



Payment due NET <%terms%> Days from date of Invoice. Interest on overdue amounts will acrue at the rate of 12\% per annum starting from <%duedate%> until paid in full. Items returned are subject to a 10\% restocking charge.
A return authorization must be obtained from <%company%> before goods are returned. Returns must be shipped prepaid and properly insured.
<%company%> will not be responsible for damages during transit.


  Telephone & <%tel%>\\
  Facsimile & <%fax%>


<%pagebreak 65 27 37%>

  \textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<%sumcarriedforward%>} \\


\markboth{<%company%>\hfill <%invnumber%>}{<%company%>\hfill <%invnumber%>}


  \textbf{Pos} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & & \textbf{Qt'y} &
    \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc \%} & \textbf{Amount} \\ [0.5em]
  & carried forward from page <%lastpage%> & & & & & & <%sumcarriedforward%> \\ [0.5em]
<%end pagebreak%>






<%city%> <%state%> <%zipcode%>



<%if contact%>
<%end contact%>

<%if customerphone%>
Tel: <%customerphone%>
<%end customerphone%>

<%if customerfax%>
Fax: <%customerfax%>
<%end customerfax%>

\textbf{Ship To}




<%shiptocity%> <%shiptostate%> <%shiptozipcode%>



<%if shiptocontact%>
<%end shiptocontact%>

<%if shiptophone%>
Tel: <%shiptophone%>
<%end shiptophone%>

<%if shiptofax%>
Fax: <%shiptofax%>
<%end shiptofax%>



\textbf{I N V O I C E}


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{*{7}{|X}|} \hline
  \textbf{Invoice \#} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Due} & \textbf{Order \#}
  & \textbf{Salesperson} & \textbf{Shipping Point} &
  \textbf{Ship via} \\ [0.5em]
  <%invnumber%> & <%invdate%> & <%duedate%> & <%ordnumber%> & <%employee%>
  & <%shippingpoint%> & <%shipvia%> \\


  \textbf{Pos} & \textbf{Number} & \textbf{Description} & & \textbf{Qt'y} &
    \textbf{Unit} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Disc \%} & \textbf{Amount} \\ [0.5em]
<%foreach number%>
  <%runningnumber%> & <%number%> & <%description%> & <%deliverydate%> &
  <%qty%> & <%unit%> & <%sellprice%> & <%discountrate%> & <%linetotal%> \\
<%end number%>



  Subtotal & <%subtotal%> \\
<%foreach tax%>
  <%taxdescription%> on <%taxbase%> & <%tax%> \\
<%end tax%>
<%if paid%>
  Paid & - <%paid%> \\
<%end paid%>
<%if total%>
  Balance Due & <%total%>
<%end total%>


<%text_amount%> ***** <%decimal%>/100
All prices in \textbf{<%currency%>}.


<%if notes%>
<%end if%>



<%if paid%>
  \textbf{Payments} & & & \\
  \textbf{Date} & & \textbf{Source} & \textbf{Amount} \\
<%end paid%>
<%foreach payment%>
  <%paymentdate%> & <%paymentaccount%> & <%paymentsource%> & <%payment%> \\
<%end payment%>
<%if paid%>
<%end paid%>


\centerline{\textbf{Thank You for your valued business!}}


