- #=====================================================================
- # LedgerSMB
- # Small Medium Business Accounting software
- # http://www.ledgersmb.org/
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2006
- # This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used
- # with permission.
- #
- # This file contains source code included with or based on SQL-Ledger which
- # is Copyright Dieter Simader and DWS Systems Inc. 2000-2005 and licensed
- # under the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later
- # version. For a full list including contact information of contributors,
- # maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file.
- #
- # Original Copyright Notice from SQL-Ledger 2.6.17 (before the fork):
- # Copyright (C) 2002
- #
- # Author: DWS Systems Inc.
- # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
- #
- # Contributors:
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # This file has undergone whitespace cleanup.
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # Account reconciliation routines
- #
- #======================================================================
- package RC;
- sub getposlines{
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- %pos_config = %{$form->{pos_config}};
- %pos_sources = %{$form->{pos_sources}};
- my $sources = '';
- foreach $key (keys %pos_sources){
- $sources .= ", '$key'";
- }
- $sources =~ s/^,\s*//;
- my $dbh = $form->{dbh};
- my $query = qq|
- SELECT sum(amount) AS amount, source FROM acc_trans
- WHERE chart_id = (SELECT id FROM chart
- WHERE accno = ?)
- AND transdate = date 'NOW' AND cleared IS NOT TRUE
- GROUP BY source|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute($pos_config{till_accno}) || $form->dberror($query);
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- push @{$form->{TB}}, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- my $query = qq|
- SELECT sum(amount) AS sum FROM acc_trans
- WHERE chart_id = (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)
- AND transdate = date 'NOW'
- AND cleared IS NOT TRUE|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute($pos_config{till_accno}) || $form->dberror($query);
- my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc);
- $form->{sum} = $ref->{sum};
- $sth->finish;
- }
- sub clear_till {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- %pos_config = %{$form->{pos_config}};
- %pos_sources = %{$form->{pos_sources}};
- my $sources = '';
- foreach $key (keys %pos_sources){
- $sources .= ", '$key'";
- }
- $sources =~ s/^,\s//;
- my $dbh = $form->{dbh};
- my $query = qq|
- UPDATE acc_trans
- SET cleared = TRUE
- WHERE chart_id =
- (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)
- AND transdate = date 'NOW'|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute($pos_config{till_accno}) || $form->dberror($query);
- }
- sub getbalance{
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- my $dbh = $form->{dbh};
- my $query = qq|
- SELECT sum(amount) AS balance
- FROM acc_trans
- WHERE chart_id = (SELECT id FROM chart WHERE accno = ?)|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute($form->{accno}) || $form->dberror($query);
- my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc);
- $form->{balance} = $ref->{balance};
- }
- sub paymentaccounts {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- my $dbh = $form->{dbh};
- my $query = qq|
- SELECT accno, description
- FROM chart
- WHERE link LIKE '%_paid%'
- AND (category = 'A' OR category = 'L')
- ORDER BY accno|;
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- push @{ $form->{PR} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $form->all_years($myconfig, $dbh);
- }
- sub payment_transactions {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- # connect to database, turn AutoCommit off
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect_noauto($myconfig);
- my $query;
- my $sth;
- $query = qq|SELECT category FROM chart
- WHERE accno = '$form->{accno}'|;
- ($form->{category}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- my $cleared;
- ($form->{fromdate}, $form->{todate}) = $form->from_to($form->{year}, $form->{month}, $form->{interval}) if $form->{year} && $form->{month};
- my $transdate = qq| AND ac.transdate < date '$form->{fromdate}'|;
- if (! $form->{fromdate}) {
- $cleared = qq| AND ac.cleared = '1'|;
- $transdate = "";
- }
- # get beginning balance
- $query = qq|SELECT sum(ac.amount)
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- $transdate
- $cleared
- |;
- ($form->{beginningbalance}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- # fx balance
- $query = qq|SELECT sum(ac.amount)
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND ac.fx_transaction = '1'
- $transdate
- $cleared
- |;
- ($form->{fx_balance}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- $transdate = "";
- if ($form->{todate}) {
- $transdate = qq| AND ac.transdate <= date '$form->{todate}'|;
- }
- # get statement balance
- $query = qq|SELECT sum(ac.amount)
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- $transdate
- |;
- ($form->{endingbalance}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- # fx balance
- $query = qq|SELECT sum(ac.amount)
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ch.id = ac.chart_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND ac.fx_transaction = '1'
- $transdate
- |;
- ($form->{fx_endingbalance}) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- $cleared = qq| AND ac.cleared = '0'| unless $form->{fromdate};
- if ($form->{report}) {
- $cleared = qq| AND NOT (ac.cleared = '0' OR ac.cleared = '1')|;
- if ($form->{cleared}) {
- $cleared = qq| AND ac.cleared = '1'|;
- }
- if ($form->{outstanding}) {
- $cleared = ($form->{cleared}) ? "" : qq| AND ac.cleared = '0'|;
- }
- if (! $form->{fromdate}) {
- $form->{beginningbalance} = 0;
- $form->{fx_balance} = 0;
- }
- }
- my $fx_transaction;
- if ($form->{fx_transaction}) {
- $fx_transaction = qq|
- (ac.chart_id IN
- (SELECT fxgain_accno_id FROM defaults
- SELECT fxloss_accno_id FROM defaults))|;
- } else {
- $fx_transaction = qq|
- AND ac.fx_transaction = '0'|;
- }
- if ($form->{summary}) {
- $query = qq|SELECT ac.transdate, ac.source,
- sum(ac.amount) AS amount, ac.cleared
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND ac.amount >= 0
- $fx_transaction
- $cleared|;
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'" if $form->{fromdate};
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'" if $form->{todate};
- $query .= " GROUP BY ac.source, ac.transdate, ac.cleared";
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT ac.transdate, ac.source,
- sum(ac.amount) AS amount, ac.cleared
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND ac.amount < 0
- $fx_transaction
- $cleared|;
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'" if $form->{fromdate};
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'" if $form->{todate};
- $query .= " GROUP BY ac.source, ac.transdate, ac.cleared";
- $query .= " ORDER BY 1,2";
- } else {
- $query = qq|SELECT ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.fx_transaction,
- ac.amount, ac.cleared, g.id, g.description
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- JOIN gl g ON (g.id = ac.trans_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- $fx_transaction
- $cleared|;
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'" if $form->{fromdate};
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'" if $form->{todate};
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.fx_transaction,
- ac.amount, ac.cleared, a.id, n.name
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- JOIN ar a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN customer n ON (n.id = a.customer_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- $fx_transaction
- $cleared|;
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'" if $form->{fromdate};
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'" if $form->{todate};
- $query .= qq|
- SELECT ac.transdate, ac.source, ac.fx_transaction,
- ac.amount, ac.cleared, a.id, n.name
- FROM acc_trans ac
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- JOIN ap a ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN vendor n ON (n.id = a.vendor_id)
- WHERE ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- $fx_transaction
- $cleared|;
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate >= '$form->{fromdate}'" if $form->{fromdate};
- $query .= " AND ac.transdate <= '$form->{todate}'" if $form->{todate};
- $query .= " ORDER BY 1,2,3";
- }
- $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $sth->execute || $form->dberror($query);
- my $dr;
- my $cr;
- if ($form->{summary}) {
- $query = qq|SELECT c.name
- FROM customer c
- JOIN ar a ON (c.id = a.customer_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ac.transdate = ?
- AND ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND (ac.source = ? OR ac.source IS NULL)
- AND ac.amount >= 0
- $cleared
- SELECT v.name
- FROM vendor v
- JOIN ap a ON (v.id = a.vendor_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ac.transdate = ?
- AND ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND (ac.source = ? OR ac.source IS NULL)
- AND ac.amount > 0
- $cleared
- SELECT g.description
- FROM gl g
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (g.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ac.transdate = ?
- AND ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND (ac.source = ? OR ac.source IS NULL)
- AND ac.amount >= 0
- $cleared
- |;
- $query .= " ORDER BY 1";
- $dr = $dbh->prepare($query);
- $query = qq|SELECT c.name
- FROM customer c
- JOIN ar a ON (c.id = a.customer_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ac.transdate = ?
- AND ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND (ac.source = ? OR ac.source IS NULL)
- AND ac.amount < 0
- $cleared
- SELECT v.name
- FROM vendor v
- JOIN ap a ON (v.id = a.vendor_id)
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (a.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ac.transdate = ?
- AND ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND (ac.source = ? OR ac.source IS NULL)
- AND ac.amount < 0
- $cleared
- SELECT g.description
- FROM gl g
- JOIN acc_trans ac ON (g.id = ac.trans_id)
- JOIN chart ch ON (ac.chart_id = ch.id)
- WHERE ac.transdate = ?
- AND ch.accno = '$form->{accno}'
- AND (ac.source = ? OR ac.source IS NULL)
- AND ac.amount < 0
- $cleared
- |;
- $query .= " ORDER BY 1";
- $cr = $dbh->prepare($query);
- }
- my $name;
- my $ref;
- while ($ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(NAME_lc)) {
- if ($form->{summary}) {
- if ($ref->{amount} > 0) {
- $dr->execute($ref->{transdate}, $ref->{source}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{source}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{source});
- $ref->{oldcleared} = $ref->{cleared};
- $ref->{name} = ();
- while (($name) = $dr->fetchrow_array) {
- push @{ $ref->{name} }, $name;
- }
- $dr->finish;
- } else {
- $cr->execute($ref->{transdate}, $ref->{source}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{source}, $ref->{transdate}, $ref->{source});
- $ref->{oldcleared} = $ref->{cleared};
- $ref->{name} = ();
- while (($name) = $cr->fetchrow_array) {
- push @{ $ref->{name} }, $name;
- }
- $cr->finish;
- }
- } else {
- push @{ $ref->{name} }, $ref->{description};
- }
- push @{ $form->{PR} }, $ref;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- sub reconcile {
- my ($self, $myconfig, $form) = @_;
- my $dbh = $form->dbconnect($myconfig);
- my $query = qq|SELECT id FROM chart
- WHERE accno = '$form->{accno}'|;
- my ($chart_id) = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
- $chart_id *= 1;
- $query = qq|
- SELECT trans_id FROM acc_trans
- WHERE (source = ? OR source IS NULL) AND transdate = ?
- AND cleared = '0'
- AND chart_id = |.$dbh->quote($chart_id);
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
- my $i;
- my $trans_id;
- $query = qq|
- UPDATE acc_trans
- SET cleared = '1'
- WHERE cleared = '0' AND trans_id = ? AND transdate = ?
- AND chart_id = |.$dbh->quote($chart_id);
- my $tth = $dbh->prepare($query) || $form->dberror($query);
- # clear flags
- for $i (1 .. $form->{rowcount}) {
- if ($form->{"cleared_$i"} && ! $form->{"oldcleared_$i"}) {
- if ($form->{summary}) {
- $sth->execute(
- $form->{"source_$i"},
- $form->{"transdate_$i"}
- ) || $form->dberror;
- while (($trans_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
- $tth->execute(
- $trans_id,
- $form->{"transdate_$i"}
- ) || $form->dberror;
- $tth->finish;
- }
- $sth->finish;
- } else {
- $tth->execute(
- $form->{"id_$i"},
- $form->{"transdate_$i"}
- ) || $form->dberror;
- $tth->finish;
- }
- }
- }
- $dbh->commit;
- }
- 1;