


      <?lsmb company ?>
      <?lsmb address ?>}\hfill
    Telefono & <?lsmb tel ?>\\
    Fax & <?lsmb fax ?>


\markboth{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}{\usebox{\hdr}}

%\thispagestyle{empty}     use this with letterhead paper

<?lsmb pagebreak 65 27 48 ?>

  \textbf{Subtotal} & \textbf{<?lsmb sumcarriedforward ?>} \\


\markright{<?lsmb company ?>\hfill <?lsmb ordnumber ?>}


  \textbf{Codice} & \textbf{Descrzione} & \textbf{Quantit\`a} &
    \textbf{Unit\`a} & \textbf{Prezzo} & \textbf{Sconto} & \textbf{Totale riga} \\
  & carried forward from <?lsmb lastpage ?> & & & & & <?lsmb sumcarriedforward ?> \\
<?lsmb end pagebreak ?>



<?lsmb name ?>

<?lsmb address1 ?>

<?lsmb if address2 ?>
<?lsmb address2 ?>
<?lsmb end address2 ?>

<?lsmb city ?> <?lsmb state ?> <?lsmb zipcode ?>

<?lsmb if country ?>
<?lsmb country ?>
<?lsmb end country ?>


  \textbf{Data ordine} & <?lsmb orddate ?> \\
<?lsmb if reqdate ?>
  \textbf{Consegna} & <?lsmb reqdate ?> \\
<?lsmb end reqdate ?>
  \textbf{Ordine numero} & <?lsmb ordnumber ?>


  \textbf{Codice} & \textbf{Descrizione} & \textbf{Qt\`a} &
    \textbf{Un.} & \textbf{Prezzo} & \textbf{Sconto} & \textbf{Tot. riga} \\
<?lsmb foreach number ?>
  <?lsmb number ?> & <?lsmb description ?> & <?lsmb qty ?> &
    <?lsmb unit ?> & <?lsmb sellprice ?> & <?lsmb discount ?> & <?lsmb linetotal ?> \\
<?lsmb end number ?>



  \textbf{Totale righe} & \textbf{<?lsmb subtotal ?>} \\
<?lsmb foreach tax ?>
  <?lsmb taxdescription ?>: <?lsmb taxrate ?>\% su <?lsmb taxbase ?> & <?lsmb tax ?>\\
<?lsmb end tax ?>
  \textbf{Totale ordine} & \textbf{<?lsmb ordtotal ?>}\\


  Tutti i prezzi sono in valuta \textbf{<?lsmb currency ?>}.


<?lsmb if notes ?>
  <?lsmb notes ?>
<?lsmb end if ?>


%A 10\% order cancellation fee will be applied for any special order products or
%products that have been customized, enhanced or upgraded at customers request.
%Items which are non-returnable are indicated above.
