


      <?lsmb company ?>
      <?lsmb address ?>}\hfill
    Telephone & <?lsmb tel ?>\\
    Facsimile & <?lsmb fax ?>


\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb invnumber ?>}{\usebox{\hdr}}

%\thispagestyle{empty}     use this with letterhead paper

<?lsmb pagebreak 65 27 37 ?>


\markright{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb invnumber ?>}


  \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} &
    \textbf{Unit} \\
<?lsmb end pagebreak ?>



<?lsmb shiptoname ?>

<?lsmb shiptoaddr1 ?>

<?lsmb shiptoaddr2 ?>

<?lsmb shiptoaddr3 ?>

<?lsmb shiptoaddr4 ?>


\textbf{P A C K I N G} \parbox{0.3cm}{\hfill} \textbf{L I S T}

  \textbf{Date} & <?lsmb invdate ?> \\
  \textbf{Number} & <?lsmb invnumber ?> \\
  \textbf{Customer} & <?lsmb customer_id ?>


  \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Qt'y} & \textbf{Unit} \\
<?lsmb foreach number ?>
  <?lsmb description ?> & <?lsmb qty ?> & <?lsmb unit ?> \\
<?lsmb end number ?>



<?lsmb if notes ?>
  <?lsmb notes ?>
<?lsmb end if ?>


%\centerline{\textbf{Thank You for your valued business!}}


%Items returned are subject to a 10\% restocking charge.
%A return authorization must be obtained from <?lsmb company ?> before goods are
%returned. Returns must be shipped prepaid and properly insured.
%<?lsmb company ?> will not be responsible for damages during transit.}
