CREATE TABLE location ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, companyname text, address1 text, address2 text, city text, state text, country text, zipcode text ); CREATE SEQUENCE employee_id_seq; SELECT setval('employee_id_seq', (select max(id) + 1 FROM employee)); ALTER TABLE employee ADD COLUMN locations_id integer; ALTER TABLE employee ADD FOREIGN KEY (locations_id) REFERENCES location(id); ALTER TABLE employee ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT; ALTER TABLE employee ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('employee_id_seq'); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION location_save (in_id int, in_companyname text, in_address1 text, in_address2 text, in_city text, in_state text, in_zipcode text, in_country text) returns integer AS $$ DECLARE location_id integer; BEGIN UPDATE location SET companyname = in_companyname, address1 = in_address1, address2 = in_address2, city = in_city, state = in_state, zipcode = in_zipcode, country = in_country WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN return in_id; END IF; INSERT INTO location (companyname, address1, address2, city, state, zipcode, country) VALUES (in_companyname, in_address1, in_address2, in_city, in_state, in_zipcode, in_country); SELECT lastval('location_id_seq') INTO location_id; return location_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; create or replace function employee_save (in_id integer, in_location_id integer, in_employeenumber varchar(32), in_name varchar(64), in_address1 varchar(32), in_address2 varchar(32), in_city varchar(32), in_state varchar(32), in_zipcode varchar(10), in_country varchar(32), in_workphone varchar(20), in_homephone varchar(20), in_startdate date, in_enddate date, in_notes text, in_role varchar(20), in_sales boolean, in_email text, in_ssn varchar(20), in_dob date, in_iban varchar(34), in_bic varchar(11), in_managerid integer) returns int AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE employee SET location_id = in_location_id, employeenumber = in_employeenumber, name = in_name, address1 = in_address1, address2 = in_address2, city = in_city, state = in_state, zipcode = in_zipcode, country = in_country, workphone = in_workphone, homephone = in_homephone, startdate = in_startdate, enddate = in_enddate, notes = in_notes, role = in_role, sales = in_sales, email = in_email, ssn = in_ssn, dob=in_dob, iban = in_iban, bic = in_bic, manager_id = in_managerid WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN return in_id; END IF; INSERT INTO employee (location_id, employeenumber, name, address1, address2, city, state, zipcode, country, workphone, homephone, startdate, enddate, notes, role, sales, email, ssn, dob, iban, bic, managerid) VALUES (in_location_id, in_employeenumber, in_name, in_address1, in_address2, in_city, in_state, in_zipcode, in_country, in_workphone, in_homephone, in_startdate, in_enddate, in_notes, in_role, in_sales, in_email, in_ssn, in_dob, in_iban, in_bic, in_managerid); SELECT currval('employee_id_seq') INTO employee_id; return employee_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee_get (in_id integer) returns employee as $$ DECLARE emp employee%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO emp FROM employee WHERE id = in_id; RETURN emp; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee_list_managers (in_id integer) RETURNS SETOF employee as $$ DECLARE emp employee%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR emp IN SELECT * FROM employee WHERE sales = '1' AND role='manager' AND id <> coalesce(in_id, -1) ORDER BY name LOOP RETURN NEXT emp; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee_delete (in_id integer) returns void as $$ BEGIN DELETE FROM employee WHERE id = in_id; RETURN; END; $$ language plpgsql; -- as long as we need the datatype, might as well get some other use out of it! CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW employee_search AS SELECT e.*, AS manager FROM employee e JOIN employee m ON (e.managerid =; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION employee_search (in_startdatefrom date, in_startdateto date, in_name varchar, in_notes text, in_enddateto date, in_enddatefrom date) RETURNS SETOF employee_search AS $$ DECLARE emp employee_search%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR emp IN SELECT * FROM employee_search WHERE coalesce(startdate, 'infinity'::timestamp) >= coalesce(in_startdateto, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(startdate, '-infinity'::timestamp) <= coalesce(in_startdatefrom, 'infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(enddate, '-infinity'::timestamp) <= coalesce(in_enddateto, 'infinity'::timestamp) AND coalesce(enddate, 'infinity'::timestamp) >= coalesce(in_enddatefrom, '-infinity'::timestamp) AND lower(name) LIKE '%' || lower(in_name) || '%' AND lower(notes) LIKE '%' || lower(in_notes) || '%' AND (sales = 't' OR coalesce(in_sales, 'f') = 'f') LOOP RETURN NEXT emp; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql;