CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION voucher_get_batch (in_batch_id integer) RETURNS batches AS $$ DECLARE batch_out batches%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO batch_out FROM batches b WHERE = in_batch_id; RETURN batch_out; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION batch_post (in_batch text, in_login varchar, in_entered date, in_batch_number text, in_description text, in_id integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE batches SET batch_number = in_batch_number, description = in_description, entered = in_entered WHERE id = in_id; IF FOUND THEN RETURN in_id; END IF; INSERT INTO batches (batch, employee_id, batch_number, description, entered) VALUES (in_batch, (SELECT id FROM employees WHERE login = in_login), in_batch_number, description); RETURN currval('id'); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE TYPE voucher_list AS ( id int, reference text, description text, batch_id int, transaction_id integer, amount numeric, transaction_date date, batch_class text ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION voucher_list (in_batch_id integer) RETURNS SETOF voucher_list AS $$ declare voucher_item record; BEGIN FOR voucher_item IN SELECT, a.invnumber,, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.amount - a.paid, a.transdate, 'Payable' FROM voucher v JOIN ap a ON (v.trans_id = JOIN entity e ON (a.entity_id = WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND v.batch_class = (select id from batch_class WHERE class = 'payable') UNION SELECT, a.invnumber,, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.amount - a.paid, a.transdate, 'Receivable' FROM voucher v JOIN ar a ON (v.trans_id = JOIN entity e ON (a.entity_id = WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND v.batch_class = (select id from batch_class WHERE class = 'receivable') UNION SELECT, a.source, a.memo, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, a.amount, a.transdate, bc.class FROM voucher v JOIN acc_trans a ON (v.trans_id = a.trans_id) JOIN batch_class bc ON ( = v.batch_class) WHERE v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND a.voucher_id = AND bc.class like 'payment%' OR bc.class like 'receipt%' UNION SELECT, g.reference, g.description, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, sum(a.amount), g.transdate, 'gl' FROM voucher v JOIN gl g ON ( = v.trans_id) JOIN acc_trans a ON (v.trans_id = a.trans_id) WHERE a.amount > 0 AND v.batch_id = in_batch_id AND v.batch_class IN (select id from batch_class where class = 'gl') GROUP BY, g.reference, g.description, v.batch_id, v.trans_id, g.transdate ORDER BY 7, 1 LOOP RETURN NEXT voucher_item; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE TYPE batch_list_item AS ( id integer, batch_class text, description text, created_by text, created_on date, total numeric ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION batch_search(in_class_id int, in_description text, in_created_by_eid int, in_amount_gt numeric, in_amount_lt numeric, in_approved bool) RETURNS SETOF batch_list_item AS $$ DECLARE out_value batch_list_item; BEGIN FOR out_value IN SELECT, c.class, b.description, u.username, b.created_on, sum(coalesce(ar.amount - ar.paid, ap.amount - ap.paid, al.amount)) AS amount FROM batch b JOIN batch_class c ON (b.batch_class_id = JOIN users u ON (u.entity_id = b.created_by) JOIN voucher v ON (v.batch_id = JOIN batch_class vc ON (v.batch_class = LEFT JOIN ar ON ( = 2 AND v.trans_id = LEFT JOIN ap ON ( = 1 AND v.trans_id = LEFT JOIN acc_trans al ON (( = 5 AND v.trans_id = al.trans_id) OR ( IN (3, 4, 7, 8) AND al.voucher_id = AND al.amount > 0) WHERE = coalesce(in_class_id, AND b.description LIKE '%' || coalesce(in_description, '') || '%' AND coalesce(in_created_by_eid, b.created_by) = b.created_by AND ((coalesce(in_approved, false) = false AND approved_on IS NULL) OR (in_approved = true AND approved_on IS NOT NULL) ) GROUP BY, c.class, b.description, u.username, b.created_on HAVING sum(coalesce(ar.amount - ar.paid, ap.amount - ap.paid, al.amount)) >= coalesce(in_amount_gt, sum(coalesce(ar.amount - ar.paid, ap.amount - ap.paid, al.amount))) AND sum(coalesce(ar.amount - ar.paid, ap.amount - ap.paid, al.amount)) <= coalesce(in_amount_lt, sum(coalesce(ar.amount - ar.paid, ap.amount - ap.paid, al.amount))) LOOP RETURN NEXT out_value; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION batch_post(in_batch_id INTEGER) returns date AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE ar SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class = 2); UPDATE ap SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class = 1); UPDATE gl SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class = 5); UPDATE acc_trans SET approved = true WHERE id IN (select trans_id FROM voucher WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id AND batch_class IN (3, 4, 7, 8); UPDATE batch SET approved_on = now(), approved_by = (select entity_id FROM users WHERE login = SESSION_USER) WHERE batch_id = in_batch_id RETURN now()::date END;; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION batch_list_classes() RETURNS SETOF batch_class AS $$ DECLARE out_val record; BEGIN FOR out_val IN select * from batch_class LOOP return next out_val; END LOOP; END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION batch_create( in_batch_number text, in_description text, in_batch_class text) RETURNS int AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO batch (batch_class_id, description, control_code, created_by) VALUES ((SELECT id FROM batch_class WHERE class = in_batch_class), in_description, in_batch_number, (select entity_id FROM users WHERE username = session_user)); return currval('batch_id_seq'); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;