<body bgcolor=ffffff>

<table width="100%">
<tr valign=bottom>
  <td width=10>&nbsp;</td>
  <table width="100%">
      <?lsmb company ?>
      <br><?lsmb address ?>

    <td><img src=http://www.ledger-smb.org/images/ledger-smb.png border=0 width=64 height=58>

    <td align=right>
      電話: <?lsmb tel ?>
      <br>傳真: <?lsmb fax ?>

    <th colspan=3>


  <table width=100% callspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <table width="100%">
    <tr bgcolor=000000>
      <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff>致:</th>
      <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff>付運往:</th>

    <tr valign=top>
      <td><?lsmb name ?>
      <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
      <?lsmb if address2 ?>
      <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
      <?lsmb end address2 ?>
      <br><?lsmb city ?> <?lsmb state ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>
      <?lsmb if country ?>
      <br><?lsmb country ?>
      <?lsmb end country ?>
<?lsmb if contact ?>
<br>致: <?lsmb contact ?>
<?lsmb end contact ?>
<?lsmb if vendorphone ?>
<br>電話: <?lsmb vendorphone ?>
<?lsmb end vendorphone ?>
<?lsmb if vendorfax ?>
<br>傳真: <?lsmb vendorfax ?>
<?lsmb end vendorfax ?>

      <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
      <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
      <?lsmb if shiptoaddress2 ?>
      <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
      <?lsmb end shiptoaddress2 ?>
      <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?> <?lsmb shiptostate ?> <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
      <?lsmb if shiptocountry ?>
      <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
      <?lsmb end shiptocountry ?>
<?lsmb if shiptocontact ?>
<br>致: <?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
<?lsmb end shiptocontact ?>
<?lsmb if shiptophone ?>
<br>電話: <?lsmb shiptophone ?>
<?lsmb end shiptophone ?>
<?lsmb if shiptofax ?>
<br>傳真: <?lsmb shiptofax ?>
<?lsmb end shiptofax ?>

    <td colspan=2>
    <table width=100% border=1>
      <th width=17% align=left>訂單編號</th>
      <th width=17% align=left>落訂日期</th>
      <th width=17% align=left>要求交付日期</th>
      <th width=17% align=left>聯絡人</th>
      <th width=17% align=left>付運點</th>
      <th width=15% align=left>付運公司</th>

      <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?></td>
      <td><?lsmb orddate ?></td>
      <td><?lsmb reqdate ?></td>
      <td><?lsmb employee ?></td>
      <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?>&nbsp;</td>
      <td><?lsmb shipvia ?>&nbsp;</td>

    <table width="100%">
    <tr bgcolor=000000>
<!--      <th align=right><font color=ffffff>No.</th>  -->
      <th align=left><font color=ffffff>號碼</th>
      <th align=left><font color=ffffff>描述</th>
      <th><font color=ffffff>數量</th>
      <th><font color=ffffff>價格</th>
      <th><font color=ffffff>%</th>
      <th><font color=ffffff>金額</th>

<?lsmb foreach number ?>
    <tr valign=top>
<!--      <td align=right><?lsmb runningnumber ?>.</td>
other per line item variables available <?lsmb reqdate ?>
adjust the colspan if you include this to shift subtotal one to the right
      <td><?lsmb number ?></td>
      <td><?lsmb description ?></td>
      <td align=right><?lsmb qty ?></td>
      <td><?lsmb unit ?></td>
      <td align=right><?lsmb sellprice ?></td>
      <td align=right><?lsmb discountrate ?></th>
      <td align=right><?lsmb linetotal ?></td>
<?lsmb end number ?>

      <td colspan=7><hr noshade></td>
<?lsmb if taxincluded ?>
      <th colspan=6 align=right>合計</th>
      <th colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb ordtotal ?></th>
<?lsmb end taxincluded ?>
<?lsmb if not taxincluded ?>
      <th colspan=6 align=right>小計</th>
      <td colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb subtotal ?></td>
<?lsmb end taxincluded ?>

<?lsmb foreach tax ?>
      <th colspan=6 align=right><?lsmb taxdescription ?> 基於 <?lsmb taxbase ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate ?> %</th>
      <td colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb tax ?></td>
<?lsmb end tax ?>

      <td colspan=3>&nbsp;</td>
      <td colspan=4><hr noshade></td>
<?lsmb if not taxincluded ?>
      <th colspan=6 align=right>合計</th>
      <td colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb ordtotal ?></td>
<?lsmb end taxincluded ?>

<?lsmb if terms ?>
      <td colspan=3>有效期為淨<b><?lsmb terms ?></b>日</td>
      <th colspan=3 align=right>合計</th>
      <th colspan=1 align=right><?lsmb ordtotal ?></th>
<?lsmb end terms ?>

<?lsmb if taxincluded ?>
      <td colspan=2>已包稅項</td>
<?lsmb end taxincluded ?>

<?lsmb if ordtotal ?>
      <td colspan=7 align=right>
      所有價格為<b><?lsmb currency ?></b>
<?lsmb end ordtotal ?>


  <table width="100%">
<?lsmb if notes ?>
    <tr valign=top>
      <td><?lsmb notes ?></td>
<?lsmb end notes ?>


  <table width="100%">
  <tr valign=top>
    <td width="70%">&nbsp;</td>

    <td width="30%">
    X <hr noshade>


