<body bgcolor=ffffff>

<table width=100% >
<tr valign=bottom>
  <td width=10>&nbsp;</td>
  <table width=100% >
    <td align=center><!--<img src=logo.jpg>--><br>&nbsp;<br>
     <font size=3><B> SZ�MLA</B></font>

    <td align=right>
    <!-- <%copysum%> -->
    <td align=right>

  <table width=100% callspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >
  <td><hr noshade></td>
    <table width=100% >
    <tr >
      <th align=left width=50%>Elad�:</th>
      <th align=left width=50%>Vev�:</th> 
    <tr valign=top>

      <%if address2%>
<%end address2%>
      <br><%city%> <%state%> <%zipcode%>
      <%if country%>
<%end country%>
  <td><hr noshade></td>

    <table width=100%>
      <th>Fizet�si m�d</th>
      <th>Telj. d�tuma</th>
      <th>Sz�mla kelte</th>
    <td align=center><%shippingpoint%></td>
    <td align=center><%invdate%></td>    
    <td align=center><%crdate%></td>        
    <td align=center><%duedate%></td>        
    <td align=center><%ordnumber%></td>    
    <td align=center><%employee%></td>    
    <td align=center><font size=2><%invnumber%></font></td>    
  <td><hr noshade></td>
  <tr >
    <td height=470 valign=top>
    <table width=100% >
      <th align=right>&nbsp;</th>  
      <th align=left>�ru</th>
      <th align=left>Megnevez�s</th>
      <th align=left nowrap>VTSZ</th>
      <th align=right>Nett� egys�g�r</th>
<!--      <th><font color=ffffff>Disc</th> -->
      <th align=right>Nett� �sszeg</th>
      <th align=right>�FA%</th>
      <th align=right>�FA �sszeg</th>
      <th align=right>Brutt� �sszeg</th>

<%foreach number%>
    <tr valign=top>
      <td align=center><%runningnumber%>.</td>
      <td nowrap align=left><%number%></td>
      <td nowrap align=left><%description%></td>
      <td nowrap align=center><%bin%></td>
      <td align=center><%qty%></td>
      <td align=center><%unit%></td>
      <td align=right><%netprice%></td>
<!--      <td align=right><%discount%></td>  -->
      <td align=right><%linetotal%></td>
      <td align=right><%linetaxrate%></td>
      <td align=right><%taxamount%></td>
      <td align=right><%linetotal2%></td>
<%end number%>

you can also use netprice instead of sellprice if you
don't want to show the discount
netprice = sellprice - discount
to show the percentage for a discount use <%discountrate%>

      <td colspan=11><hr noshade></td>
<%if taxincluded%>
      <th colspan=9 align=right>Total</th>
      <td colspan=2 align=right><%invtotal%></td>
<%end taxincluded%>
<%if not taxincluded%>
      <th colspan=9 align=right>Nett� �sszesen</th>
      <td colspan=2 align=right><%subtotal%></td>
<%end taxincluded%>

<%foreach tax%>
      <th colspan=9 align=right>alap: <%taxbase%> r�ta: <%taxrate%> %</th>
      <td colspan=2 align=right><%tax%></td>
<%end tax%>

<%if paid%>
      <th colspan=9 align=right>Fizetve</th>
      <td colspan=2 align=right>- <%paid%></td>
<%end paid%>

      <td colspan=6>&nbsp;</td>
      <td colspan=5><hr noshade></td>

<!--      <td colspan=6>Fizet�si hat�rid�: <b><%terms%></b> nap</td> -->
      <th colspan=9 align=right>A sz�mla v�g�sszege:</th>
      <th colspan=2 align=right><%total%>&nbsp;Ft</th>



  <table width=100% >
    <tr valign=top>
<%if notes%>
      <td ></td>
<%end notes%>
      <td align=right>
<!--      All prices in <b><%currency%></b> Funds -->



<%if paid%>
  <td colspan=7>
    <table width=60% >
        <th align=left>Fizet�sek</th>
        <td colspan=4>
	  <hr noshade>
        <th align=left>D�tum</th>
	<th align=left>Sz�mla</th>
	<th align=left>Bizonylatsz�m</th>
	<th align=left>�sszeg</th>
<%end paid%>

<%foreach payment%>
<%end payment%>

<%if paid%>

<%end paid%>

  <th colspan=7>
<!--  <br>Thank you for your valued business! -->


  <table width=100% >
  <tr valign=top>
  <td><font size=-3>

    <td width=150>
    X <hr noshade>

<%foreach tax%>
<!--    <th colspan=7 align=left><font size=-2><%taxdescription%> Registration <%taxnumber%></th> -->
<%end tax%>

<%if taxincluded%>
    <th colspan=7 align=left><font size=-2>Taxes shown are included in price.</th>
<%end taxincluded%>

<!-- banking information
    <th colspan=7 align=left>Banking Information:
    <br>Transit No.
    <br>Account No.


