhere
- )
- $project
- GROUP BY c.category
- -- add gl
- SELECT g.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (g.accno = c.gifi_accno)
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $glwhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND NOT (c.link = 'AR' OR c.link = 'AP')
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category
- SELECT '' AS accno, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- '' AS description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $glwhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND c.gifi_accno = ''
- AND NOT (c.link = 'AR' OR c.link = 'AP')
- $project
- GROUP BY c.category
- |;
- if ($excludeyearend) {
- # this is for the yearend
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT g.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.category
- FROM yearend y
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (ac.trans_id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (g.accno = c.gifi_accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $yearendwhere
- AND c.category = 'Q'
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category
- |;
- }
- } else {
- if ($department_id) {
- $dpt_join = qq|
- JOIN dpt_trans t ON (t.trans_id = ac.trans_id)
- |;
- $dpt_where = qq|
- AND t.department_id = $department_id
- |;
- }
- $query = qq|
- SELECT g.accno, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (c.gifi_accno = g.accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category
- SELECT '' AS accno, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- '' AS description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND c.gifi_accno = ''
- $project
- GROUP BY c.category
- |;
- if ($excludeyearend) {
- # this is for the yearend
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT g.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.category
- FROM yearend y
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (ac.trans_id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (g.accno = c.gifi_accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $yearendwhere
- AND c.category = 'Q'
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category
- |;
- }
- }
- } else { # standard account
- if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
- $query = qq|
- SELECT c.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN ar a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%AR_paid%'
- $subwhere
- )
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category
- SELECT c.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN ap a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%AP_paid%'
- $subwhere
- )
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category
- SELECT c.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $glwhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- AND NOT (c.link = 'AR' OR c.link = 'AP')
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category
- |;
- if ($excludeyearend) {
- # this is for the yearend
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT c.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.category
- FROM yearend y
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (ac.trans_id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $yearendwhere
- AND c.category = 'Q'
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category
- |;
- }
- } else {
- if ($department_id) {
- $dpt_join = qq|
- JOIN dpt_trans t ON (t.trans_id = ac.trans_id)
- |;
- $dpt_where = qq|
- AND t.department_id = $department_id
- |;
- }
- $query = qq|
- SELECT c.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.category
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $ywhere
- $dpt_where
- $category
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category
- |;
- if ($excludeyearend) {
- # this is for the yearend
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT c.accno, sum(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.category
- FROM yearend y
- JOIN gl a ON (a.id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (ac.trans_id = y.trans_id)
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $yearendwhere
- AND c.category = 'Q'
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category
- |;
- }
- }
- }
- my @accno;
- my $accno;
- my $ref;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- # get last heading account
- @accno = grep { $_ le "$ref->{accno}" } @headingaccounts;
- $accno = pop @accno;
- if ($accno && ($accno ne $ref->{accno}) ) {
- if ($last_period)
- {
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$accno}{last} += $ref->{amount};
- } else {
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$accno}{this} += $ref->{amount};
- }
- }
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{accno} = $ref->{accno};
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{description} = $ref->{description};
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{charttype} = "A";
- if ($last_period) {
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{last} += $ref->{amount};
- } else {
- $form->{$ref->{category}}{$ref->{accno}}{this} += $ref->{amount};
- }
- }
- $sth->finish;
- # remove accounts with zero balance
- foreach $category (@{ $categories }) {
- foreach $accno (keys %{ $form->{$category} }) {
- $form->{$category}{$accno}{last} = $form->round_amount($form->{$category}{$accno}{last}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- $form->{$category}{$accno}{this} = $form->round_amount($form->{$category}{$accno}{this}, $form->{decimalplaces});
- delete $form->{$category}{$accno} if ($form->{$category}{$accno}{this} == 0 && $form->{$category}{$accno}{last} == 0);
- }
- }
- }
- sub trial_balance {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my ($query, $sth, $ref);
- my %balance = ();
- my %trb = ();
- my $null;
- my $department_id;
- my $project_id;
- my @headingaccounts = ();
- my $dpt_where;
- my $dpt_join;
- my $project;
- my $where = "1 = 1";
- my $invwhere = $where;
- ($null, $department_id) = split /--/, $form->{department};
- ($null, $project_id) = split /--/, $form->{projectnumber};
- if ($department_id) {
- $dpt_join = qq|
- JOIN dpt_trans t ON (ac.trans_id = t.trans_id)
- |;
- $dpt_where = qq|
- AND t.department_id = $department_id
- |;
- }
- if ($project_id) {
- $project = qq|
- AND ac.project_id = $project_id
- |;
- }
- ($form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{year}, $form->{month}, $form->{interval}) if $form->{year} && $form->{month};
- # get beginning balances
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- if ($form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi') {
- $query = qq|SELECT g.accno, c.category, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- g.description, c.contra
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (ac.chart_id = c.id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (c.gifi_accno = g.accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE ac.transdate < '$form->{fromdate}'
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, c.category, g.description, c.contra
- |;
- } else {
- $query = qq|SELECT c.accno, c.category, SUM(ac.amount) AS amount,
- c.description, c.contra
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (ac.chart_id = c.id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE ac.transdate < '$form->{fromdate}'
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.category, c.description, c.contra
- |;
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- $ref->{amount} = $form->round_amount($ref->{amount}, 2);
- $balance{$ref->{accno}} = $ref->{amount};
- if ($form->{all_accounts}) {
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{description} = $ref->{description};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{charttype} = 'A';
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{category} = $ref->{category};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{contra} = $ref->{contra};
- }
- }
- $sth->finish;
- }
- # get headings
- $query = qq|SELECT c.accno, c.description, c.category
- FROM chart c
- WHERE c.charttype = 'H'
- ORDER by c.accno|;
- if ($form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi')
- {
- $query = qq|SELECT g.accno, g.description, c.category, c.contra
- FROM gifi g
- JOIN chart c ON (c.gifi_accno = g.accno)
- WHERE c.charttype = 'H'
- ORDER BY g.accno|;
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc))
- {
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{description} = $ref->{description};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{charttype} = 'H';
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{category} = $ref->{category};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{contra} = $ref->{contra};
- push @headingaccounts, $ref->{accno};
- }
- $sth->finish;
- if ($form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate}) {
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- $where .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'";
- $invwhere .= " AND a.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'";
- }
- if ($form->{todate}) {
- $where .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'";
- $invwhere .= " AND a.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'";
- }
- }
- if ($form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi') {
- $query = qq|SELECT g.accno, g.description, c.category,
- SUM(ac.amount) AS amount, c.contra
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN gifi g ON (c.gifi_accno = g.accno)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY g.accno, g.description, c.category, c.contra
- ORDER BY accno|;
- } else {
- $query = qq|SELECT c.accno, c.description, c.category,
- SUM(ac.amount) AS amount, c.contra
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $dpt_where
- $project
- GROUP BY c.accno, c.description, c.category, c.contra
- ORDER BY accno|;
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- # prepare query for each account
- $query = qq|SELECT (SELECT SUM(ac.amount) * -1
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $dpt_where
- $project
- AND ac.amount < 0
- AND c.accno = ?) AS debit,
- (SELECT SUM(ac.amount)
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $dpt_where
- $project
- AND ac.amount > 0
- AND c.accno = ?) AS credit
- |;
- if ($form->{accounttype} eq 'gifi') {
- $query = qq|SELECT (SELECT SUM(ac.amount) * -1
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $dpt_where
- $project
- AND ac.amount < 0
- AND c.gifi_accno = ?) AS debit,
- (SELECT SUM(ac.amount)
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart c ON (c.id = ac.chart_id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE $where
- $dpt_where
- $project
- AND ac.amount > 0
- AND c.gifi_accno = ?) AS credit|;
- }
- $drcr = $dbh->prepare($query);
- # calculate debit and credit for the period
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{description} = $ref->{description};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{charttype} = 'A';
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{category} = $ref->{category};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{contra} = $ref->{contra};
- $trb{$ref->{accno}}{amount} += $ref->{amount};
- }
- $sth->finish;
- my ($debit, $credit);
- foreach my $accno (sort keys %trb) {
- $ref = ();
- $ref->{accno} = $accno;
- for (qw(description category contra charttype amount)) { $ref->{$_} = $trb{$accno}{$_} }
- $ref->{balance} = $balance{$ref->{accno}};
- if ($trb{$accno}{charttype} eq 'A') {
- if ($project_id) {
- if ($ref->{amount} < 0) {
- $ref->{debit} = $ref->{amount} * -1;
- } else {
- $ref->{credit} = $ref->{amount};
- }
- next if $form->round_amount($ref->{amount}, 2) == 0;
- } else {
- # get DR/CR
- $drcr->execute($ref->{accno}, $ref->{accno});
- ($debit, $credit) = (0,0);
- while (($debit, $credit) = $drcr->fetchrow_array) {
- $ref->{debit} += $debit;
- $ref->{credit} += $credit;
- }
- $drcr->finish;
- }
- $ref->{debit} = $form->round_amount($ref->{debit}, 2);
- $ref->{credit} = $form->round_amount($ref->{credit}, 2);
- if (!$form->{all_accounts}) {
- next if $form->round_amount($ref->{debit} + $ref->{credit}, 2) == 0;
- }
- }
- # add subtotal
- @accno = grep { $_ le "$ref->{accno}" } @headingaccounts;
- $accno = pop @accno;
- if ($accno) {
- $trb{$accno}{debit} += $ref->{debit};
- $trb{$accno}{credit} += $ref->{credit};
- }
- push @{ $form->{TB} }, $ref;
- }
- $dbh->disconnect;
- # debits and credits for headings
- foreach $accno (@headingaccounts) {
- foreach $ref (@{ $form->{TB} }) {
- if ($accno eq $ref->{accno}) {
- $ref->{debit} = $trb{$accno}{debit};
- $ref->{credit} = $trb{$accno}{credit};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sub aging {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my $invoice = ($form->{arap} eq 'ar') ? 'is' : 'ir';
- my $query = qq|SELECT curr FROM defaults|;
- ($form->{currencies}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- ($null, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{year}, $form->{month}) if $form->{year} && $form->{month};
- if (! $form->{todate}) {
- $query = qq|SELECT current_date FROM defaults|;
- ($form->{todate}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- }
- my $where = "1 = 1";
- my $name;
- my $null;
- my $ref;
- my $transdate = ($form->{overdue}) ? "duedate" : "transdate";
- if ($form->{"$form->{ct}_id"}) {
- $where .= qq| AND ct.id = $form->{"$form->{ct}_id"}|;
- } else {
- if ($form->{$form->{ct}} ne "") {
- $name = $form->like(lc $form->{$form->{ct}});
- $where .= qq| AND lower(ct.name) LIKE '$name'| if $form->{$form->{ct}};
- }
- }
- if ($form->{department}) {
- ($null, $department_id) = split /--/, $form->{department};
- $where .= qq| AND a.department_id = $department_id|;
- }
- # select outstanding vendors or customers, depends on $ct
- $query = qq|SELECT DISTINCT ct.id, ct.name, ct.language_code
- FROM $form->{ct} ct
- JOIN $form->{arap} a ON (a.$form->{ct}_id = ct.id)
- WHERE $where
- AND a.paid != a.amount
- AND (a.$transdate <= '$form->{todate}')
- ORDER BY ct.name|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror;
- my @ot = ();
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- push @ot, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- my $buysell = ($form->{arap} eq 'ar') ? 'buy' : 'sell';
- my %interval = ( 'Pg' => {
- 'c0' => "(date '$form->{todate}' - interval '0 days')",
- 'c30' => "(date '$form->{todate}' - interval '30 days')",
- 'c60' => "(date '$form->{todate}' - interval '60 days')",
- 'c90' => "(date '$form->{todate}' - interval '90 days')" },
- 'DB2' => {
- 'c0' => "(date ('$form->{todate}') - 0 days)",
- 'c30' => "(date ('$form->{todate}') - 30 days)",
- 'c60' => "(date ('$form->{todate}') - 60 days)",
- 'c90' => "(date ('$form->{todate}') - 90 days)" }
- );
- $interval{Oracle} = $interval{PgPP} = $interval{Pg};
- # for each company that has some stuff outstanding
- $form->{currencies} ||= ":";
- $where = qq|
- a.paid != a.amount
- AND c.id = ?
- AND a.curr = ?|;
- if ($department_id) {
- $where .= qq| AND a.department_id = $department_id|;
- }
- $query = "";
- my $union = "";
- if ($form->{c0}) {
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT c.id AS ctid, c.$form->{ct}number, c.name,
- c.address1, c.address2, c.city, c.state, c.zipcode, c.country,
- c.contact, c.email,
- c.phone as $form->{ct}phone, c.fax as $form->{ct}fax,
- c.$form->{ct}number, c.taxnumber as $form->{ct}taxnumber,
- a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.till, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.notes,
- (a.amount - a.paid) as c0, 0.00 as c30, 0.00 as c60, 0.00 as c90,
- a.duedate, a.invoice, a.id, a.curr,
- (SELECT $buysell FROM exchangerate e
- WHERE a.curr = e.curr
- AND e.transdate = a.transdate) AS exchangerate
- FROM $form->{arap} a
- JOIN $form->{ct} c ON (a.$form->{ct}_id = c.id)
- WHERE $where
- AND (
- a.$transdate <= $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c0}
- AND a.$transdate >= $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c30}
- )
- |;
- $union = qq|
- |;
- }
- if ($form->{c30}) {
- $query .= qq|
- $union
- SELECT c.id AS ctid, c.$form->{ct}number, c.name,
- c.address1, c.address2, c.city, c.state, c.zipcode, c.country,
- c.contact, c.email,
- c.phone as $form->{ct}phone, c.fax as $form->{ct}fax,
- c.$form->{ct}number, c.taxnumber as $form->{ct}taxnumber,
- a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.till, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.notes,
- 0.00 as c0, (a.amount - a.paid) as c30, 0.00 as c60, 0.00 as c90,
- a.duedate, a.invoice, a.id, a.curr,
- (SELECT $buysell FROM exchangerate e
- WHERE a.curr = e.curr
- AND e.transdate = a.transdate) AS exchangerate
- FROM $form->{arap} a
- JOIN $form->{ct} c ON (a.$form->{ct}_id = c.id)
- WHERE $where
- AND (
- a.$transdate < $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c30}
- AND a.$transdate >= $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c60}
- )
- |;
- $union = qq|
- |;
- }
- if ($form->{c60}) {
- $query .= qq|
- $union
- SELECT c.id AS ctid, c.$form->{ct}number, c.name,
- c.address1, c.address2, c.city, c.state, c.zipcode, c.country,
- c.contact, c.email,
- c.phone as $form->{ct}phone, c.fax as $form->{ct}fax,
- c.$form->{ct}number, c.taxnumber as $form->{ct}taxnumber,
- a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.till, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.notes,
- 0.00 as c0, 0.00 as c30, (a.amount - a.paid) as c60, 0.00 as c90,
- a.duedate, a.invoice, a.id, a.curr,
- (SELECT $buysell FROM exchangerate e
- WHERE a.curr = e.curr
- AND e.transdate = a.transdate) AS exchangerate
- FROM $form->{arap} a
- JOIN $form->{ct} c ON (a.$form->{ct}_id = c.id)
- WHERE $where
- AND (
- a.$transdate < $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c60}
- AND a.$transdate >= $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c90}
- )
- |;
- $union = qq|
- |;
- }
- if ($form->{c90}) {
- $query .= qq|
- $union
- SELECT c.id AS ctid, c.$form->{ct}number, c.name,
- c.address1, c.address2, c.city, c.state, c.zipcode, c.country,
- c.contact, c.email,
- c.phone as $form->{ct}phone, c.fax as $form->{ct}fax,
- c.$form->{ct}number, c.taxnumber as $form->{ct}taxnumber,
- a.invnumber, a.transdate, a.till, a.ordnumber, a.ponumber, a.notes,
- 0.00 as c0, 0.00 as c30, 0.00 as c60, (a.amount - a.paid) as c90,
- a.duedate, a.invoice, a.id, a.curr,
- (SELECT $buysell FROM exchangerate e
- WHERE a.curr = e.curr
- AND e.transdate = a.transdate) AS exchangerate
- FROM $form->{arap} a
- JOIN $form->{ct} c ON (a.$form->{ct}_id = c.id)
- WHERE $where
- AND a.$transdate < $interval{$myconfig->{dbdriver}}{c90}
- |;
- }
- $query .= qq|
- ORDER BY ctid, $transdate, invnumber|;
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
- my @var = ();
- if ($form->{c0} + $form->{c30} + $form->{c60} + $form->{c90}) {
- foreach $curr (split /:/, $form->{currencies}) {
- foreach $item (@ot) {
- @var = ();
- for (qw(c0 c30 c60 c90)) { push @var, ($item->{id}, $curr) if $form->{$_} }
- $sth->execute(@var);
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- $ref->{module} = ($ref->{invoice}) ? $invoice : $form->{arap};
- $ref->{module} = 'ps' if $ref->{till};
- $ref->{exchangerate} = 1 unless $ref->{exchangerate};
- $ref->{language_code} = $item->{language_code};
- push @{ $form->{AG} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- }
- }
- }
- # get language
- my $query = qq|SELECT *
- FROM language
- ORDER BY 2|;
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- push @{ $form->{all_language} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- # disconnect
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub get_customer {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my $query = qq|SELECT name, email, cc, bcc
- FROM $form->{ct} ct
- WHERE ct.id = $form->{"$form->{ct}_id"}|;
- ($form->{$form->{ct}}, $form->{email}, $form->{cc}, $form->{bcc}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub get_taxaccounts {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my $ARAP = uc $form->{db};
- # get tax accounts
- my $query = qq|SELECT DISTINCT c.accno, c.description
- FROM chart c
- JOIN tax t ON (c.id = t.chart_id)
- WHERE c.link LIKE '%${ARAP}_tax%'
- ORDER BY c.accno|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror;
- my $ref = ();
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc) ) {
- push @{ $form->{taxaccounts} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- # get gifi tax accounts
- my $query = qq|SELECT DISTINCT g.accno, g.description
- FROM gifi g
- JOIN chart c ON (c.gifi_accno= g.accno)
- JOIN tax t ON (c.id = t.chart_id)
- WHERE c.link LIKE '%${ARAP}_tax%'
- ORDER BY accno|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror;
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc) ) {
- push @{ $form->{gifi_taxaccounts} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub tax_report {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my ($null, $department_id) = split /--/, $form->{department};
- # build WHERE
- my $where = "1 = 1";
- my $cashwhere = "";
- if ($department_id) {
- $where .= qq|
- AND a.department_id = $department_id
- |;
- }
- my $query;
- my $sth;
- my $accno;
- if ($form->{accno}) {
- if ($form->{accno} =~ /^gifi_/) {
- ($null, $accno) = split /_/, $form->{accno};
- $accno = qq| AND ch.gifi_accno = '$accno'|;
- } else {
- $accno = $form->{accno};
- $accno = qq| AND ch.accno = '$accno'|;
- }
- }
- my $table;
- my $ARAP;
- if ($form->{db} eq 'ar') {
- $table = "customer";
- $ARAP = "AR";
- }
- if ($form->{db} eq 'ap') {
- $table = "vendor";
- $ARAP = "AP";
- }
- my $transdate = "a.transdate";
- ($form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{year}, $form->{month}, $form->{interval}) if $form->{year} && $form->{month};
- # if there are any dates construct a where
- if ($form->{fromdate} || $form->{todate}) {
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- $where .= " AND $transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'";
- }
- if ($form->{todate}) {
- $where .= " AND $transdate <= '$form->{todate}'";
- }
- }
- if ($form->{method} eq 'cash') {
- $transdate = "a.datepaid";
- my $todate = $form->{todate};
- if (! $todate) {
- ($todate) = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq|SELECT current_date FROM defaults|);
- }
- $cashwhere = qq|
- AND ac.trans_id IN
- (
- SELECT trans_id
- FROM acc_trans
- JOIN chart ON (chart_id = chart.id)
- WHERE link LIKE '%${ARAP}_paid%'
- AND $transdate <= '$todate'
- AND a.paid = a.amount
- )
- |;
- }
- my $ml = ($form->{db} eq 'ar') ? 1 : -1;
- my %ordinal = ( 'transdate' => 3,
- 'invnumber' => 4,
- 'name' => 5
- );
- my @a = qw(transdate invnumber name);
- my $sortorder = $form->sort_order(\@a, \%ordinal);
- if ($form->{summary}) {
- $query = qq|SELECT a.id, a.invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- ac.amount * $ml AS tax,
- a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE $where
- $accno
- $cashwhere
- |;
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- # include open transactions from previous period
- if ($cashwhere) {
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT a.id, a.invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- ac.amount * $ml AS tax,
- a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE a.datepaid >= '$form->{fromdate}'
- $accno
- $cashwhere
- |;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $query = qq|SELECT a.id, '0' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- ac.amount * $ml AS tax,
- a.notes AS description, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE $where
- $accno
- AND a.invoice = '0'
- $cashwhere
- SELECT a.id, '1' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name,
- i.sellprice * i.qty * $ml AS netamount,
- i.sellprice * i.qty * $ml *
- (SELECT tx.rate FROM tax tx WHERE tx.chart_id = ch.id AND (tx.validto > $transdate OR tx.validto IS NULL) ORDER BY validto LIMIT 1) AS tax,
- i.description, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- JOIN ${table}tax t ON (t.${table}_id = n.id AND t.chart_id = ch.id)
- JOIN invoice i ON (i.trans_id = a.id)
- JOIN partstax pt ON (pt.parts_id = i.parts_id AND pt.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE $where
- $accno
- AND a.invoice = '1'
- $cashwhere
- |;
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- if ($cashwhere) {
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT a.id, '0' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- ac.amount * $ml AS tax,
- a.notes AS description, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE a.datepaid >= '$form->{fromdate}'
- $accno
- AND a.invoice = '0'
- $cashwhere
- SELECT a.id, '1' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name,
- i.sellprice * i.qty * $ml AS netamount,
- i.sellprice * i.qty * $ml *
- (SELECT tx.rate FROM tax tx WHERE tx.chart_id = ch.id AND (tx.validto > $transdate OR tx.validto IS NULL) ORDER BY validto LIMIT 1) AS tax,
- i.description, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- JOIN ${table}tax t ON (t.${table}_id = n.id AND t.chart_id = ch.id)
- JOIN invoice i ON (i.trans_id = a.id)
- JOIN partstax pt ON (pt.parts_id = i.parts_id AND pt.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE a.datepaid >= '$form->{fromdate}'
- $accno
- AND a.invoice = '1'
- $cashwhere
- |;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($form->{report} =~ /nontaxable/) {
- if ($form->{summary}) {
- # only gather up non-taxable transactions
- $query = qq|SELECT DISTINCT a.id, a.invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE $where
- AND a.netamount = a.amount
- $cashwhere
- |;
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- if ($cashwhere) {
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT DISTINCT a.id, a.invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE a.datepaid >= '$form->{fromdate}'
- AND a.netamount = a.amount
- $cashwhere
- |;
- }
- }
- } else {
- # gather up details for non-taxable transactions
- $query = qq|SELECT a.id, '0' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- a.notes AS description, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE $where
- AND a.invoice = '0'
- AND a.netamount = a.amount
- $cashwhere
- GROUP BY a.id, $transdate, a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- a.notes, a.till
- SELECT a.id, '1' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name,
- sum(ac.sellprice * ac.qty) * $ml AS netamount,
- ac.description, a.till
- FROM invoice ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE $where
- AND a.invoice = '1'
- AND (
- a.${table}_id NOT IN (
- SELECT ${table}_id FROM ${table}tax t (${table}_id)
- ) OR
- ac.parts_id NOT IN (
- SELECT parts_id FROM partstax p (parts_id)
- )
- )
- $cashwhere
- GROUP BY a.id, a.invnumber, $transdate, n.name,
- ac.description, a.till
- |;
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- if ($cashwhere) {
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT a.id, '0' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- a.notes AS description, a.till
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE a.datepaid >= '$form->{fromdate}'
- AND a.invoice = '0'
- AND a.netamount = a.amount
- $cashwhere
- GROUP BY a.id, $transdate, a.invnumber, n.name, a.netamount,
- a.notes, a.till
- SELECT a.id, '1' AS invoice, $transdate AS transdate,
- a.invnumber, n.name,
- sum(ac.sellprice * ac.qty) * $ml AS netamount,
- ac.description, a.till
- FROM invoice ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN $table n ON (n.id = a.${table}_id)
- WHERE a.datepaid >= '$form->{fromdate}'
- AND a.invoice = '1'
- AND (
- a.${table}_id NOT IN (
- SELECT ${table}_id FROM ${table}tax t (${table}_id)
- ) OR
- ac.parts_id NOT IN (
- SELECT parts_id FROM partstax p (parts_id)
- )
- )
- $cashwhere
- GROUP BY a.id, a.invnumber, $transdate, n.name,
- ac.description, a.till
- |;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $query .= qq|
- ORDER by $sortorder|;
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while ( my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- $ref->{tax} = $form->round_amount($ref->{tax}, 2);
- if ($form->{report} =~ /nontaxable/) {
- push @{ $form->{TR} }, $ref if $ref->{netamount};
- } else {
- push @{ $form->{TR} }, $ref if $ref->{tax};
- }
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub paymentaccounts {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database, turn AutoCommit off
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);
- my $ARAP = uc $form->{db};
- # get A(R|P)_paid accounts
- my $query = qq|SELECT accno, description
- FROM chart
- WHERE link LIKE '%${ARAP}_paid%'
- ORDER BY accno|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- push @{ $form->{PR} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $form->all_years($myconfig, $dbh);
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub payments {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database, turn AutoCommit off
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);
- my $ml = 1;
- if ($form->{db} eq 'ar') {
- $table = 'customer';
- $ml = -1;
- }
- if ($form->{db} eq 'ap') {
- $table = 'vendor';
- }
- my $query;
- my $sth;
- my $dpt_join;
- my $where;
- my $var;
- if ($form->{department_id}) {
- $dpt_join = qq|
- JOIN dpt_trans t ON (t.trans_id = ac.trans_id)
- |;
- $where = qq|
- AND t.department_id = $form->{department_id}
- |;
- }
- ($form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{year}, $form->{month}, $form->{interval}) if $form->{year} && $form->{month};
- if ($form->{fromdate}) {
- $where .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'";
- }
- if ($form->{todate}) {
- $where .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'";
- }
- if (!$form->{fx_transaction}) {
- $where .= " AND ac.fx_transaction = '0'";
- }
- if ($form->{description} ne "") {
- $var = $form->like(lc $form->{description});
- $where .= " AND lower(c.name) LIKE '$var'";
- }
- if ($form->{source} ne "") {
- $var = $form->like(lc $form->{source});
- $where .= " AND lower(ac.source) LIKE '$var'";
- }
- if ($form->{memo} ne "") {
- $var = $form->like(lc $form->{memo});
- $where .= " AND lower(ac.memo) LIKE '$var'";
- }
- my %ordinal = ( 'name' => 1,
- 'transdate' => 2,
- 'source' => 4,
- 'employee' => 6,
- 'till' => 7
- );
- my @a = qw(name transdate employee);
- my $sortorder = $form->sort_order(\@a, \%ordinal);
- my $glwhere = $where;
- $glwhere =~ s/\(c.name\)/\(g.description\)/;
- # cycle through each id
- foreach my $accno (split(/ /, $form->{paymentaccounts})) {
- $query = qq|SELECT id, accno, description
- FROM chart
- WHERE accno = '$accno'|;
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc);
- push @{ $form->{PR} }, $ref;
- $sth->finish;
- $query = qq|SELECT c.name, ac.transdate, sum(ac.amount) * $ml AS paid,
- ac.source, ac.memo, e.name AS employee, a.till, a.curr
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN $form->{db} a ON (ac.trans_id = a.id)
- JOIN $table c ON (c.id = a.${table}_id)
- LEFT JOIN employee e ON (a.employee_id = e.id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE ac.chart_id = $ref->{id}
- $where|;
- if ($form->{till} ne "") {
- $query .= " AND a.invoice = '1'
- AND NOT a.till IS NULL";
- if ($myconfig->{role} eq 'user') {
- $query .= " AND e.login = '$form->{login}'";
- }
- }
- $query .= qq|
- GROUP BY c.name, ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.memo,
- e.name, a.till, a.curr
- |;
- if ($form->{till} eq "") {
- # don't need gl for a till
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT g.description, ac.transdate, sum(ac.amount) * $ml AS paid, ac.source,
- ac.memo, e.name AS employee, '' AS till, '' AS curr
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN gl g ON (g.id = ac.trans_id)
- LEFT JOIN employee e ON (g.employee_id = e.id)
- $dpt_join
- WHERE ac.chart_id = $ref->{id}
- $glwhere
- AND (ac.amount * $ml) > 0
- GROUP BY g.description, ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.memo, e.name
- |;
- }
- $query .= qq|
- ORDER BY $sortorder|;
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while (my $pr = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- push @{ $form->{$ref->{id}} }, $pr;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- }
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- 1;