- #=====================================================================
- # LedgerSMB
- # Small Medium Business Accounting software
- # http://www.ledgersmb.org/
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2006
- # This work contains copyrighted information from a number of sources all used
- # with permission.
- #
- # This file contains source code included with or based on SQL-Ledger which
- # is Copyright Dieter Simader and DWS Systems Inc. 2000-2005 and licensed
- # under the GNU General Public License version 2 or, at your option, any later
- # version. For a full list including contact information of contributors,
- # maintainers, and copyright holders, see the CONTRIBUTORS file.
- #
- # Original Copyright Notice from SQL-Ledger 2.6.17 (before the fork):
- # Copyright (C) 2002
- #
- # Author: DWS Systems Inc.
- # Web: http://www.sql-ledger.org
- #
- # Contributors:
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # This file has undergone whitespace cleanup.
- #
- #======================================================================
- #
- # this is the default code for the Check package
- #
- #=====================================================================
- # The conversion routines can be tested with for example:
- # perl <<EOF
- # use LedgerSMB::CP;
- # my $c = CP->new('da');
- # $c->init;
- # for(0 .. 202, 999 .. 1002, 1999 .. 2002, 999999 .. 1000002, 999999999 .. 1000000002)
- # {print $_.":".$c->num2text($_)."\n";};'
- # EOF
- sub init {
- my $self = shift;
- my $locale = $self->{'locale'};
- my $langtag = substr($locale->language_tag, 0, 2);
- $self->{'numrules'} = 'en';
- $self->{'numrules'} = $langtag if
- grep {/$langtag/} (qw/ca de es et fr hu it nl ru da/);
- $self->{'numrules'} = 'es' if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'ca';
- $self->{'numrules'} = 'de' if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'ru';
- %{ $self->{numbername} } =
- (0 => $locale->text('Zero'),
- 1 => $locale->text('One'),
- '1o' => $locale->text('One-o'),
- 2 => $locale->text('Two'),
- 3 => $locale->text('Three'),
- 4 => $locale->text('Four'),
- 5 => $locale->text('Five'),
- 6 => $locale->text('Six'),
- 7 => $locale->text('Seven'),
- 8 => $locale->text('Eight'),
- 9 => $locale->text('Nine'),
- 10 => $locale->text('Ten'),
- 11 => $locale->text('Eleven'),
- '11o' => $locale->text('Eleven-o'),
- 12 => $locale->text('Twelve'),
- 13 => $locale->text('Thirteen'),
- 14 => $locale->text('Fourteen'),
- 15 => $locale->text('Fifteen'),
- 16 => $locale->text('Sixteen'),
- 17 => $locale->text('Seventeen'),
- 18 => $locale->text('Eighteen'),
- 19 => $locale->text('Nineteen'),
- 20 => $locale->text('Twenty'),
- 21 => $locale->text('Twenty One'),
- '21o' => $locale->text('Twenty One-o'),
- 22 => $locale->text('Twenty Two'),
- 23 => $locale->text('Twenty Three'),
- 24 => $locale->text('Twenty Four'),
- 25 => $locale->text('Twenty Five'),
- 26 => $locale->text('Twenty Six'),
- 27 => $locale->text('Twenty Seven'),
- 28 => $locale->text('Twenty Eight'),
- 29 => $locale->text('Twenty Nine'),
- 30 => $locale->text('Thirty'),
- 40 => $locale->text('Forty'),
- 50 => $locale->text('Fifty'),
- 60 => $locale->text('Sixty'),
- 70 => $locale->text('Seventy'),
- 80 => $locale->text('Eighty'),
- 90 => $locale->text('Ninety'),
- 10**2 => $locale->text('Hundred'),
- 500 => $locale->text('Five Hundred'),
- 700 => $locale->text('Seven Hundred'),
- 900 => $locale->text('Nine Hundred'),
- 10**3 => $locale->text('Thousand'),
- 10**6 => $locale->text('Million'),
- 10**9 => $locale->text('Billion'),
- 10**12 => $locale->text('Trillion'),
- );
- }
- sub num2text {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->num2text_de($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'de';
- return $self->num2text_es($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'es';
- return $self->num2text_nl($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'nl';
- return $self->num2text_hu($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'hu';
- return $self->num2text_et($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'et';
- return $self->num2text_fr($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'fr';
- return $self->num2text_it($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'it';
- return $self->num2text_da($amount) if $self->{'numrules'} eq 'da';
- return $self->num2text_en($amount);
- }
- sub num2text_en {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my @a;
- my $i;
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- # the one from hundreds
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add hundred designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_en($numblock[$i]);
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 0) {
- # ones
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $num = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num};
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- join ' ', @textnumber;
- }
- sub format_ten_en {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 20) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10};
- $amount = $num[1];
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- $amount = 0;
- }
- $textnumber .= " ".$self->{numbername}{$amount} if $amount;
- $textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_de {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my ($i, $appendn);
- my @a = ();
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- my $belowhundred = !$#numblock;
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- $appendn = "";
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- # the one from hundreds
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add hundred designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- $appendn = 'en' if ($i == 2);
- $appendn = 'n' if ($i > 2);
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_de($numblock[$i], $belowhundred);
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 1) {
- # ones
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] == 1) {
- if ($i == 0) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]}.'s';
- } else {
- if ($i >= 2) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]}.'e';
- } else {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- }
- $appendn = "";
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $amount = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$amount}.$appendn;
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- join '', @textnumber;
- }
- sub format_ten_de {
- my ($self, $amount, $belowhundred) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 20) {
- if ($num[1] == 0) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- } else {
- if ($belowhundred) {
- $amount = $num[0] * 10;
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[1]}.'und'.$self->{numbername}{$amount};
- } else {
- $amount = $num[0] * 10;
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount}.$self->{numbername}{$num[1]};
- $textnumber .= 's' if ($num[1] == 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- }
- $textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_et {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my ($i, $appendit);
- my @a = ();
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- $appendit = "it";
- $hundred = 0;
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- # the one from hundreds
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{$num[0]}$self->{numbername}{10**2}";
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- $hundred = 1;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 19) {
- # 20 - 99
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{$num[0]}kümmend";
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[1]} if $num[1] > 0;
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 10) {
- # 11 - 19
- if ($hundred) {
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- }
- $num = $num[1];
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{$num}teist";
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 1) {
- # ones
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] == 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- $appendit = "";
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $amount = 10**($i * 3);
- $appendit = ($i == 1) ? "" : $appendit;
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{$amount}$appendit";
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- join ' ', @textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_es {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my $stripun = 0;
- my @a = ();
- my $i;
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- # special case for 1000
- if ($numblock[1] eq '1' && $numblock[0] gt '000') {
- # remove first array element from textnumber
- $stripun = 1;
- }
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- if ($num[0] == 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- } else {
- # special case for 500, 700, 900
- if (grep /$num[0]/, (5,7,9)) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{"${num[0]}00"};
- } else {
- # the one from hundreds, append cientos
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]}.$self->{numbername}{10**2}.'s';
- }
- }
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_es($numblock[$i], $i);
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 0) {
- # ones
- $num = $numblock[$i];
- $num .= 'o' if ($num == 1 && $i == 0);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num};
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $num = 10**($i * 3);
- if ($numblock[$i] > 1) {
- if ($i == 2 || $i == 4) {
- $a = $self->{numbername}{$num}."es";
- $a =~ s/�/o/;
- push @textnumber, $a;
- } elsif ($i == 3) {
- $num = 10**($i * 2);
- $a = "$self->{10**3} $self->{numbername}{$num}"."es";
- $a =~ s/�/o/;
- push @textnumber, $a;
- } else {
- if ($i == 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num};
- } else {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num}.'s';
- }
- }
- } else {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num};
- }
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- shift @textnumber if $stripun;
- join ' ', @textnumber;
- }
- sub format_ten_es {
- my ($self, $amount, $i) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 30) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10};
- $amount = $num[1];
- } else {
- $amount .= 'o' if ($num[1] == 1 && $i == 0);
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- $amount = 0;
- }
- $textnumber .= " y ".$self->{numbername}{$amount} if $amount;
- $textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_fr {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my @a;
- my $i;
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- my $cent=0;
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- $cent=1;
- # the one from hundreds
- if ($num[0] > 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- }
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- # add hundred designation
- if ($num[0] > 1) {
- if($numblock[$i] > 0) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- } else {
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{10**2}s";
- }
- } else {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- }
- }
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_fr($numblock[$i]);
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 0) {
- # ones
- if ($i == 1) {
- if ($cent == 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- $cent = 0;
- } else {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $num = 10**($i * 3);
- if ($i == 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num};
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 1) {
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{$num}s";
- } else {
- push @textnumber, "$self->{numbername}{$num}";
- }
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- join ' ', @textnumber;
- }
- sub format_ten_fr {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 20) {
- if ($num[0] == 8) {
- if ($num[1] > 0) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10};
- } else {
- $textnumber = "$self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10}s";
- }
- $amount = $num[1];
- } elsif ($num[0] == 7 || $num[0] == 9) {
- if ($num[1] > 0) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{($num[0]-1)*10};
- $textnumber .= " et" if ($num[1] == 1 && $num[0] == 7);
- $amount -= ($num[0]-1)*10;
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10};
- $amount = $num[1];
- }
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10};
- $textnumber .= " et" if ($num[1] == 1);
- $amount = $num[1];
- }
- } else {
- $textnumber = "$self->{numbername}{$amount}";
- $amount = 0;
- }
- $textnumber .= " ".$self->{numbername}{$amount} if $amount;
- $textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_hu {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my @a;
- my $i;
- my $res;
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add hundred designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_hu($numblock[$i]);
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 0) {
- # ones
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- if ($i==1 && $amount < 2000){
- $num = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num};
- } else {
- $num = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num}."-";
- }
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- $res=ucfirst join '', @textnumber;
- $res=~s/(\-)$//;
- return $res;
- }
- sub format_ten_hu {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 30) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[0]*10};
- $amount = $num[1];
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- $amount = 0;
- }
- $textnumber .= "".$self->{numbername}{$amount} if $amount;
- $textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_nl {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ('**');
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my ($i, $appendn);
- my @a = ();
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- # the one from hundreds
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add hundred designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_nl($numblock[$i]);
- } else {
- # ones
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $amount = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- push @textnumber, '**';
- join '', @textnumber;
- }
- sub format_ten_nl {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 20) {
- # reverse one and ten and glue together with 'en'
- $amount = $num[0] * 10;
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$num[1]}.'en'.$self->{numbername}{$amount};
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- }
- $textnumber;
- }
- sub num2text_it {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my ($i, $appendn);
- my @a = ();
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- # the one from hundreds
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add hundred designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10**2};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- # tens
- push @textnumber, $self->format_ten_it($numblock[$i]);
- } elsif ($numblock[$i] > 1) {
- # ones
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- # add thousand, million
- if ($i) {
- $amount = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- join '', @textnumber;
- }
- sub format_ten_it {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- my $textnumber = "";
- my @num = split //, $amount;
- if ($amount > 20) {
- if ($num[1] == 0) {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- } else {
- $amount = $num[0] * 10;
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount}.$self->{numbername}{$num[1]};
- }
- } else {
- $textnumber = $self->{numbername}{$amount};
- }
- $textnumber;
- }
- # A special (swedish-like) spelling of danish check numbers
- sub num2text_da {
- my ($self, $amount) = @_;
- # Handle 0
- return $self->{numbername}{0} unless $amount;
- # List of collected digits
- my @textnumber = ();
- # split amount into chunks of 3
- my @num = reverse split //, abs($amount);
- my @numblock = ();
- my @a = ();
- while (@num) {
- @a = ();
- for (1 .. 3) {
- push @a, shift @num;
- }
- push @numblock, join / /, reverse @a;
- }
- my $i;
- my $bigplural;
- while (@numblock) {
- $i = $#numblock;
- $numblock[$i] *= 1;
- if ($numblock[$i] == 0) {
- pop @numblock;
- next;
- }
- # Plural suffix "er" for million and up, not for tusinde
- $bigpluralsuffix = "";
- $bigpluralsuffix = "er" if ($i > 1 && $numblock[$i] > 1);
- if ($numblock[$i] > 99) {
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- # the one from hundreds
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add hundred designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{100};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 100;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 9) {
- @num = split //, $numblock[$i];
- # the one from tens
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$num[0]};
- # add ten designation
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{10};
- # reduce numblock
- $numblock[$i] -= $num[0] * 10;
- }
- if ($numblock[$i] > 0) {
- # the ones left in the block
- if($numblock[$i] == 1 && $i != 1) {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{'1o'}; # Special case for "Et" tusinde
- } else {
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$numblock[$i]};
- }
- }
- # add thousand, million, etc
- if ($i) {
- $amount = 10**($i * 3);
- push @textnumber, $self->{numbername}{$amount}.$bigpluralsuffix;
- }
- pop @numblock;
- }
- join '', @textnumber;
- }
- 1;