<body bgcolor=ffffff>

<table width="100%">
    <td width=10>&nbsp;</td>

      <table width="100%">
            <?lsmb company ?>
        <br><?lsmb address ?>

          <th><img src=http://www.ledger-smb.org/images/ledger-smb.png border=0 width=64 height=58></th>

          <td align=right>
            �q�ܡG <?lsmb tel ?>
        <br>�ǯu�G <?lsmb fax ?>

          <th colspan=3>


      <table width=100% callspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
        <tr bgcolor=000000>
          <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff>�P</th>
          <th align=left width="50%"><font color=ffffff>�I�B��</th>

        <tr valign=top>
          <td><?lsmb name ?>
          <br><?lsmb address1 ?>
	  <?lsmb if address2 ?>
          <br><?lsmb address2 ?>
	  <?lsmb end address2 ?>
          <br><?lsmb city ?> <?lsmb state ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>
	  <?lsmb if country ?>
	  <br><?lsmb country ?>
	  <?lsmb end country ?>

          <?lsmb if contact ?>
          <br><?lsmb contact ?>
          <?lsmb end contact ?>

          <?lsmb if customerphone ?>
          <br>�q�ܡG <?lsmb customerphone ?>
          <?lsmb end customerphone ?>

          <?lsmb if customerfax ?>
          <br>�ǯu�G <?lsmb customerfax ?>
          <?lsmb end customerfax ?>

          <?lsmb if email ?>
          <br><?lsmb email ?>
          <?lsmb end email ?>

          <td><?lsmb shiptoname ?>
          <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress1 ?>
	  <?lsmb if shiptoaddress2 ?>
          <br><?lsmb shiptoaddress2 ?>
	  <?lsmb end shiptoaddress2 ?>
          <br><?lsmb shiptocity ?> <?lsmb shiptostate ?> <?lsmb shiptozipcode ?>
	  <?lsmb if shiptocountry ?>
	  <br><?lsmb shiptocountry ?>
	  <?lsmb end shiptocountry ?>

          <?lsmb if shiptocontact ?>
          <br><?lsmb shiptocontact ?>
          <?lsmb end shiptocontact ?>

          <?lsmb if shiptophone ?>
          <br>�q�ܡG <?lsmb shiptophone ?>
          <?lsmb end shiptophone ?>

          <?lsmb if shiptofax ?>
          <br>�ǯu�G <?lsmb shiptofax ?>
          <?lsmb end shiptofax ?>

          <?lsmb if shiptoemail ?>
          <br><?lsmb shiptoemail ?>
          <?lsmb end shiptoemail ?>

  <tr height=5></tr>
      <table width=100% border=1>
	  <th width=14% align=left nowrap>�o���s��</th>
	  <th width=14% align=left nowrap>���</th>
	  <th width=14% align=left nowrap>�����</th>
	  <th width=14% align=left>�q��s��</th>
	  <th width=14% align=left nowrap>�P��H��</th>
	  <th width=14% align=left nowrap>�I�B�I</th>
	  <th width=14% align=left nowrap>�I�B���q</th>

	  <td><?lsmb invnumber ?></td>
	  <td><?lsmb invdate ?></td>
	  <td><?lsmb duedate ?></td>
	  <td><?lsmb ordnumber ?>&nbsp;</td>
	  <td><?lsmb employee ?>&nbsp;</td>
	  <td><?lsmb shippingpoint ?>&nbsp;</td>
	  <td><?lsmb shipvia ?>&nbsp;</td>

      <table width="100%">
        <tr bgcolor=000000>
          <th align=right><font color=ffffff>�s��</th>
          <th align=left><font color=ffffff>���X</th>
          <th align=left><font color=ffffff>�y�z</th>
          <th align=right><font color=ffffff>�ƶq</th>
          <th align=right><font color=ffffff>���</th>
          <th align=right><font color=ffffff>�馩 %</th>
          <th align=right><font color=ffffff>�`��</th>

        <?lsmb foreach number ?>
        <tr valign=top>
          <td align=right><?lsmb runningnumber ?>.</td>
          <td><?lsmb number ?></td>
          <td><?lsmb description ?></td>
          <td><?lsmb deliverydate ?></td>
          <td align=right><?lsmb qty ?></td>
          <td><?lsmb unit ?></td>
          <td align=right><?lsmb sellprice ?></td>
          <td align=right><?lsmb discountrate ?></td>
          <td align=right><?lsmb linetotal ?></td>
        <?lsmb end number ?>

you can also use netprice instead of sellprice if you
don't want to show the discount
netprice = sellprice - discount

          <td colspan=9><hr noshade></td>
          <?lsmb if taxincluded ?>
          <th colspan=7 align=right>�X�p</th>
          <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb invtotal ?></td>
          <?lsmb end taxincluded ?>

          <?lsmb if not taxincluded ?>
          <th colspan=7 align=right>�p�p</th>
          <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb subtotal ?></td>
          <?lsmb end taxincluded ?>

        <?lsmb foreach tax ?>
          <th colspan=7 align=right><?lsmb taxdescription ?> ��� <?lsmb taxbase ?> @ <?lsmb taxrate ?> %</th>
          <td colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb tax ?></td>
        <?lsmb end tax ?>

        <?lsmb if paid ?>
          <th colspan=7 align=right>�w��I</th>
          <td colspan=2 align=right>- <?lsmb paid ?></td>
        <?lsmb end paid ?>

          <td colspan=5>&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan=4><hr noshade></td>

        <?lsmb if total ?>
          <td colspan=5>&nbsp;</td>
          <th colspan=2 align=right nowrap>�|�����B</th>
          <th colspan=2 align=right><?lsmb total ?></th>
        <?lsmb end total ?>



      <table width="100%">
        <tr valign=top>
          <?lsmb if notes ?>
          <td><?lsmb notes ?></td>
          <?lsmb end notes ?>

	  <td><?lsmb text_amount ?> ***** <?lsmb decimal ?>/100</td>
          <td align=right nowrap>
          All prices in <b><?lsmb currency ?></b>

  <?lsmb if paid ?>

    <td colspan=9>
      <table width="60%">

          <th align=left>�I��</th>

          <td colspan=4>
          <hr noshade>

          <th align=left>���</th>
          <th align=left>�b��</th>
          <th align=left>�ӷ�</th>
          <th align=left>���B</th>
  <?lsmb end paid ?>

        <?lsmb foreach payment ?>
          <td><?lsmb paymentdate ?></td>
          <td><?lsmb paymentaccount ?></td>
          <td><?lsmb paymentsource ?></td>
          <td><?lsmb payment ?></td>
        <?lsmb end payment ?>

  <?lsmb if paid ?>
  <?lsmb end paid ?>

  <tr height=10></tr>




      <table width="100%">
        <tr valign=top>
          <td width="60%"><font size=-3>
          �Щ�<?lsmb duedate ?>���e�I�ڡC�h�^�����~����I10%���^���O�ΡC�Y�n�h�^���~�A���������o<?lsmb company ?>�����v�C�h�^
���~���B�O�M�O�I�O�ۭt�C�Y�b�~���X�{���l�����p�A<?lsmb company ?>�N���|�t����d���C

          <td width="40%">
          X <hr noshade>

  <?lsmb foreach tax ?>

    <th colspan=9 align=left><font size=-2><?lsmb taxdescription ?> ���U <?lsmb taxnumber ?></th>
  <?lsmb end tax ?>

  <?lsmb if taxincluded ?>

    <th colspan=8 align=left><font size=-2>�W�z�|���w�]�A�b���椤�C</th>
  <?lsmb end taxincluded ?>

